Chapter 854 Born For You (43)

"Yes, she just moved here recently, saying she is living with her boyfriend."

"Her boyfriend? The man standing next to her now?"

"I think it should be, look at them, they are all holding hands."

"Ah, it can be seen that her boyfriend should like her very much."

"Such a beautiful young lady, who doesn't like it?"

"...The truth, but, her boyfriend blocked her so tightly? Is it because he's too ugly?"

"No way? Look at that height, look at that arm, he should be a handsome guy at first glance."

"That's not necessarily the case. These days, there are few cases where the back is good-looking and the front face is wretched? But, come to think of it, such a good-looking lady should not find a particularly ugly one."

Several cashiers were having a lively discussion, and they didn't notice at all that the manager had been standing by them for a long time.

The manager's aunt smiled, raised her hand and hammered two or three on their heads, "What are you all doing now?!"

"You know, now, yes, work, time?!"

The cashiers all hugged their heads.

"Wrong, wrong, we were wrong!"

"We're going to work, we're going to work!"

Under the roar of the manager's aunt, they stood back to their posts as quietly as chickens, not daring to speak.

That's the end of the gossip topic just now.

When the aunt's cursing voice was heard in the supermarket, Yun Si, who was picking vegetables, looked up.

She was wearing a simple white cotton dress, and her long foggy gray hair had been braided and hung behind her.

Hearing the movement over there, she didn't pay much attention, turned around and threw the picked vegetables into the shopping cart.

Beside her, a tall and thin man wearing a peaked cap and a black mask, lowered his head, quietly pushed the car, and followed her.

When passing by the seafood area, Yun Si took a look and asked him, "Do you eat fish? Or, do you eat other seafood?"

The man seemed to shake his head, but hesitated, then nodded again.

Yun Si immediately began to pick.

Picking and picking, she suddenly seemed to think of something, and turned to look at him, "Are you allergic to seafood?"

The man was taken aback.

"You, how do you know?"

Yun Si put down the fish she picked, and looked at him helplessly, "I saw medicine for allergies in the cabinet at home, so I guessed it."

"Why didn't you tell me about your seafood allergy?"

"." He lowered his head and remained silent.

And like a kid who did something wrong.

Yun Si walked over, "Any other allergies? You can tell me, I will remember."

He looked up at her slightly.

After meeting her gaze, he quickly dodged away and lowered his head.

"I...can't eat fungus."

Yun Si nodded, and casually took out the fungus from the car, "Is there any more?"

"Beans and beans, you can't eat either."

The peas and soybeans in the car were also taken out.

"Also, you can't eat mangoes."

I didn't buy this one.

Yun Si flipped through the dishes in the cart, "Is there any more?"

". No. No more."

"Are you sure it's gone?"


Yun Si did the math, seafood, beans, fungus, mango.

She read it in her mind and remembered it.

"If there is anything you can't eat in the future, remember to tell me, you know?"

".it is good."

He bowed his head, inexplicably obedient.

Yun Si stopped looking at the seafood section and started picking other meats.

After buying a lot of ingredients, the two of them checked out and left under the curious look of the cashier.

(End of this chapter)

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