Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 436 The Story of the Guardian God

Chapter 436 The Story of the Guardian God (31)

"We want to know, have you decided on the choice at the coming-of-age ceremony?"

Princess Ji La was silent for a while,
"Dear mother and father, I"

"I want to keep it a secret for now."

she said softly.

Both the king and queen were taken aback.
Look at each other, some doubts,
"Dear daughter, we are your closest parents, can't you let us know in advance?"

"We just want to know your wishes, and we don't mean to say anything more, and we won't leak the secret."

The king vouched.

Princess Ji La hesitated, "Dear father and mother, please forgive my rudeness."

"On the day of the coming-of-age ceremony, I will tell my choice myself."

King Hanevi looked at her,
After a while, he sighed softly, nodded,
"Well, my dear daughter, we respect you."

"In this case, let's wait until the day of the coming-of-age ceremony, and then we will hear your choice."

The beautiful Princess Jila showed a smile, raised her skirt, and saluted gracefully,

"Thank you, father, and thank you, mother."

After Princess Jila left, Haniway looked at his wife with a trace of sadness on his face,
"Honey, you said... who will our daughter choose to be her patron saint?"

The queen shook her head, "Perhaps, only Ji La knows the answer."

"I hope... she can make a good choice herself."

she worried.

The beautiful Princess Jila returned to her palace and made the maids retreat.

The maid slowly closed the palace door, and then guarded the door.

inside the palace,
The princess, whose waist had been straight all the time, relaxed in an instant.

The delicate crystal slipper was casually taken off and kicked aside,
Bare and white feet, take off the crown on the top of the head,
The hair immediately became a little messy, and two strands of curly hair fell down.

The princess sat lazily on the velvet bed, propped her head, looked at the dark sky outside, seemed a little irritable,

Even though she is about to become an adult, she is still very unhappy.

Seems to be, not wanting to grow up to be an adult.

On her slender wrists, she wore beautiful crystal broken chains on both sides,
One is blue, one is red,
All of them glowed with extremely pure divine power, like stars shining brightly in the dark night.

The princess glanced at her wrist, then moved away,
He raised his hand and untied his long hair,

The flaxen curly hair that was as sunny as the sun soon covered her smooth shoulders.

Outside the high windows, the view is very good,
Although the scene is a little unclear at night,

But I can still clearly see the deep blue sea in the distance, and the sky with the bright moon hanging high.

The gentle sea breeze is a little cool at night, blowing waves on the sea surface one after another,

The sky is full of stars, and there are meteors passing by from time to time,

It was a very peaceful night with good dreams.

Ji La watched quietly, seemingly in a daze.

His eyes didn't move for a long time, his side face was silent.

after a long time,

She was sitting Xiaoteng, and there was a deep dent beside her.

She was surrounded by the whole body, gentle and gentle, without giving people a trace of disgust,
Ji La's eyes moved, but she didn't look back.

The strength on her waist tightened, and her hands were also held,
In the ears, the cool breath sprinkled on her cheeks, like tickling, light and soft,

Pull her hair slightly behind her ears, then kiss her ears,
There was a silent ambiguity between ears and temples.

(End of this chapter)

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