Chapter 873 Marriage First, Love Later (12)

Indeed, the Huo family has a great business, and the territory of the business empire is unimaginably large.

As Yang Guixian said before, this family is a big fat sheep, and if you go up and rub a little, you can get a lot of oil and water.

However, such a big fat sheep insisted on sending it to her like this, insisting on her taking it.

If she didn't agree, she forced her to do so, and even used tricks to get her marriage certificate to force her to marry.

Among them, there was no request, no compulsive or insulting request.

As if, really just fancy her.

But is this possible? ? ?
Yun Si felt very strange.

She didn't say a word, looking at Bai Zhirong's relaxed posture, it seemed that she finally had the patience to listen.

But obviously, Bai Zhirong had no intention of going on.

She glanced upstairs and smiled gracefully.

"If Miss Yun really wants to know the answer, why don't you go up and meet him?"

"I think he would welcome you."


Yun Si's forehead suddenly popped.

To be honest, she really hates this kind of people who deliberately try to keep things secret.

Especially like this, words always have multiple meanings.

She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down, and replied: "Auntie, what you mean is that he chose me, not you?"

Bai Zhirong looked at her for a long time, then smiled and nodded, which was an answer.

"Miss Yun may not know that the children of our Huo family have always been free to choose marriage, and they will not be determined for life just by what their parents say."

"Generally speaking, we all respect children's choices. If children like it, we naturally don't say much."

"So, when Zhiyuan chose you, although I was a little surprised, I wouldn't interfere. It's just that I wanted to make a good thing happen."

She spoke slowly, her tone was still gentle and soft, and the sharpness between the lines seemed to be less.

With a well-maintained slender hand, she gently raised her ear-length short hair, revealing her elegant and delicate pearl earrings, with a gentle posture.

"Of course, if Miss Yun is really unwilling."

She looked at her with a smile.

"Can we make a decision after meeting him?"

"In this way, you won't be beaten to death with a stick, will you?"


She does have a point.

Yun Si relaxed her fingertips, and lowered her eyes indifferently.

After being silent for a while, she nodded her head as a relief.

Bai Zhirong immediately asked her servant to take her upstairs.

Before going upstairs, Yun Si saw Bai Zhirong sitting quietly on the sofa from a distance, her back was beautiful and elegant.

Another maid came up and seemed to be talking to her, but she was still soft-spoken and her attitude was gentle.

It is conceivable that such a well-educated and thoughtful woman should not be too bad at teaching children.

Thinking of it this way, she was a little curious about what the legendary Mr. Huo looked like.

She looked away and followed the maid upstairs.

The surrounding area was extremely quiet.

Yun Si glanced over, and there were famous paintings and porcelain everywhere, but there were very few photos of the owner.

Or rather, not at all.

Yun Si scanned around, but was not interested.

But in his heart, he was planning to get rid of the family early and then go home to sleep.

Soon, the maid brought her to a door, bowed,

"Miss Yun, just open the door and go in."

".No need to knock?"

"If it's you, it shouldn't be necessary."



There was no fluctuation in Yun Si's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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