Dressed to be a grandmother

Chapter 711 Empty Gloves White Wolf

Chapter 711 Empty Gloves White Wolf

Thinking of this, Chief Huang pointed at Li Dustpan's nose and cursed, "You, you rotten heart!"

"Niuluo Village is your root after all. Your ancestral grave is still buried here. Are you just cheating people like this?" After scolding, the head of Huang said angrily again: "Just wait, I won't let you succeed."

"..." Li Duji watched the village head Huang leave speechlessly, and rolled his eyes angrily. Why is he so heartbroken?
Before Head Huang could figure out a solution, the scrap iron purchased by Niuluo Village from Singapore was finally transported to the village after going through various bumps.

Boxes of machine parts were unloaded from the car, and some of the boxes were still leaking with engine oil. After hearing the news, the head of the village, Huang, who came over was surprised. Scrap iron still needs to be packed in boxes?
Even if it is for the convenience of transportation, how come there is so much engine oil in the scrap iron?
The grandma is so stupid, buying so much scrap iron, and being filled with engine oil pressure scales, Niuluo Village has really suffered a big loss this time.

Huang Xiang is so angry that he has lost his common sense. Motor oil is not cheaper than iron.

He wanted to pull Chen Daliu to talk about this matter, but Chen Daliu was busy organizing people to unload and move the goods, so he didn't have the time to listen to Huang Xiangchang's nagging, the most important thing is that the things have been shipped back now, no matter how dissatisfied It's gone.

When the head of the village was watching, he also saw Li Duoji also came to watch the fun, so he couldn't help but glared at Li Duoji, and said to himself, you still have the face to watch the fun, if I were you, I would find a mouse hole to hide myself Woke up.

Li Duoji was inexplicably stared at by Chief Huang for a few times. He was puzzled at first, then understood, and was speechless for a while.

The boxes were not opened, and the boxes were moved into the workshop of the factory building and locked.

The next day, Chen Xiaocong came back from a business trip, and the person who went to Niuluo Village with him was a skilled worker seconded from the good machinery factory he had cooperated with Niuluo Village before he went.

These guys are here to assemble machines and research.

When the master technician was researching the installation, Bai Xi was in the office on the second floor of the factory, where the machine was being installed below, and she was drawing pictures on it.

Half a month later, the machine was installed, and Bai Xi also drew the improved blueprint of the machine.

Counting it, she had been squatting in the factory for almost half a month, but it made the villagers feel bad.

As soon as the blueprint came out, Bai Xi knew it was feasible without experimenting. Anyway, she is also a well-known craftsman in the heavens, so she still has some confidence in this.

Soon, a copy of the drawing was made, and Chen Xiaocong was asked to negotiate with the machinery factory, and everything started non-stop.

If the machinery factory was overjoyed with the new machines brought back by Singapore, then the improved machines given by Bai Xi made the people in the machinery factory even more exclaimed.

This is not the first time that the machinery factory that has cooperated has naturally started to develop and start production non-stop.

This time, Bai Xi wanted ten sets of machines and a bonus of 35 yuan.

The machine doesn't matter, after all, the value of the blueprint is immeasurable, but the bonus of 35 is a bit difficult.

But after a meeting with the machinery factory and the superiors, they finally agreed to this request.

The machinery factory is not stupid. The export of the previous two machines has brought huge profits, not to mention Bai Xi's newly improved machine. A set of machines can have several usages and functions. It can be said that, The improvement of some parts can also be used to improve other machines.

Although paying 35 yuan at once seems too much, but the machinery factory can earn dozens or hundreds of 35 yuan if it produces the machine and exports it.

So far, newcomers in Singapore have spent nearly 30 yuan to buy and replace all kinds of used machines. Bai Xi turned around and earned the money back. Let the people in the village go out to see the world.

The bonus is cashed out first, and the machine will send it later.

Once 35 is recorded, it will be paid out for purchases the next day.

There are only a few people who know that the drawings were drawn by Bai Xi, but even if other people in the village don't know, they can guess the general idea. What can my aunt do? Except for my aunt, no one else has this ability, right?

The financial office must be clear about Bai Xi's actions. After all, the bonus should have been given to Bai Xi, but Bai Xi didn't want it, and let it be credited to the village account.

With so much money earned for the village by himself, the people in the financial office almost put Bai Xi's portrait in the financial office. My aunt is even more powerful than the God of Wealth.

The assembled machines were dismantled again, and these machines really functioned as scrap iron, for those who are interested in learning about mechanical equipment from the Niu Luoshan Brigade to form a machine repair class for learning, research and assembly.

Disassembled and reassembled, reassembled and disassembled...

These people, who are not even qualified enough to recruit workers in factories in the city, rely on all kinds of machine parts newly bought from Singapore. ...

Of course, this is a story.

The improved and advanced machines have not been delivered to Niuluo Village yet, batches of plain cloth purchased are shipped to the warehouse.

Bai Xi was not idle either. Apart from arranging all kinds of work for everyone, she was also constantly making preparations, and she had to take Xiao Hei into the mountains to find alternative herbs.

Three months passed in a flash.


After the grapes were picked, the newly built factory buildings were ready for use, and Niuluo Village's family property was thinned again, with less than 20 yuan left.

If it weren't for Xia Baiji's ice cream that sold well, kimchi also sold well, and the market has always been profitable, such a large expenditure would have already emptied the family that had finally become rich.

You know, during this period, Niuluo Village also distributed money to the villagers twice.

Three hundred for one household at a time, two hundred and eighty for one household at a time.

There is no way, this was originally decided before, and part of the proceeds should be distributed to the folks, so that everyone can have the motivation to continue working hard.

Moreover, the villagers also have to live. They have to spend money to eat, drink, and sleep. If you don’t send money, and everyone has no money to consume, the economy will not survive.

Bai Xi also likes the scene when the villagers laugh heartily and the village is bustling when the money is handed out.

Now, not to mention the Dashan Township Society, even the two neighboring townships, and even the county, all know that Niuluo Village is living a very good life.

Eat rice and white noodles, eat fish if you want to eat fish, eat meat if you want to eat meat, stir-fry cabbage and green vegetables, the oil is the same as the ones that don’t cost money, and the dishes fried with more oil are delicious.

What did they say? This is what their aunt said.

You are not talking nonsense, which dish puts more oil, it is not fragrant, if you don’t use vegetables, just put a spoonful of peanut oil on the big white rice, and it will be delicious enough to clean up the bowl.

Speaking of this, everyone will be envious of the people of Niuluo Village again.

There are some working-class people in the county town whose hometowns are in the countryside, and many of them still want to entrust their connections to their children or relatives in Niuluo Village.

It's just that the advantages of city people are not even the slightest advantage here in Niuluo Village.

(End of this chapter)

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