Chapter 889 Marriage First, Love Later (28)

Plop and plop, plop and plop.

His slightly sandy voice seemed particularly bewitching in this silent night.

The gentleness between the fingertips, when gently swipe, makes people's ears burn slowly.

Reddened and crispy.

Yun Si's fingertips trembled slightly.

After a long time, she slowly closed her eyes.

Silently, the arm hooked around his neck.

Ah Yuan...

I like her the most, A Yuan.

She closed her eyes with gentle brows.

A long time ago, Yun Si never felt how important love words were.

When she was a heartless little goblin, she felt that men in the world were all the same, smelly and obscene.

In hell, there are many lonely ghosts who will stay together in twos and threes, form temporary companions, and hang around.

Those male ghosts, with all kinds of sweet words, can always coax the female ghosts into elation and jealousy.

There are also a lot of words that come out of the mouths of those nasty ghosts, which are simply blatant teasing, which makes people sick.

At that time, Yun Si felt that the affectionate words between men and women were extremely disgusting and disgusting.

Po Meng laughed at her incomprehension, and she scoffed at it.

In her eyes, the affairs of men and women are just the moon in the mirror, and the affairs of romance are not worth mentioning.

In the past, she was extremely free and easy, extremely transparent, and she had never looked directly at any man.


She never thought that one day, she would work hard for a man, to make him say the simplest love words.

She wants him to fall in love with her, and wants him to surrender under her skirt.

She had a particularly strong desire to conquer and possess him.

I want to look at him who is covered in snow and pure white, that clear-cut face is stained with a charming and bewildering look.

I want to have only myself and no others in those pure and clear eyes.

She even wanted to monopolize his most extreme tenderness.

These are feelings she has never experienced before, very novel and very strong.

She likes him like she likes a perfect artwork without any flaws.

Want to possess, want complete exclusivity.

She is a free and easy person, she will chase after if she likes it.

Rubbing against his peach grove shamelessly, and pestering him shamelessly, stepping on his bottom line bit by bit.


Many years later, when Yun Si recalled that time, she would often think—if she had chosen not to pursue him, would she...wouldn't be so concerned about gains and losses?

At some point, she began to feel inferior, became extremely sensitive, and also became... more and more timid.

She is a flamboyant fire, but in the bottom of her heart, it has long been dimmed, leaving only ashes all over the ground.

She began to care about other people's eyes, caring about other people's comments, and the undisguised mocking eyes.

He was so perfect, as perfect as the only dazzling light in the sky, exposing all the cowardice in her heart.

She began to become more and more restless, more sensitive, and more and more silent.

The better he treats her, the more she hates herself.

He hated his origin, hated his identity, and even hated everything about himself.

In this way, all the emotions were tightly suppressed in her heart, she kept silent and endured it all the time.

In the end, until that day, she heard him say that the Bana flower is only mediocre.

(End of this chapter)

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