Chapter 825 Born For You (14)

Gu Liang's fingers rested on the keyboard, as if he was contemplating something.

He basically doesn't read the readers' feedback. Now that his train of thought has been disrupted, he is thinking about the next plot.

Now that the previous one has been released and cannot be deleted, he plans to change the next plot back.

This is his newly written article, although it is only the beginning, but no matter what, the development of the plot cannot continue to deviate.

Gu Liang paused for a long time, and then began typing at the end of the plot.

And the frozen picture started to run again.

The beast that fainted in the hall finally woke up after sleeping for three days and three nights.

After waking up, the first thing he did was to go to the basement.

Sure enough, the food he had tied up in the basement had already escaped.

He suddenly flew into a rage and wanted to chase after him.

As a result, Mrs. Witch's witchcraft prevented him from leaving the castle. He slammed into the invisible wall, but to no avail.

The witch put a curse on him, so that he could only stay in the castle and become a beast in a cage.

He wanted to go out forcefully, but the moment he finally stepped out of the castle, he suddenly felt that all the strength in his body was draining away.

It was like a wooden barrel filled with water, and a piece of wood was suddenly taken away from the bottom of the barrel, all strength disappeared, and my whole body was aching.

The beast's face twisted together instantly in pain, howling and howling.

The crows hovered in the air above him, making wah-wah-wah sounds, which set off the dead silence around him.

At this time, the castle was like a swamp, pulling him, constantly dragging him in from the outside.

Finally, the Gothic castle gates slammed shut and silence returned.

And the beast was once again trapped in the castle, waiting for passers-by to break in.

The beast came to the magic mirror angrily, and looked at the outside world through the magic mirror.

He saw that the Movis family had left the village overnight and headed for a city that was extremely far away from the castle.

Their hut was empty by this time, nothing was left.

And just when the beast was about to close the magic mirror, it suddenly saw a family carrying their luggage and walking towards the hut from the depths of the forest.

In that family, there was an old father and three young and beautiful daughters.

They seem to have come from far away, intending to settle in the hut here.

And the three young and beautiful daughters are well-proportioned, with white and tender skin.

Their innocent smiles appeared in the picture of the magic mirror.

Standing in front of the magic mirror, the beast gradually revealed a strange smile.

After a long time, he closed the magic mirror.

Then, go on to care for his roses.

When the roses grow, his prey.
It will also be delivered to your door automatically.

Beast's mood returned to calm, and he didn't care about the Movis family who had moved away.

Inside the castle, it was still gloomy.

When Gu Liang wrote this, he wanted to officially return the plot.

A family moved in again, and then an old father came again, and picked roses in the castle again.

The beast is man-eating, and then designed to eat the old father and his eldest daughter.

In this way, all the plots went round and round, and after a reincarnation, he could follow his train of thought and continue writing.

as for the witch
Gu Liang put his dark eyes on the screen without moving, and slowly picked up the glass beside him with his beautiful hand.

(End of this chapter)

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