Chapter 167

"Chen Yi!" Fang Ya was furious, slamming every word: "Did you roll up by yourself, or should I grab you?"

The same is raising children, why are other people's children so obedient and sensible, just her son, from time to time he has to do something to anger her.Really... Fang Ya wished she could put her back in the furnace and remake it.

"Oh, mom, mom, don't be angry..." Chen Yi smiled uglier than crying.

"Get out of here!"

"Then you promise me that you won't be angry!"

Xiao Shunzi and the others silently looked at Chen Yi who was still raising conditions, and felt speechless for a while. He dared to make conditions at this time. Don't they know that you can't make conditions with adults?

Moreover, when you do something wrong, you will be beaten even worse, right?
Of course, this is their experience.

"I'm not angry!" Fang Ya said, adding in her heart, I'm going to explode with anger.

"No, you lied to me, you are obviously angry." Chen Yi shook his head, and took a few steps back: "I'm not stupid, you have to promise me, you can't beat me."

"Okay, I won't beat you up, come up quickly, we have to go back, or it will be too late when we get home."

When Chen Yi saw it, although he still felt a little uneasy, he couldn't think of it, so he obediently washed his hands and feet and went ashore.

Fang Ya looked at the mud splashed on Chen Yi's body, and she became even more angry. As soon as he came to him, she turned around and left first.

If she didn't leave, she couldn't help but beat her up.

Chen Yi was dawdling at first, but when he saw his mother leaving first, he didn't think too much about it. He was slightly relieved, and after a quick chat with Xiao Shunzi, he followed.

Zhuangzi: "Chen Yi's mother is quite tolerant of him." He thought that Chen Yi would definitely be beaten.

Little Six patted the back of Zhuang Zi's head: "You are stupid, didn't you see that Aunt Fang's face is already blue with anger?"

"That didn't happen!"

"If you don't fight this time, you will fight more fiercely!"

"Huh?" Zhuangzi was puzzled.

Xiao Shunzi said leisurely: "Close the door and fight, so there will be nowhere to run."

As soon as the words came out, everyone immediately understood, it really is, anyway, they are speaking from experience.

Several people looked at each other, Qiqi looked at Chen Yi's shrinking figure, and mourned Chen Yi in his heart.

Bai Xi had just had lunch and asked Chen Rui to send two catties of honey to Chen Weiguo, which was her thank you gift for the help of the husband and wife.

Before Chen Rui went out, Bai Xi vaguely heard Chen Yi crying, and stopped him again.

"Grandma, do you have any orders?"

"You can go later, they are busy now." Strange, why did they beat Chen Yi again, could it be that they misjudged something and thought they were ghosts?

"Huh?" Chen Rui was even more puzzled when she heard the words: "What are you busy with? Auntie, how do you know they are busy?"

"I just know it."

Chen Rui still wanted to ask, so she glanced at Xiao Hei and thought, probably Xiao Hei heard something and told her aunt.

Xiao Hei looked at Chen Rui and said to himself, but it has nothing to do with me, the master heard it himself.

Xiao Shunzi and the others made a detour to pass by the door of Chen Yi's house when they went home for dinner. They heard Chen Yi's crying and howling inside, and they looked at each other with a look on their faces that we guessed right. expression.

No way, it’s hard to guess wrong.

Only the faint cries of Chen Yi begging for mercy and admitting his mistakes could be heard mixed with Chen Weiguo's exasperated voice.

Fang Ya didn't break her promise, she didn't do anything, she just entered the room and glanced at Chen Weiguo angrily, sat aside, turned her head to the side, Chen Weiguo looked at this posture, and then looked at Chen Yi who was following behind and dawdling into the room , I still don't know what's going on.

Chen Yi was beaten, but Fang Ya didn't calm down, and said a word from time to time, making Chen Weiguo unable to stop even if he wanted to.

When Chen Rui got permission to deliver honey to Chen Weiguo's family, she heard Chen Yi's crying inside, and then she understood what was going on.

Because Bai Xi asked Chen Rui to bring honey, Chen Yi was spared.

Don't look at Chen Yi nodding like a quail to admit his mistake, and he picked up his previous thoughts again. In this village, only his aunt can suppress his father. He must let his aunt clean up his father one day!
Chen Daliu knew that Bai Xi's going to the city was three days after Chen Weiguo's family returned to the city.

"Chen Weiguo said that there is a new department store in the city, and I want to go and have a look."

It turned out that Chen Weiguo said this, no wonder.Chen Daliu understood, and immediately nodded: "Since my aunt wants to go and have a look, then I'll get a bullock cart tomorrow morning and come to pick up my aunt."

Bai Xi: "Ask everyone, if anyone wants to go, or wants to bring something, write it down, and help bring it back when the time comes."

Chen Daliu responded with a smile. My aunt is not very old, but she has a heart. My aunt remembers what I said casually last time.

the next day.

Bai Xi cleaned up early, touched Xiao Hei's head, and went downstairs without saying anything.

After Bai Xi got into the bullock cart, Chen Daliu loaded the bamboo baskets and pots onto the bullock cart, making sure that he would not fall down while driving, then turned the bullock cart and headed for the city.

Bai Xi didn't bring the prey that Xiao Hei had killed, so he couldn't sell it too often, otherwise, if the news leaked out, Niuluo Village would be in bad luck.

Besides, this is high-priced meat, and if the buyer gets jealous, it will be bad.

Bai Xi's premonition was true. Someone really was eyeing Chen Weiguo with jealousy, but because he hadn't sold any meat and couldn't find evidence, he couldn't find any evidence after waiting for two or three months, so he had to let it go.

Of course, this is a follow-up.

"Grandma, these are freshly baked pancakes, made by my mother." Chen Xiaocong smiled and handed a paper bag to Bai Xi with both hands.

Knowing that his aunt was going to the city, he hurriedly begged his father to take him with him, and his mother got up early in the morning to feed them food for the city, but Chen Xiaocong felt that cooking for the aunt was the main thing, he and his father just dropped by of.

This bag of pancakes was mixed with eggs, and cornmeal mixed with white flour. There were only ten sheets, and it looked like it was for her.

Bai Xi was not polite either, after eating a warm pancake, she stuffed the rest into her arms.

With the cover of the cloak, Bai Xi stuffed the pancakes into the bag, touched the eggs that Chen Zhaodi had cooked yesterday, took out two, and gave one to Chen Daliu and Chen Xiaocong.

"Grandma, this is impossible!"

Bai Xi scolded with a smile: "You talk a lot of nonsense, I brought five, you guys eat quickly."

Chen Daliu smiled and took it.My aunt is generous and loves the younger generation. If they refuse again, it will be disrespectful.

Chen Xiaocong saw that his father had already taken it, and followed suit: "Thank you, aunt, for the reward."

Bai Xi nodded arrogantly, took out a small bag of dried sweet potatoes, and started to eat them.

(End of this chapter)

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