Dressed to be a grandmother

Chapter 1831 is still too young

"Both Mengang and Xiao Hei didn't notice my aunt going out, so I figured that my aunt didn't want us to find her old man."

No one noticed that my aunt was going out, and they didn't even know when my aunt would leave. When everyone heard this, they didn't know that my aunt didn't want them to know her whereabouts.

My aunt is like this. When she doesn't want to, no one can find her.

After a pause, Chen Daliu said again: "Since Auntie is going to practice, we have to listen to her, don't panic, don't mess up, Auntie will come back after training."

Hearing this, Xiao Hei raised his eyelids in surprise and glanced at Chen Daliu, and said in his heart, yes, Xiao Liu's consciousness is not bad.

But in the next second, it wanted to roll its eyes. As expected, it was too young, and said that the people in Niuluo Village were as stubborn as their master.

I saw Chen Daliu continue to say: "Next, let's search quietly, and we must protect the safety of my aunt. Remember, don't let this news leak out, let alone disturb my aunt."

"Since my aunt said it was experience, this experience must be very important to my aunt!"

"Things that are important to my aunt are also extremely important to our Niuluo Village. I hope that everyone in the big guys will pay attention to it..."

Bai Xi is the aunt of Niuluo Village. When she disappears, the villagers will naturally look for her.

It's not that everyone doesn't know that Bai Xi is extraordinary, but no matter how extraordinary she is, she is still their aunt. Besides, how can an aunt take care of herself with no one to take care of her...

At this moment, the villagers saw a golden light coming from the tree house.

Everyone took a closer look and found that it was the line left by Bai Xi that Chen Daliu relayed to everyone.

'I went to practice, and the return date is uncertain. I hope everyone will live a good life, don't read it. '

This miraculous and unreal scene, if an outsider sees it, they may be shocked and questioned, plus all kinds of associations, but the people in Niuluo Village just froze for a moment, breathed hard, and stared closely at the words revealed in the air .

Everyone is nervous not because of fear, but because of excitement and anticipation. Did my aunt leave some words?

As for the method of leaving words in the sky, it is not surprising to the people of Niuluo Village. Over the years, everyone has more or less seen Bai Xi's methods.

Some of them can be told with scientific explanations, and some of them rely on the conscious worship of the villagers. For them, they are their aunts anyway, and the more powerful the better.

So, although it was the first time to see such a miraculous scene, everyone seemed to quickly come to their senses, where did this come from? Our aunts know a lot.

Bai Xi did leave other words.

Just after everyone read this sentence several times back and forth, suddenly the floating gold characters flickered, and the gold powder that formed the golden characters mixed into a ball, and after scattering again, they became new characters.

Bai Xi was just so naughty, she knew she couldn't say goodbye to the villagers properly, but she didn't want everyone to worry too much, so she left a message.

At this time, the newly formed characters were also read out word by word by the villagers.

"You are very good, grandma, I am proud of you, come on!"

In Niuluo Village, no one is fighting alone. Everyone works together to perform their own duties and be independent.

So Bai Xi is very relieved that even if she is not around, Niu Luo Village can manage Bai Ji well.

As long as Baiji doesn't go bankrupt, the people in Niuluo Village can live without worry.

A simple sentence made the eyes of the people present turn red, their throats were blocked, and the lesbians even wiped away their tears.

Although the gay men didn't cry, their red eyes represented everything.

Look, even if my aunt went out to practice, she didn't forget to praise everyone.

Auntie, that's it. She loves the big guy, spoils the big guy, and is always afraid that the big guy will lose confidence, so she praises them from time to time.

It's not that no one said that the people in Niuluo Village are a bunch of moths. Thanks to the merit and dedication of Bai Xi, the aunt, the whole village, young and old, gnawed on her elders.

But my aunt never cared, and never felt that way.

Then the aunt who was originally sloppy got angry for the first time, and said solemnly: "The people in my Niuluo Village are very good. If there are no moths, they will not become moths. They are all very good. They are very good, filial, sensible, smart and capable children... ..."

The more they thought about this, the more uncomfortable everyone felt.

What to do, my aunt just went out to practice, but the big guy has already started to miss her old man!

Others said that the people in Niuluo Village spoiled their aunt, but who would know that it was the aunt who spoiled them all the time.

If these words are heard by outsiders, Niuluo Village will be said to be pedantic and brainwashed by dead rules.

'Aren't you used to Bai Xi letting her do whatever she wants? '

'Aren't you used to Bai Xi making her not have a family at such an old age? '

'Not used to Bai Xi?Then if she said she would go to sea, she would go to sea, and if she said she would go on vacation, she would go on vacation? '

'Not used to Bai Xi?Then she said what she wanted to eat, why did you think of various ways? '

'Not used to Bai Xi?She doesn't want to go to the Science and Technology Research Institute, so you stop her in various ways. '

'Let Bai Xi wake up whenever he wants, and eat whatever he wants, isn't he used to it? '

'When you can't get rid of the pot, you always think of ways to let Bai Xi eat fine grains and meat, is this not used to it? '

'When every household was wearing patches, they all collected cloth tickets to make clothes for Bai Xi. '

'When others misunderstood Bai Xi, only the people from Niuluo Village stood firmly by her side without any doubt or hesitation. '

'As long as someone says something wrong with Bai Xi, the villagers will be able to fight with others as if their ancestral graves have been poached. '

'In the years when eating a bite of meat was a luxury, what the villagers thought about was how to make Bai Xi, the aunt, eat more nutritiously. '

These things are too much!

These people who made complaints about Niuluo Village didn't know, and even if they knew, they wouldn't care.

At this time, looking at the glittering words, the villagers nodded repeatedly, and promised with a choked voice: "Grandma, don't worry, we will be fine."

"Woo... Auntie, we will definitely work harder."

"Grandma, we will be obedient, you should come back soon."


I am used to looking for my aunt when I have nothing to do, and spend the holidays with my aunt during the holidays. With my aunt, the whole village has a backbone, and everyone feels at ease.

The backbone is gone suddenly, everyone should panic.

Fortunately, Bai Xi left a message in advance, otherwise the people in Niuluo Village would panic, and the Baiji Group might be shaken up.

Probably because of the response from the villagers, this line of words flashed, and after a few breaths, it crumpled into a ball of golden light.

In the next second, this ball of golden light divided into extremely small golden powder, flew to the crowd, flashed twice, as if to say hello, and then sank into their bodies at a speed visible to the naked eye.

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