Dressed to be a grandmother

Chapter 757 Sun Dog Thief

Chapter 757 Sun Dog Thief

When the people in Baizhou County saw it, they were also dumbfounded.

Baizhou County is the directly-administered county that manages Niuluo Village, and many people in the county have been to the market in Niuluo Village. When they read the report, they were stunned. This, is this true?
Is there such a thing in Niuluo Village?
Why did they go to the market in Niuluo Village, and what they saw was that the people in Niuluo Village were living a prosperous life. They were not clothed, and they rejected outsiders. Obviously, the people in Niuluo Village were very kind.

But why did this reporter report like this?

But the provincial capital and the city were furious when they saw this report.

If this is really the case in Niuluo Village, wouldn't it be a joke that Baizhou County sent so many advances to Niuluo Village before?

However, this report was published by reporters from neighboring provinces who went to Niuluo Village for interviews.

Ever since, the provincial capital called the city, the city called the county, and the county naturally called the Dashan Township Society.

When Township Chief Huang received the call, he was stunned for a while.

What reporter?
Where is the reporter from?
I don't know anything.

When he saw the newspaper, he also burst into anger. What kind of crappy reporter is that? Distorting the facts and reporting indiscriminately.

There is a problem in Niuluo Village, the head of the village Huang admitted, but it is not a big problem. It is okay to say that Niuluo Village is stubborn, but which village is not stubborn?
Moreover, stubbornness must mean uncivilized thinking, imprisoned thinking, is it the remaining feudal thinking?
Also, what does it mean not to have the awareness that everyone is brothers and sisters?
Niuluo Village has a high level of awareness in this regard. Two factories have been set up, and not all the recruits are from Niuluo Village, but from Xiaxin Village and other villages.

How many jobs are there, and how much family income.

Okay, let’s not talk about this risk, as for the greenhouse vegetables before, Niuluo Village started to work on it, and taught people from other villages to do it together in the second year. Isn’t this enlightenment?
Also, the biogas pool, not to mention their Dashan Township, several other townships, and even the countryside in other counties are like this now, isn't this sharing?

It's not normal for Niuluo Village to set up gate posts. There are two factories in Rencun Village. If anyone breaks in casually, what's the deal?
How did this become a private sentry and disunity?

The Niuluo clothes and pants in Niuluo Village are expensive, but people don’t want to sell them, so they distribute them to the people in their own village. How come they become bloodsuckers for the people?

People in Niuluo Village like to wear Niuluo clothes and trousers, and they love the old-fashioned look. When people remember bitterness and think about sweetness, why do they become naked and oppressed?

More than half of the people in Niuluo Village don't know about Professor Yang's affairs, so why did the people of Niuluo Village become indifferent?
Moreover, Professor Yang has been discharged from the hospital a long time ago, and there is nothing wrong with his body, except for a moment of shortness of breath.

It's understandable that you can't accept the new changes in clothing. Professor Yang didn't even point at Niuluocun's nose and scold. How can you be more fierce than Professor Yang?

The people in Niuluo Village listen to Bai Xi, but who makes Bai Xi the aunt of Niuluo Village? People in Niuluo Village have such a rule, and Bai Xi leads Niuluo Village to live a good life. Luo Cun didn't listen up and down, could it be the other way around?
Randomly ask someone, who doesn't envy Niuluo Village for having an aunt like Bai Xi? How could this be bullying the villagers?

The people of Niuluo Village respect and love Bai Xi, so they will naturally put her preferences first, so is it wrong to like to eat according to her preferences?

I didn't see the people in Niuluo Village at the market. They can buy whatever they want, and eat whatever they want. How can it be that they can't make decisions about eating and drinking, and there is no freedom?

The garment factory was originally free for idlers to enter, and you are not an employee of the garment factory. It is right for people not to let you in. Why did Bai Xi hold her hand and let the villagers survive by relying on her breath?
The most important thing is, how did Bai Xi, a little girl, become that heinous, cancerous village tyrant?

What a shitty reporter, is this an enmity with Niuluo Village?

Huang Xiang cursed angrily in the office, and he hurriedly called the county to explain.

The county doesn't know where, after all, my family knows my family is not.

Even if the county's understanding of Niuluo Village is not as thorough as that of Head Huang, they still know a general idea.

Seeing Niuluo village being so misinterpreted, he was naturally furious.

"His grandma is a leg, what nonsense are you talking about!"

But at this time, it can only be the person who needs to untie the bell.

Since Sun Zhijun doesn't know the real situation in Niuluo Village, he should be invited to come over, have a good look at it, and publish a true report.

After all, when you publish the report in your own province, others will think that you did it to cover up your shame. Only Sun Zhijun publishes it himself, which will have the effect of clarifying.

So, on the third day after the report was published, Sun Zhijun was invited to the Dashan Township Society, and the village head Huang led him to Niuluo Village in person.

Li Laohei was sharpening his knife, and the other villagers were also gearing up. Some people secretly touched the sticks hidden on their bodies.

As soon as they heard that Sun Zhijun was coming again, they had already started secretly preparing.

Well, of course we'll do well.

Well, we treat you as a good person, we have said everything we can when you interview, and we are also polite to you and treat each other with courtesy.

There are some places that you can’t go to, that’s because that’s our ancestral hall, no outsiders are allowed to approach, and there’s Xiao Hei playing with the little dolls there, for fear that you will be frightened.

But you, you actually misinterpreted the report, you actually insulted our aunt, saying that our aunt is a cancer and a village tyrant.

What if the people in Niulo Village are soft persimmons?
You can scold us however you want, and we don't care, but you scolded our aunt like this, so many people misunderstood our aunt, and I don't know how many people are insulting our aunt, this is unbearable.

Sun Zhijun was very proud. He felt that he had exposed a village's evil deeds. Because of this report, he was about to be promoted to deputy editor-in-chief, and his salary could be increased by two grades.

It was different from the first time he came to Niuluo Village. That time, he walked here by himself, but this time, people from Niuluo Village drove a tractor to the Dashan Township Society to pick him up.

When the tractor approached, Sun Zhijun saw that the people guarding the gate had pulled away the fence from a long distance away. He was happy but couldn't help frowning: "Why is this gate still set up? It's too outrageous. It's just like China!"

Hearing this, Head Huang's cheeks twitched. He really wanted to kick this guy off, but now is the time to beg for help, so he has to coax people away and send out a clarification report. When the time comes, he will love someone.

After the tractor entered the village, the gatekeeper immediately announced with a horn.

"Entered the village, entered the village, Sun Dog thief entered the village."

The wind was a bit strong, and the people at the gate were also extremely excited. The last sentence was blown by the wind and they were a little unclear, but the first two sentences were enough for the villagers to understand.

(End of this chapter)

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