Chapter 853 Born For You (42)

Yun Si said empathetically again: "It will be the same in the future, if a woman wants to force you or something, don't be a gentleman, you have to resist if you should resist, otherwise."

A person like him who doesn't know how to resist is afraid that he will be bullied until there is no scum left.

She didn't continue her words, but Gu Liang seemed to understand what she meant.

He lowered his head and still didn't speak.

The eyelashes drooped softly, blocking his black pupils, quietly.

I don't know what he is thinking at the moment.

Yun Si looked at him with his head down, his short pure black hair looked extraordinarily fluffy and soft under the light.

She stretched out her hand, touched it, and hooked her lips.

"Our little Gu is good, a good boy is obedient."

If not obedient?
He was obedient after a beating.

The goblin smiled.

#Reader Comment Area#
"The second month when the author disappeared greatly, I miss him, miss him, miss him."

"Waiting makes me tired. Alas, I look forward to the update every day. It's a pity. It seems that I really don't plan to write this article."

"This is the first time Da Da has abandoned the pit, unprecedented, and there is no news at all, my God."

"Woooooooooo, my lord witch who cries every day."

"No, even if the update is stopped, can you push the plot a little bit further! Poor child, can anyone tell this poor child, who is Miss Witch missing? The child really wants to know , is it possible that Mrs. Witch has any other emotional lines?"

"Don't think about it upstairs. Judging from the situation of the shutdown, no one knows what the witch is thinking. After the pit is abandoned, this may become a thousand-year unsolved mystery."

"Is Da Da sick? Or is he really broken in love and has been drinking to drown his sorrows?"

"Where's the person who made the bet before? How long has it been since he came out to ask for an explanation? I'm afraid he's going to seal his pen?"

"Hey, even if it's an abandonment, it's fine to start a new book again. This one can't be written anymore, so you can write other ones! It's a big deal, and there will be no more heroines in the future."

"I agree with the upstairs! It is very likely that I can't write any more, and I don't know how to describe positive female characters, so I did it"

"It's better to wait for Da Da to open a new article. Anyway, this article, the child has no hope."

"My minister agrees!"

"The minister also agrees!"

It was two o'clock in the afternoon on Wednesday, working hours on weekdays.

In a large supermarket chain outside the community, there are not many people, just a few in twos and threes, very free.

Several cashiers stood idly at the cash register, chatting with each other.

The trumpet sound of discounted products is played in a loop in the dish area. In the seafood freezing area, the air-conditioning is lingering, and the shelves are full of neatly arranged frozen fish.

It's hot outside, if you enter the supermarket at this time, you can feel a piece of comfort.

The cashiers were leaning on the cashier counter, chatting from time to time, looking away from time to time, and whispering.

"Hey, look, that young lady is the one I mentioned to you before, she looks really good-looking!"

"Mom, her hair color is also amazing, I'm going to dye it some other day."

"Her eyes are beautiful too. God, I've never seen a person who wears colored contact lenses so naturally."

"By the way, is that young lady a newcomer? I haven't seen her before."

(End of this chapter)

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