Chapter 871 Marriage First, Love Later (10)

Walking to the side of the street, before taking two steps, a luxury car stopped beside her.

Stopped steadily, and then, the window slowly opened.

Inside, a charming lady was wearing an elegant and slim half-length cheongsam, sitting on the back seat, looking at her with a smile, curly hair, soft voice, "Miss Yun."

".you are?"

"Hi, I'm Huo Zhiyuan's mother, Bai Zhirong, you can call me Auntie Bai."

"." Huo Zhiyuan?who?
Yun Si thought quickly in her mind for two seconds.

But soon, she seemed to have realized something, smiled politely, and bowed slightly, "Hello, Auntie."

Bai Zhirong smiled slightly, her tone was still soft, she seemed to be a southern girl.

"Is it convenient to get in the car and chat?" she asked.

Yun Si was silent for a while.

"Okay, then I will trouble Auntie."

It's a blessing, not a disaster, it's a disaster that can't be avoided.

Yun Si got into the car calmly and sat on the other side of the rear seat.

Bai Zhirong looked at her gently, always with a just right smile on her face, not too much, not too little.

"You are beautiful." She said softly.

The little girl didn't wear makeup, but she looked very good, beautiful but not gaudy, natural and soft, and very majestic.

It's no wonder that he can fall into those extremely critical eyes.

Bai Zhirong smiled deeper.

Yun Si couldn't figure out what she was thinking, so she smiled back, neither humble nor overbearing, "Thank you for the compliment, Auntie is also very beautiful."

Bai Zhirong smiled and nodded.

The luxury car immediately started driving.

"It's getting late, has Miss Yun had dinner?"

".not yet."

"So, would Ms. Yun be willing to show her face and come to our Huo's house for dinner?"

Bai Zhirong always speaks in a soft voice, with the soft-spoken accent of Jiangnan women.

But even so, she also gives people a feeling of pressing every step of the way.

As if if she didn't honor her face, she would become the most sinful and unforgivable.

Yun Si smiled calmly and nodded, "Then respect is worse than obedience."

When she came to the Huo family's house, Yun Si discovered that it was true that Yang Guixian said that the Huo family was extremely rich.

The white wooden fence, the pointed maroon roof, and the green lawn are full of exotic atmosphere.

Looking from a distance, the Roman-style inner courtyard is combined with the column-style courtyard, and the white marble from Greece constitutes an elegant courtyard with a column-style courtyard.

In the center of the huge and wide courtyard, there is also a large bronze sculpture fountain, crystal water droplets splashed on the surrounding roses, shining charmingly under the night lights.

The circular arched windows and the stone masonry at the corners are both classic and cheerful.

The steeple-shaped slanted roof, plastered wooden frame and column decoration, natural building materials and vines attached to it complement each other, luxurious and extremely quiet and elegant.

This place is even bigger than the prince's castle in the previous fairy tales, and the area of ​​the manor is even beyond imagination.

Walking into the house, the first thing you can see is the extremely luxurious hall.

The complicated lamps gave off a cold light, and the high walls on all sides cast dark shadows on the soft carpet.

The imported padded chair on the pure black incense wood table seems to be weightless, soft and soft, so comfortable that Yun Si almost wants to blurt out - where did you buy this thing.

She underestimated the luxury of the Huo family, but when she saw it today, her heart was not fluctuating, she just wanted to know what brand the cushion was.

When she gets home, she will buy one herself.

Oh no, it's two.

(End of this chapter)

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