Dressed to be a grandmother

Chapter 1830 No preparation at all

Chapter 1830 Not Prepared At All
Chen Daliu's steps were still so vigorous, but when he got to the tree house and saw what Li Xiaohua said about his aunt's words, his feet immediately went limp and he almost collapsed to the ground.

No wonder Li Xiaohua said it was different, but it was different.

In the tree house, a row of golden and shining characters just floated in mid-air out of thin air. The characters were not fixed, but slightly undulating, extremely beautiful and extraordinary.

"I'm going to practice, and the return date is uncertain. I hope everyone will live a good life, don't read it."

Just one line, nothing else.

My aunt used to go into the mountains, but even if she didn't have time to tell the villagers, she would leave a note.

This kind of writing is unprecedented, not to mention, there is an uncertain return date for the experience.

All of this is nothing more than explaining something.

"This..." Mrs. Chen also saw it. She was stunned for a while, and her heart tightened. When she came back to her senses, she immediately looked at her man: "Old Chen, this?"

Li Xiaohua also said in disbelief: "Old village chief, what should we do?"

"Otherwise, let's look for it quickly? My aunt probably won't go too far. Although my aunt needs to practice, she can't be without someone to serve her."

After speaking, Li Xiaohua said again: "I've checked, all of my aunt's cars are there."

The implication is that my aunt didn't drive away, maybe I should hurry up and find a aunt who can follow me.

Chen Daliu came back to his senses. For some reason, he remembered what his aunt would ask occasionally.

"Xiao Liu, if I'm not around someday, you, as the village chief, have to lead the villagers well."

"You guys are promising, and I'm relieved!"

"When doing something, you must determine what effect you want to achieve. From the perspective of interests, whether to do it or not, how to do it well; from the perspective of risk, whether you can fight and how to fight can achieve better results with less effort; Judging from the results, this matter is not worthwhile..."

"Xiao Liu, now Baiji is already a building, the foundation is very solid, and the building is reinforced layer by layer. You have done a good job."

"Xiao Liu, you are the village chief, you need to encourage the big guys more."

"You are no longer peasants who know nothing, don't be afraid, just do what you think is right."

"Great, grandma, I'm proud of you."

"Not bad, not bad, as expected of a person from my Niu Luo Village."

"Xiao Liu, you have worked hard, and the big guy has worked hard too."

"Xiao Liu, you are a very good village chief."


At that time, Chen Daliu didn't think too much about it. Now it seems that my aunt probably knew this would happen a long time ago, right? !

My aunt went into the mountains occasionally before, just to vaccinate the big guys, so that everyone can get used to what happened today, right?

Although looking back now, everything had signs, but Chen Daliu still couldn't accept it now.

How to say he left, he was not prepared at all, and the big guy was not prepared at all.

My aunt is alone, who will serve the food and drink.

My aunt is alone, no one to take care of her, what to do when she is cold, what to do when she is hot, what to do when she wants to sleep in.

My aunt has never been alone, she will definitely not be used to it.

But Chen Daliu has been with Bai Xi for the longest time, so he understands very well that since his aunt has made this decision, he will not be persuaded by everyone.

During Chen's and Li Xiaohua's questioning, Chen Daliu came back to his senses, he swallowed his eyes on the line of words that slowly undulated like musical notes in mid-air, and said in a hoarse voice: "Ring the bell to summon everyone." Let's go, let the big guy know about this matter."

My aunt didn't know when she went out, whether it was going to the mountains or in which direction, and how to find it.

Niuluo Village is different now, there are countless people staring at it, if it is known that my aunt is outside alone, my aunt may be in danger.

Of course, you have to look for it, but you can only look for it quietly. If you find it, you can't disturb your aunt, you can only guard it quietly.

Before that, we have to call together big guys. There are many people and strength. We discuss it, and there is also a charter.

"Call the big guys first!" After saying that, Chen Daliu turned around and went down the tree house.

At this moment, Chen Daliu saw Xiao Hei, his dim eyes suddenly lit up, and he said quickly: "Xiao Hei, you are here."

Xiao Hei: "..." What kind of eyes do you have, am I always there?

Although Xiao Hei rolled his eyes, Chen Daliu didn't care at all, instead he grinned happily: "Ah, Xiao Hei, it's great that you are here, you are here, you are here."

The reason why Chen Daliu was happy was because if Xiao Hei was there, it meant that his aunt would definitely come back soon.

Xiao Hei was raised by his aunt, so it didn't make sense that his aunt would not take Xiao He with him, so she was busy with her own affairs and would definitely be back soon.

'Seeing' the thoughts in Chen Daliu's heart, the little black tiger had a look of helplessness across its face, it wanted to tell Chen Daliu that you were too happy, but no one would understand Xiaohei's animal language, even if it could I won't even say it.

There's nothing wrong with keeping the villagers hopeful.

It's just... Sigh, Xiao Hei He shook his head secretly, the master is going to cross the robbery, even I can't feel the trace of the master, so don't even try to find it.

"Xiao Hei, do you know when my aunt left the house?"

Facing Chen Daliu's question, Xiao Hei shook his head with downcast eyes.

Chen Daliu frowned: "Even you don't know?"

Xiao Hei moved his big head away with some guilt, and said to himself, I know, the master disappeared in a blink of an eye, but what's the use of me telling you, anyway, you don't want to find it.

Soon, the people in the village heard the bell and were summoned.

It was at this time that everyone knew that my aunt had left.

The villagers were flustered and worried, and they all chattered together: "What?"

"Grandma left?"

"how come?!"

"Where did my aunt go?"

"Didn't my aunt say where I'm going?"

"What is experience? Is it like in the TV series to find experts everywhere to learn from each other?"

"Where did my aunt go to practice? Is there anyone following her?"

Chen Daliu waited until everyone had finished talking, then raised his hand to signal for everyone to calm down.

"My aunt didn't follow anyone this time, and her old man's car was also there. None of us knew when my aunt left the village."

Chen Daliu continued: "I've contacted the Mengang, but Sandaogang didn't find my aunt going out, and I also asked Xiao Hei, Xiao Hei doesn't know when my aunt left."

Xiao Hei, who was lying on the side, immediately felt everyone's eyes falling on it, with doubts and doubts in their eyes.

Everyone knows what Xiao Hei is capable of. Will Xiao Hei find out when his aunt is leaving?
But after thinking about it, my aunt is my aunt, she is so powerful, it's normal for Xiao Hei not to know.

Feeling the disappearance of the doubting eyes of the villagers, Xiao Hei snorted softly and muttered in his heart, what do you know.

(The Year of the Rabbit is here, today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, my little cuties will have great luck in the Year of the Rabbit, be safe and healthy, everything will go well, all wishes will come true, more and more beautiful, more and more rich~~~ Than my heart.)
(End of this chapter)

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