Chapter 874 Marriage First, Love Later (13)

Yun Si pushed the door open and went in.

The maid then helped to close the door.

Yun Si's nose moved suddenly.

In the next second, the calm on her face broke slightly.

The faint breath in the air finally made her have the patience to find out, and she glanced inside suddenly.

The originally slow pace also sped up all of a sudden, and came to the center of the room.

In the room, the light is slightly dim.

The pendant crystal lamp only emits a faint light, as if it is in night mode.

The room was very large and spacious. Under the slightly dim light, everything could be seen clearly, but it also added a bit of inexplicable haze.

Yun Si looked at the closed curtains.

It was connected to the balcony, and there was wind on the balcony, and the wind blew the light curtain, opened a corner, and then quickly fell down.

In the room, everything was quiet.

No one but herself.


Yun Si rubbed her nose and frowned slightly.

The tip of his nose moved silently, as if he was carefully identifying something.

Although there was no one here, perhaps because he had lived here for a long time, some of his soul's aura remained here.

Yun Si's gaze immediately turned to the neatly laid big bed.

After staring at it for a while, she walked over, picked up the pillow, and put it in front of her nose to sniff.

Like a puppy, with an expressionless face.

After a few seconds, she put down the pillow and turned her eyes to the red book on the bedside table.

It was also a brand-new marriage certificate, with gold-plated letters on it, as if hiding a huge weight, it was pressed tightly, and the contents inside could not be seen clearly.

Yun Si picked it up, stared silently at the three large characters on the marriage certificate, and then looked at the pillows on the bed.

Open it slowly, there are only two pages inside.

Holder, date of registration.

What's more, the wedding photo synthesized by computer.


At this moment, Yun Si had already planned in her heart to refuse to speak, as if it was stuck in her throat, and she couldn't say a word.

The current mood is full of mixed flavors, as if a seasoning bottle has been knocked over, and I can't tell whether I should laugh or feel helpless.

She stared at the computer-generated photo, slightly covered it with her fingertips, and stroked it.

After looking at it for a long time, the eyes are slightly soft, and the corners of the lips are also slightly raised.

Visible to the naked eye, the mood seems to be happy.

She looked at the photo, then closed the ID.

Put it back in its original position, and arrange the pillows neatly by the way.

She looked around and walked casually.

Just watching, nothing moved.

Everything in the room is neatly arranged, as if no one has ever lived in it.

But Yun Si was completely used to it,

Because if the object is really him, then everything seems to make sense.

after all
Probably only he has such a perverted obsessive-compulsive disorder.

She approached the cloakroom, crossed her arms, and looked up into it.

After watching for a while, still nothing moved, turned and left.

Quietly, inexplicably calm.

After leaving the room door, the maid was still waiting.

Yun Si glanced at her and said, "Mr. Huo is not inside."

The maid seemed to know about this, and she replied softly, "Then Miss Yun, do you want to wait a while? I think Mr. Huo will be back soon."

Yun Si didn't answer, she closed the door and asked, "This is really where Mr. Huo lives? Are you sure?"

The maid froze for a moment, as if she didn't understand why she asked such a question.

(End of this chapter)

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