Chapter 826 Born For You (15)

It was already noon at this time, and it was still raining outside.

The rainwater pattered down the glass windows and turned into small water streams, which were crystal clear and reflected the light outside.

The room was still quiet, as if it was cut off from the noisy world outside.

Gu Liang picked up the water glass, and when he was about to drink, he realized that the water in the glass had been drunk.

He watched for two seconds, then glanced at the time.

At [-]:[-] noon, there are still six to seven hours before night.

There are no ingredients in the refrigerator, and it is empty.

He plans to go out shopping tonight, and he can only eat after shopping.

In this case, it will take a long time to wait.

Gu Liang lowered his eyelashes, and rubbed his fingertips on the cold glass.

He didn't touch the computer interface, got up, and walked out with a water glass.

The pointer on the wall is still turning frame by second, indicating the passage of time.

After Gu Liang got up, he didn't see that the fields that were originally fixed on the interface suddenly began to be automatically entered.

Long paragraphs of words began to emerge and filled up continuously.

And the originally stagnant plot also began to develop qualitatively.

The witch brought the wolf to a lush place.

It still seems to be in winter here, but the temperature is warmer than the original place.

The witch carried it into a cave, then glanced at its swollen belly, and said without emotion, "Your home is here, don't run around in the future, you understand?"

After eating and drinking, the big bad wolf slumped on the side of a big rock and ate his stomach, "My lord witch, thank you for your gift, so that I can have a full meal. As for running around? Don't run around."

"Wherever there is food, I will go there. This is not running around."

"." The cold and beautiful Lady Witch turned and left.

"There is plenty of food here, you will just stay here in the future."

She left a beautiful back, and then quickly disappeared.

The rest of the big bad wolves, who had enough to eat and drink, lazily turned over and fell asleep on the spot without moving.

After the big bad wolf fell asleep, outside the cave at this time, a little girl with a red velvet hat on her head passed by with a basket.

She was jumping up and down, carrying a basket, planning to deliver food to her grandmother who lived in the forest.

Along the way, she remembered what her mother had said to her before departure.

My mother said that there are big bad wolves in the forest, which can eat people, and they are particularly dangerous, so she must not leave the road or walk randomly.

Little Red Riding Hood always keeps her mother's words in mind, and she always looks around when she walks, as if she is wary of the big bad wolf.

But now, she was almost at her grandmother's house, and she didn't see the super dangerous wolf in the legend.

This can't help but disappoint the courageous girl Little Red Riding Hood.

She carried the basket and walked on.

But when she passed the cave, she suddenly heard a snoring sound coming from inside.

Loud and loud, like thunder.

The very curious Little Red Riding Hood was startled, and then walked in cautiously to have a look.

She saw a big bad wolf!

The author says:

Don't ask why the wolf snores, because it's a fairy tale!fairy tale!fairy tale!
The "Three Little Pigs" next door can build walls, let alone the big bad wolf snoring?
(End of this chapter)

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