Chapter 182

"You're fast when you're eating grass, but it's urgent, but you're slow..."

The old man was also surprised that he could usually see a person at the entrance of the village, but today he didn't even see a six or seven-year-old child. He wanted to show the cow to others, but he couldn't run over to help.

Although Lu Chen was riding a bicycle, he didn't know where Bai Xi lived. He found that as long as he asked about Bai Xi's house, the people in Niuluo Village would stare at him cautiously, as if he was some kind of saboteur.

It is estimated that if he was not wearing (military) uniform, he would have been kicked out.

Chen Daliu couldn't help shaking his head when he saw his son running back in a hurry. This kid just can't bear the praise.

Ever since he said he had to work hard, Chen Xiaocong had to go out for a run every day, and the place where he ran was the sweet potato field, which was relatively flat and convenient for running.

When Chen Xiaocong was running, Bai Xi went to see it the next day after hearing about it, and even praised Chen Xiaocong a few words.

While shaking his head, Chen Daliu said, "Can't you calm down a bit, what did my aunt say, let you..."

"No, Dad, it's not good." Chen Xiaocong interrupted Chen Daliu: "Dad, hurry up and call people, someone has come to our village to make trouble."

"What? Someone came to our village to make trouble?"

"Who is it? Is it from Xiaxin Village?" Chen Daliu stood up suddenly, and said angrily, "The people in Xiaxin Village have eaten the hearts of bears and leopards. We haven't asked them to poison the pigs in our village." As for the account, they still have the nerve to come to the door."

It's no wonder that Chen Daliu thought of Xiaxin Village, after all, the last few frictions were with Xiaxin Village.

"Don't be ashamed of them. Wait and see how to deal with them later. This time, if they don't beat them, they will cry and call their mothers. My surname will not be Chen!"

While cursing angrily, Chen Daliu went to the corner of the courtyard to pick up his own axe, and handed his son a hoe.

"No, dad, it's not Xiaxin Village, it's the man we met when we went to the city with my aunt."

Chen Daliu stopped when he stepped out of the gate, and turned his head to look at his son beside him: "What did you say? Is it the idiot who hit the city gate?"

When he left the city that day, Chen Daliu was still worried that he would meet him, but he didn't see it at the city gate, so he was relieved. He never thought that the man would be so narrow-minded. How long has it been since he found him? .

But what does this matter have to do with them? It was that idiot who drove his car into the city wall.

Chen Xiaocong nodded heavily.

Chen Daliu's heart tightened, and he immediately turned around and shouted at home: "Quick, come out, you guys hurry up and let everyone know, I'll go and have a look first."

After shouting, Chen Daliu immediately took Chen Xiaocong away without waiting for any reaction from the two sons who ran out of the room.

"Where is the man?" Chen Daliu soon had a plan in his mind. This man was probably looking for trouble. Right now, as long as the request is not excessive, he will agree.

But if it is too much, then he will let that person know that Niuluo Village is not easy to bully.

"I don't know." Chen Xiaocong shook his head: "Father, I heard from my uncle. When the man entered the village, he asked him for directions. He said he was going to the village. I ran back just now, but I didn't see him all the way." , I guess they will all go to the end of the village."

After the words fell, Chen Xiaocong's face turned pale, and his breathing became short of breath.

"Father, father, I have something..." Because of worry, Chen Xiaocong couldn't speak neatly.

Chen Daliu looked at his son strangely, but he thought that the person he was looking for was not from other villages, but a cadre, and the person who came was not friendly, and his son was inexperienced, so it was normal for him to be afraid.

"Look at how cowardly you are! What are you afraid of, no matter what it is, I will stand in front of you with your old man."

Chen Daliu strode away while cursing: "You are promising, just like you, you are ashamed to say that you will make your aunt look good, and you just don't want to embarrass your aunt."

"No." Chen Xiaocong knew that he would not be able to hide it anymore. Originally, his aunt would not let him tell it, but he didn't expect that this person would come to his door, right?

"Father, that man probably held a grudge and went to find his aunt."

"What? What do you want my aunt to do? My aunt is a little baby and she didn't do anything." Chen Daliu became anxious when she heard this: "Is this unreasonable?!"

But he also understood that if the cadre was reasonable, he wouldn't crash his car and vent his anger, right?

Even if Chen Daliu and the others knew that the cadre crashed because of his aunt, but others didn't know, the cadre was just unreasonable.

"No, Dad, you don't know. When my aunt took me to the hospital to sell honey, I happened to bump into that man after seeing the doctor. He bullied us, and then my aunt was so angry that she picked up a brick and shot him."

"What?" Chen Daliu's shocking shout was broken.

"You bastard, I asked you to take good care of my aunt, but you let my aunt be bullied, you are not afraid of thunder, you..." Chen Daliu kicked Chen Xiaocong angrily.

If it weren't for the urgent situation right now and no time to teach others, Chen Daliu would have slapped Chen Xiaocong twice.

Originally, Chen Daliu was walking in big strides, but when he heard about this, he couldn't stand still. Thinking that someone might be heading towards the tree house, he immediately started running.

"Come here, where are you all dead, come out quickly, bring weapons..."

Someone heard the noise and went out to see the village head chasing his son in a hurry. It was strange. When the village head asked them to bring their weapons, he turned around and went back to pick up his handy gun without a word. thing.

Do you still need to ask? The village chief is in such a hurry, and the appointment is a big deal.

Moreover, those who generally yell for everyone to bring weapons, needless to say, must have something troublesome.

Soon, I heard that many people followed up with weapons, such as machetes for chopping wood, axes for chopping wood, hoes for hoeing, raking poles, etc., everything...

Although I don't know what happened, but after everyone took up their weapons, they all looked angry and ran behind fiercely.

"Hurry up, someone is here to make trouble, and it's on my aunt's side." Chen Daliu shouted at the top of his voice: "Young people are fast, so rush over there first. The words are disrespectful, don't be polite to me, hit me first and then talk."

Upon hearing this, people who didn't know what was going on immediately understood.

Someone came to trouble their aunt?
Who is so reckless?
Not to mention teenagers in their teens and 20s, even people in their fifties can run extremely fast.

Can you not run fast? If you are slow, what should you do if your aunt is bullied?

With so many people in Niuluo Village, and their aunt being bullied, they simply dug a hole and buried themselves.

(Refresh to see.)
(End of this chapter)

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