Chapter 870 Marriage First, Love Later (9)

Yun Sizai searched carefully several times, but found no additional clues.

If it was really a homicide, then the perpetrator's method was really good, leaving no trace.

While watching, Yun Si commented in her heart.

After checking with a flashlight, she found that there was indeed nothing abnormal here. She stood in the room for a while, and then left.

After she left, she turned off the lights by the way.

As a result, the rental house where someone died became extremely dark and gloomy in an instant.

It was like the abyssal mouth of an evil spirit, baring its fangs and claws, waiting for its prey.

the next day.

When Yun Si came to the police station, before she could say that the case was full of doubts, she received the news that the case was closed.

Qiu Qizhong committed suicide, and his motivation was - he wanted to provide a better life for his wife and children, but unfortunately, he was too stressed and couldn't think about it for a while, so he hanged himself.

The entire process from filing to closing the case took less than 24 hours.

The case was concluded in a hurry, as if someone had done an invisible push behind the scenes.

Qiu Qizhong's body was also sent to the crematorium for cremation, and the only remaining autopsy report also stated that he was suspected of committing suicide by hanging himself.

Interesting, really interesting.

Yun Si came back from the group meeting and looked at the case report with great interest.

It was obviously suspicious, but the police just couldn't see it.

I don't know if I really don't know, or pretend not to know.

Yun Si held her chin and curled her lips slightly.

Xiao Lin next to her saw her appearance, looked around again, and then came over.

"Yun Si, you don't want to continue investigating this matter, do you?"

Yun Si glanced at her, with a deep smile, "How could it be? Even the director-general said that Qiu Qizhong committed suicide. How dare I overthrow the director-general?"

Xiao Lin breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, "If you don't check it, it's fine if you don't check it."

"Let me tell you, we work here, we should pay more attention to everything, and don't always rush forward like a fool."

Xiao Lin looked around again, and whispered in her ear, "Just the last one, the last one who sat in your seat, the newcomer has only joined the job for a few days, maybe he is too excited, and always feels that nothing is right, I always feel that this case is a homicide case, that case is not right or something, so I always want to investigate, always thinking that there is some evidence that she has missed. Then... in a group meeting, she directly contradicted the director on the spot .”

Yun Si raised her eyebrows, "Then she was fired?"

"Basically, the team leader stopped assigning cases to her, and didn't let her go out to work, and everyone pushed her out, and then she resigned."

Xiao Lin said, "You have not been here for long, and I think you are a very nice person, so I would like to remind you, don't be too curious about everything, otherwise."

"It's really possible that curiosity killed the cat."

She looked serious, really serious.

Yun Si raised her eyebrows, but said nothing.

After two seconds, she snapped the folder shut, pinched her face with a smile,

"Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion. Of course, I will listen to the director's words."

She has some meaning.

In the evening, Yun Si got off work normally, and walked out of the police station with her bag on her shoulders.

Before she took two steps, the phone in her bag rang.

Take it out and have a look - cheap mom.

Yun Si: "."

She hung up blankly and turned off the phone by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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