Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 437 The Story of the Guardian God

Chapter 437 The Story of the Guardian God (32)

Princess Jira's cheeks slowly turned red, like ripe cherries,

The cool breath behind her seemed unable to dispel the heat on her face,
Her ears were red, her eyes were lowered, her lips were slightly pursed, and she asked in a low voice,

"Crossell, have you and Asmodeus made a decision?"

The person behind her hummed softly in her ear, with a smile,

"Dear little princess, I will be your patron saint, and Asmodeus will marry you."

Princess Ji La nodded to show that she understood.
"This is a joint decision between the two of you, so neither you nor Asmodeus will be angry, will you?"

She tried to minimize the impact of this incident.

Crossel's deep blue eyes stared at her cheeks, warm and charming,

He leaned against her shoulder, smiled and said,
"My dear Kira, I think I'll still be very angry."

Because, the person who can marry her in name—is not him.

How can a mermaid bear to watch her beloved marry another man?

he thinks,

At this moment, he was so jealous that he was going crazy.

"." Ji La sighed, helplessly,

"Dear Crossel, you are a very good mermaid, you will take good care of me, right?"

The lover split into two, she had no choice but to marry one.

So after thinking about it, she still felt that Crossel had a good temper and could negotiate a compromise.

Asmodeus married her, Crossel became her patron saint,

Doing so will not be regarded as favoritism.

Crossel was smiling, and she was so gentle and friendly from the beginning to the end.

He hugged her quietly, his voice was as moving as the sounds of nature,

Word by word, as if explaining something,
"Dear Jira told me you'd make it up to me, wouldn't you?"

Ji La was stunned, "Compensation?"

"My little princess, even if Asmodeus marries you, you will be my partner, right?"

The Mermaid God whispered in her ear in an extremely gentle tone,
"Asmodeus can get you, I want to get you, and I want to get more."

"This is the compensation you should give me, and it cannot be refused."

Jira: "."

". Crossel, haven't you always wanted the position of the patron saint?"

"So. No need for compensation?"

"Why don't you need it?" Crossel gently stroked her shoulder and asked with a smile,
"Could it be that my little princess only wants to be Asmodeus' wife, but not mine?"

"Dear Ji La, if you can't agree to give me compensation, then I will kill Asmodeus and become your patron saint and your husband."

He spoke slowly, with a natural tone as if he was about to eat a meal.

Jira: "."

"Crossell, you—"

She was a little speechless.

After a while, she said helplessly,

"Okay. Dear Crossel, what kind of compensation do you want?"

Crossel's smile deepened,
The blue eyes are like the abyss in the bottom of the sea, cold and dark,
Has always been regarded as a friendly and benevolent mermaid god, whose arms are like an extremely thick chain, firmly trapping the prey,
With a smile on his face, his cold fingers slowly brushed across Ji La's warm cheeks.

It's like a poisonous snake spitting out snake letter, sticking to the lips, extremely cold,

"Dear little princess, I want you to admit - I am also your partner."

"Everything that Asmodeus can have, I want exactly the same, or even more."

 I've been too busy recently, and the status is not right, so there are [-] points... The update is unstable...

(End of this chapter)

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