Dressed to be a grandmother

Chapter 183 Let go of our aunt

Chapter 183 Let go of our aunt

Bai Xi was not in the tree house.

She had nothing to do today, and ordered Xiao Hei to go into the mountain to hunt two hares. Now she was taking Xiao Shunzi and the others to roast hares by the stream while fishing. It was also a different kind of picnic.

And Xiao Hei went to the mountains to look for food after hunting the hares, so he didn't know that there was such a commotion in the village.

After all, Lu Chen is not familiar with Niuluo Village. Even though Niuluo Village is not big, the houses in the village are not neatly planned. He rode a bicycle, and under the guard of Niuluo Village, he had to find it by himself.

Lu Chen was a little impatient at first, but seeing that the villagers were not cooperative, he could only ask the children playing in the village, but these children are also good people, and no one told the truth, so he made a few more detours back and forth .

When Bai Xi by the stream could hear the shouts from the village, Lu Chen happened to catch a glimpse of the little girl standing by the stream.

I saw Bai Xi standing on the big rock by the stream, waving a reed she picked from nowhere in her hand, and at the same time directing a few children who were half a head taller than her to work.

At this moment, she was yelling at a few people with a small voice, and those people also listened to her instructions with great joy.

"The buoys are sinking, you pull them up..."

"Little Shitou, I'm talking about Xiao Shunzi, not you. Which buoy is your own? Didn't you look at it?"

Bai Xi pursed her lips and said in disgust: "I also said that I can fish, one by one, if I hadn't been watching, you wouldn't catch a fish for a few days."

Xiao Liuzi gloated and agreed: "That's right, I'm still waiting for the fish to go into the pot. Where's the fish? I'll brag."

Bai Xi glanced at it, and said angrily, "Little Six, watch the fire, if the rabbit burns, I'll let them throw you into the water."

Seeing that Little Six hadn't escaped, Xiao Shunzi and Little Shitou were immediately happy: "Yes, if the rabbit meat is burnt, you can catch fish in the water."

Zhuangzi, who was also following Le, did not expect that it would be his turn so soon.

"Pile, where are the hills and pillars? Didn't they go to hold firewood? Haven't they come back yet?"

Zhuang Zi hurriedly stepped forward to help pick the vegetables, while obediently shaking his head and replied, "Grandma, they will be back in a while."

To Xiao Shunzi and the others, Bai Xi just shouted unceremoniously, but to Chen Rui, Bai Xi's tone was different.

"Xiao Rui, I don't want to eat Cai Cai." Bai Xi hummed to Chen Rui with her hips on her hips, "Don't think I didn't notice your little tricks just because I mentioned Xiao Shunzi."

Chen Rui smiled when she heard the words, and said nicely, "Grandma, it would be fresh if you put some vegetables in the fish soup."

"Then I don't like it either." She is not a child, so she doesn't listen to this.

"Grandma, you will grow taller if you are not picky about food." After Chen Rui finished speaking, Xiao Shunzi and the others nodded in agreement.

"Yes, grandma, it's also good to eat a la carte."

"Grandma, if you put vegetables in the fish soup, the vegetables will taste better too."

When Bai Xi heard this, she looked down at her own hands and feet. Thinking of her little kid, she snorted and said loudly, "I will grow taller. I am only six years old now, and I will grow taller in the future." High."

"I didn't say you can't grow taller if you don't eat, grandma, that's what my parents told me. Eat more of everything, and you will grow faster."

Although Bai Xi knew it was the truth, she didn't want to hear it.

She threw away the reed in her hand, put her hands on her hips, and hummed: "Your parents are right, but I am an aunt."

"Uh, what then?" Xiao Shunzi and the others looked at Bai Xi, waiting for her next words.

"What? Then, I'm an aunt, and if I say I don't eat it, I don't need to eat it!"

Xiao Shunzi froze for a moment when he heard the words. It seemed that he said so, but why did it sound like something was wrong? !
"Grandma, I think you're fooling us." Xiao Shunzi looked at the buoy, then at Bai Xi, and expressed his entanglement.

"Nonsense!" Bai Xi: "I don't have one, I'm telling the truth." You see any adult who buys food that you don't like, although she looks like a child, she can be an adult before, so you don't have to think about it Eat whatever you eat.

When Lu Chen approached, he heard Bai Xi's words, and couldn't help laughing: "Girl, what do you like to eat?"

Originally, Bai Xi heard some noisy voices and was looking into the village. Before she could listen carefully, she heard Lu Chen's voice, turned around, Qi Qi and Xiao Shunzi looked at the people standing next to each other. Lu Chen in the distance.

Before Bai Xi could speak, Lu Chen continued, "Little girl, don't climb so high."

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen stepped forward in a few big strides, stretched out his hand and hugged Bai Xi off the boulder.

Bai Xi unexpectedly ran into Lu Chen in the village. Could it be that Lu Chen is from Niuluo Village?

That's not right, his surname is Lu Lai.

After recovering, she realized that she was being carried down by a big rock, and Bai Xi immediately quit.

"Put me down!" She was short, so she had to stand on a high place, where she could bask in the sun, and she could also direct Xiao Shunzi to work without looking up.

But when Lu Chen hugged him away from the boulder, Bai Xi was angry and annoyed, grabbed his neck with her little hand, and ordered: "Put me down quickly, or you will cry soon."

Xiao Shunzi and the others looked at it, immediately dropped the things in their hands, and surrounded him: "Put down our aunt!"

"Put down our aunt!"

"You are not allowed to hug our aunts and grandmas!" What kind of people, shameless, come up and hug their aunts and grandparents.

Xiao Shanzi and Zhu Zi just came back with firewood in their arms. Seeing this scene, they immediately dropped the firewood in their hands, grabbed a piece of firewood, and rushed over. The firewood in their hands pointed at Lu Chen politely. Shout out: "Bold thief, let go of our aunt."

"Put down our aunt and grandma quickly, and capture her without a fight. I'll spare you."

The corner of Bai Xi's mouth twitched: "..." As soon as she heard this, she knew that it must be a plot in a picture book she had heard recently.

Hearing Xiao Shanzi and Zhuzi's words, Xiao Shunzi and the others immediately said, "Put down our aunt, as long as you cooperate honestly, we will punish you lightly."

When Lu Chen heard this, his forehead twitched, what is this and what is it.

But he didn't want to care about them, he just hugged Bai Xi and walked a few steps away from the stone, ready to bring Bai Xi to the side of the bicycle and give her the things he brought.

But his move, in the eyes of Xiao Shunzi and the others, was to abduct Bai Xi, and they became very anxious.

"Put down our aunt, if you do this again, we will call someone."

When Xiao Shunzi finished speaking, Chen Rui shouted at the top of his voice.

"Come on..."

"Grandma has been snatched away..."

"Come here, catch the villains..."

When Chen Daliu led the people to find him, he saw Lu Chen holding Bai Xi in his arms and easily breaking through the encirclement surrounded by Xiao Shunzi who was armed.

(I'll make a post later to see if everyone wants the hero to appear or not, okay?)

(End of this chapter)

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