Dressed to be a grandmother

Chapter 756 The reporter is here

Chapter 756 The reporter is here

"Xiao Liu, have you been a little itchy lately?" Bai Xi said this with a smile.

"No, no, auntie, I don't have one!" Chen Daliu immediately shuddered, thinking that he almost forgot that auntie doesn't like to write the most.

Although the head of Huang didn't know what was wrong, he was also happy to watch the fun, but how could Bai Xi make people watch the fun, so with a soft snort, he ordered Chen Daliu to go to the garment factory to watch.

Originally, Township Chief Huang came here to scold Chen Daliu in order to avoid being scolded, but he was dismissed by Niuluo Village in a lukewarm manner.

He didn't succeed in scolding people this time, and he didn't succeed in trying to understand the situation of the clothing factory in Niuluo village.

If I want to talk about what I did, I just complained to Bai Xi, but I don't know if Bai Xi will listen or not. Anyway, Head Huang feels that his heart is still in a state of turmoil.

If Chen Daliu knew what Huang Xiangzhang was muttering in his heart, he would have said angrily, it would be nice to be able to complain, if you tell our aunt so much, what should we do if our aunt can't eat or sleep well, our aunt is still growing.

As soon as the head of Huang left, Bai Xi said to himself: "It is logical that there should be news by now."

How did she know that the booths in Niuluo village in Jiapoxin were extremely popular these days, and Chen Youfu and his party were explaining clothes to people, and their throats were about to smoke.

From the second day onwards, they each put on Niuluo clothes, and while introducing the characteristics of Niuluo clothes to others, they acted as models for demonstration.

Except for the fact that there were no people at the back of the booth at the beginning, the booth was crowded with people in the next few days.

After all, some merchants do not have time to come on the first day. From the opening of the exhibition to the last day of the closing, there will be merchants coming one after another.

Finally, on the seventh day, the exhibition ended. The Niuluo clothes of Niuluo Village Baiji won the first prize in the new clothing exhibition competition in Singapore because of their novel and bold designs and unconventional materials, and were liked by most people. .

The first prize has a bonus of 8 yuan.

But the most valuable is not the 8 yuan, but the orders that will follow one after another, and the colored cloth in Niuluo Village has also become popular.

Due to the time difference and the inconvenience of communication at home and abroad, although they have already won awards, the statistics and bonuses are not so fast.

At this time, a reporter from a neighboring province heard about Professor Yang's fainting. Immediately, he had a flash of inspiration and rushed to Niuluo Village with his equipment.

As soon as the gatekeeper in Niuluo Village heard that the visitor was a reporter and had seen his work permit, he let him in.

Reporter Sun is a reporter from the Big Times, and he came here from a neighboring province to write a report on this matter.

Do you need to check your work permit when you enter the village?

Reporter Sun quietly wrote down that Niuluo Village is a small mountain village, and it is stricter than government agencies.

What journalists do is to interview people.

There were also reporters who followed the study group to interview before, so the people in Niuluo Village did not doubt that he was there. When reporter Sun interviewed, everyone was very happy to answer.

"You mean gate posts? We must have gate posts in our village. Otherwise, those outsiders would come in casually, not to mention hygiene, and messing around. It's too annoying."

Reporter Sun nodded in agreement, but also quietly noted that Niuluo Village excludes outsiders, and there is no awareness of the big family of the people of the motherland, and that everyone is brothers and sisters.

"You mean the clothes on us? They're called Niu Luo clothes. They're made by our clothing factory. They cost 50 yuan a set, but they're not for sale yet."

Reporter Sun quietly wrote down that it shocked the world. In Niuluo Village, where there is a garment factory, the people in the village are still wearing torn and unpatched clothes, and the clothes are ridiculously expensive. Ordinary workers can’t buy a set for two months. It’s blood sucking insect.

"What did you say? Professor Yang? We don't know about this. Is he seriously ill? Oh, he's been discharged from the hospital, forget it." If the illness is serious, you can come to our village to seek medical treatment. My aunt can be cured .

Reporter Sun once again recorded that Niuluo Village has no repentance for the matter of fainting Professor Yang, and is indifferent and indifferent, which is shocking.

"Clothes? Our clothes were designed by our aunt. Isn't it beautiful? Fashionable? Our aunt is amazing, we all listen to her."

Reporter Sun started to write again. There is a village tyrant in the village who bullies the villagers all the year round and makes everyone obey her.

"You said that the clothes produced in our village made Professor Yang dizzy? We don't know Professor Yang, but we think the clothes in our village are pretty good. Haven't you seen that every family in our village wears them?" Said, our aunts and grandmothers like it, but if you think it's not good, it's because you have no vision.

"What do we eat? That's more. We have a market here. We can buy what we need at home. It's very convenient. But we like my aunt the most. So we like what my aunt likes. .”

"Our aunt, it's alright, she often gives us eggs or something, but now every household has chickens..."

Reporter Sun nodded while writing that Niuluo Village has long been controlled by village tyrants, from everything from dressing to eating, with no freedom at all.

"Want to visit a garment factory?"

"That won't work. Outsiders of the garment factory are not allowed to enter. There is production inside. Without our aunt, we can't enter either, unless they are employees of the garment factory."

Sun Zhijun once again recorded that the village collective factory is in the hands of the village tyrant, and the villagers of Niuluo Village must rely on her breath to survive. Dare I ask, where is the way forward for Niuluo Village?

"See my aunt? That's not okay. Our aunt doesn't like to see outsiders, so don't go." Everyone wants to see my aunt, and our aunt is not a clay bodhisattva in the temple.


The people in Niuluo Village didn't know that Sun Zhijun was talking nonsense, even if they didn't say anything, Sun Zhijun deliberately misinterpreted it.

Sun Zhijun took a few photos to prove the authenticity of his report, and then left satisfied.

After returning home, Sun Zhijun wrote a report overnight.

Eloquent, the tone is extremely sad and indignant, it is immersive.

When the editor-in-chief saw it, he was immediately angry. Well, there are still such things in contemporary society. This is a cancer, and it must be reported, and it must be reported extensively.

The province next door did not report it without telling the truth, we came to expose him!

Manuscripts are sent to newspaper offices, where they are printed.

The next day, the popular section in the newspaper caused an uproar.

There is such a thing?

At this time, the way for people to get news from other places is from newspapers, radio, radio, and word of mouth.

(A little tired, but I still have a chapter.)
(End of this chapter)

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