Dressed to be a grandmother

Chapter 710 Don't Let You Be A Fool

Chapter 710 Don't Let You Be A Fool
The scolding was too hasty, and the head of Huang accidentally bit his tongue. The pain caused him to cover his mouth, stare, and jump.

Chen Daliu rubbed his ears and muttered unhappily: "Major, I don't have deaf ears yet, so you don't need to shout so loudly."

He didn't know whether he was out of breath or biting his tongue out of embarrassment. Chief Huang's voice became louder, and the small clods on the gate of Chen Daliu's house were shaken off.

"Chen Daliu! You are still smiling with me. Are you crazy? You have money and no place to spend it? 30 to buy scrap iron? Even if you buy scrap iron, can't you buy from our county, can't you buy from our city? ?”

There is no scrap iron, so I have to go to Singapore to buy new ones. Isn’t this nonsense? He put in a lot of effort when filing the application, but who would have thought that he would actually do this.

Head Huang's eyes were so anxious that his eyes were red. Seeing that Chen Daliu was still struggling with the volume of his voice, as if he didn't know the seriousness of the matter, his hands were itchy with anger.

Chen Daliu: "That's different!" Scrap iron and scrap iron are really different.

"What's the difference! Why is it different? Aren't they all scrap iron? Could it be that they were newly bought from Singapore, and that thing is inlaid with gold?" When money?
Seeing that Chen Daliu didn't say anything, the village head Huang said angrily: "I don't care! I don't agree, you should quickly find a way to call the people from your village back, we won't buy that thing."

Could it be that he was so angry that he couldn't afford the machine?
It shouldn't be, although Bai Xi is young, she is very experienced in handling things, and she hasn't made any mistakes.

Chen Daliu shook his head: "No, the contract has been signed."

"Then refund, don't want it, just don't pay." Huang Xiangchang rolled his eyes and immediately came up with an idea.

I didn't think it was appropriate to cheat like this at all.

Chen Daliu pursed his lips: "We have already paid, and the things have passed the customs. On the way back, they cannot be returned." How could it be possible to return, these scrap irons were finally bought back, and my aunt just waited for these things to come back for easy handling.

"What? I..." Head Huang choked for a moment. He stared at Chen Daliu with his eyes wide open. He took a long time to let out a sigh of relief, and said angrily, "Are you stupid? It's a good life." , drifted away, right?"

Chen Daliu was scolded by Huang Xiangzhang for a long time and lost his mind, and now he was scolded for being stupid again, so he couldn't help but rolled his eyes and hummed in his heart, you don't know anything if you want to take care of it.

"Major, you said before that we bullied Li Duoji's grandpa and grandson." The implication is, why do you have an idea all of a sudden.

When Head Huang heard this, he really wanted to slap Chen Daliu on the head: "I told you not to bully people too much, but I didn't let your village be fooled by others."

Compared with Li Duji, grandson and grandson who just came back, the village head Huang must be on the side of the people in Niuluo Village. After all, they are acquaintances, so they will naturally be biased subconsciously.

Seeing Chen Daliu's stare, Huang Xiang also knew that what he said was too much, but when he thought that 30 was wasted like this, he felt a pain in his heart, and he also stared at Chen Daliu.

He knew that Niuluo village had sent people to follow Li Luojie, but the head of Huang didn't know that he was going to buy scrap iron, he thought he was going to buy a machine.

Sure enough, there are not many good-hearted businessmen. Before, they thought that Li Boji and his grandson had a conscience and were thinking about their hometown. Looking at it now, it is clear that they came to Kengniuluo Village.

If he had known that he was going to buy scrap iron, he would have stopped him no matter what.

The passing villagers only heard roars and curses from the village chief's house. Everyone, look at me and I look at you, shook their heads, and went on working again.

Now the village is very busy, everyone is so busy that their feet don't touch the ground, but they don't have time to watch the excitement.

Village head Huang and Chen Daliu scolded for a long time, but couldn't scold Chen Daliu several times, and couldn't get Chen Daliu to agree to return the scrap iron he bought, so he immediately planned to find Bai Xi, only Bai Xi could take the idea of ​​Niuluo Village.

"Where are your aunts?" The village head Huang asked, praying in his heart, but this decision must not be made by Bai Xi.

Chen Daliu didn't want to talk to the head of Huang at first, but when he heard this, he still hummed: "This idea is from our aunt, and the head of the town is useless even if you ask our aunt."

Head Huang was dumbfounded: "Is it really your aunt's idea?"

"Of course, why did you lie to me to have meat?" 30, up and down the village, whoever has such courage, only my aunt asked, and no one would have any doubts.

"Okay, town chief, I still have something to do. If you are because of this matter, then you should go back to the village commune. The scrap iron will be shipped back in two or three days."

After finishing speaking, Chen Daliu didn't care whether the head of the village was angry or not, he took his straw hat and went out.

Head Huang was thrown away, and he jumped his feet angrily. He was in charge of more than a dozen villages, but he suffered frequently in Niuluo Village.

If it is said that Niuluo village committed crimes, it is not true.

Cause trouble, although I know a lot, but there is no direct evidence.

What's more, Niuluo Village caused troubles and beat people, and those people provoked Niuluo Village, or they said they were disrespectful to Bai Xi, which angered the people in Niuluo Village.

But Niuluo village has a lot of things that worry the head of Huang. Every time, the head of Huang will be so angry that he will vomit blood because of the audacity of Niuluo village.

It's over, if this matter gets out, everyone will laugh at Niuluo village for being stupid.

As for him, needless to say, the county will definitely criticize severely. At that time, Niuluo Village will inevitably be criticized. How can he hide such a big matter.

Be good and excellent, don't be advanced, what to do if you have to make use of broken copper and rotten iron.

In the eyes of Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Chen, Mr. Huang left Chen Daliu's house while cursing.

He went to the tree house, but Bai Xi was not there, so he turned around to look for Li Duji.

The person who tied the bell had to be untied. Village head Huang felt that he should give Li Dustpan a slap in the face, but if Li Dustpan had a face and a conscience, he would not be able to embarrass the people in his hometown who buried his parents' bones.

Li Duji was ashamed by the head of Huang, angry and embarrassed, but he couldn't say it clearly, after all, his family also wanted to use this method to get in the machines used to invest in the factory.

Otherwise, with regard to the new export restrictions in Singapore, the cost of the machine is enough to cost a lot of money. If there is a way to save money and not use it, that is a fool.

The head of Huang was angry, because what he said, Li Dustpan was as flat as water, and he didn't answer at all. When he asked urgently, he said that he was only listening to his aunt's orders on this matter, and he just obeyed what his aunt asked.

Head Huang felt that Bai Xi was probably deceived by the gentle-looking, good-natured face of Grandpa Li Duoji, and Niu Luo Village had always let Bai Xi go, so naturally no one thought there was anything wrong with it. .

(End of this chapter)

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