Chapter 855 Born For You (44)

The man still deliberately avoided other people's sight as before, and followed Yun Si quietly.

When he was carrying his things home, the cashier looked through the window and could still see the man carrying two big bags in one hand and his girlfriend in the other, and disappeared at the gate of the community.

He is obviously thin and tall, and looks a little weak, but he doesn't expect that his strength is so great.

The cashier muttered a few words in his mind, and then went back to work.




Back home, after closing the door, Yun Si stood on tiptoe before she could change her shoes, and took off Gu Liang's peaked cap and mask.

After revealing that ugly yet beautiful face, Yun Si kissed him on the left and right cheeks.

The man's ears were slightly red, but it was not as big as before.

Even after Yun Si finished kissing him, he would imitate her kiss on the cheek.

Kiss both left and right, then quickly withdraw.

After the daily kisses, Gu Liang quietly put the bought ingredients back into the refrigerator, and arranged them neatly.

Yun Si was wearing newly bought slippers, with her hands behind her back, watching behind him, tilting her head slightly.

"You seem to like to be clean?"

It's not just him, in his last life, last life, last last life, in short every life, he loves to be clean.

I like to put everything neatly, even the clothes have to be folded squarely, without wrinkles, like a piece of lentil curd.

Gu Liang turned around, not understanding why she asked, "Don't you like it?"

Yun Si blinked, "That's not true, it's good to love cleanliness, I'm just a little surprised."

Gu Liang didn't speak, just looked at her quietly.

Yun Si had always thought that men were the kind who were unkempt, sloppy, and even often picked their feet and sweared.

But his appearance really made her discover for the first time that there are men who like to be clean and tidy up.

When he was in Taolin before, he tidied up all her things, even her underwear.

So to her, he is not so much a master as a perfect father-like existence.

In other words, probably what father can do is not as much as he can do.

She was still thinking before, is it because of his habit that he likes to be clean, or is it just his nature?
Now it seems that the answer is very clear.

A virtuous beauty is virtuous no matter what she becomes.

The little goblin raised her lips and narrowed her eyes, as if she was in a good mood.

Walked over, hugged him, kissed him, and stroked his hair, "Don't worry, kids who love cleanliness are the most likable."

Because in this way, her obsession with cleanliness can finally be tolerated by someone.

Yun Si is satisfied with the man she likes.

Half a year after the story of "Fairy Tale House" stopped, when Gu Liang boarded the computer again, there were so many messages in the background that his computer froze.

He still didn't read the comment section, but read all the previous plots.

This time, he read it carefully, word by word.

Start browsing from the front, especially when the character of the lord witch appears, he always has to look at it several times.

When he saw the end, he watched it quietly for a long time.

Then, click the mouse, and the input box stays on the last line.

He deleted the three words he typed before, and then started typing on the keyboard.

Type one word at a time, and write the completion notice.

(End of this chapter)

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