Chapter 890 Marriage First, Love Later (29)

A gentle person, when he said that sentence, his tone was still infinitely gentle.


When such words are said in the most tender tone, the irony can be maximized.

When those words fell, she didn't cry, but turned around and left.

Strongly, one person hid.

Where no one saw it, her eyes were completely red, and tears fell drop by drop.

The heartless little fairy finally tasted the feeling of heartache on this day.

The pain was as if a knife had been stabbed in, making her press her chest tightly, as if trying to suppress the pain that made her breathless.

She wept silently, without making a sound.

But the emotions that had been backlogged to the extreme in his chest had completely exploded.

All the low self-esteem and lowliness made her look like a defeated chicken, full of embarrassment.

He could only hide in a corner where no one was around, licking his wound, and constantly suppressing his crying.

That day, she cried for a long time.

Crying from day to night, alone, huddled in a corner.

She didn't know how long she had been crying until he came to find her and found the place where she was hiding.

At that time, her only remaining pride and self-esteem made her straighten her back even in defeat, frank and frank.

She pushed him away hard, yelled at him, said all the decisive things.

She couldn't remember how many ugly things she said at that time.

I just remember that he stood there quietly, looking at her, and listening to her yelling all the words.

That was probably the first time she was so heart-piercing, disregarding her image at all.

She must have looked ugly at the time, with red and swollen eyes, and her voice was extremely sharp.

But her emotions have already collapsed, and she no longer wants to take care of it.

Even, there is no need to take care of it anymore.

When she said she wanted to leave, she really intended to leave completely, and she would never look back.

That was the last bit of pride she had left, and she would never tolerate being so ridiculous.

She lost her composure in front of him, venting her emotions, and her voice became even hoarse in the end.

And he, looking at her quietly, has not spoken.

Dressed in white, she is always so gentle and beautiful to the bone.

She made such a fuss, until the end, he didn't seem to be angry.

Only when she turned to leave, he seemed to sigh.

That sigh, like a spring breeze, seemed to hide endless affection, and also carried a bit of gentleness.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed her tightly, so that she couldn't shake it off.

She turned and glared at him,
But in the next second, the slightly cool and moist lips covered her lips, like a snow-capped mountain and clear stream, gently caressing her lips.

"Silly girl."

This was the first sentence he said when he kissed her.

A long and gentle kiss, with lingering lips and teeth, and the snow-white fingertips also covered the flower tin on her forehead.

This was the first time he had kissed her actively when she was awake.

Controlling the initiative, he slowly grabbed her waist.

Many years later, when Yun Si recalled it again, she could only remember her at that time - she was dazzled by his beauty, and the rationality that had finally returned to her mind collapsed again.

He hugged her, stroked her long hair gently, wiped away the tears from her eyes, and also dissipated the coldness all over her body.

His arms were always warm, and that day was no exception.

The tender and lingering kiss is like silent love words.

(End of this chapter)

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