Chapter 299 Which one is innocent?
She was furious. After shouting, she picked up the report in her hand and threw it into the air angrily. Everyone immediately lowered their heads.

Papers were falling all over the floor, some were on the table, some were on the ground, and some were on some people's heads...

It scared everyone so much that their hearts were trembling, but she had no intention of stopping at all, her domineering aura was on full display.

The big hand with sharp bones slapped the table vigorously, and shouted: "Who is Liu Tieyi?"

A man in his 40s stood up tremblingly, and replied tremblingly, "'s me..."

"Salt City's monthly performance is only 3000 million. Please explain to me, what have you been doing this month?"

She glared at him with sharp eyes like a knife, and walked to the left, his direction, with her slender legs.

And Liu Tieyi, who saw her approaching him step by step like a god of death, felt a strong sense of oppression spread throughout the room.

Everyone was sweating profusely and their legs were shaking, especially Liu Tieyi, who kept his head down and dared not say a word.

Jian Junxi sneered as he walked: "What? Didn't you still laugh at him just now? What's the matter now? Don't dare to say where your achievements are?"

Liu Tie also lowered his head firmly, not daring to breathe, and the cold sweat on his back kept breaking out.

Just when she was about to walk behind him, he said tremblingly, "Yes... I'm sorry, I... I will work hard next month!"

"What are you trying to do? Do you work hard to fill your pockets? Xinyuanlin Investment Co., Ltd. is not bad, from the opening of our exchange to now.

In three months, nearly [-] branches have been opened, and our agency has taken over. The performance seems to be quite good, and there are actually...

A transaction volume of [-] billion..." The corners of her lips curled up in a slight sarcasm, and Liu Tieyi's feet softened when the words had some profound meaning.
Suddenly knelt down, turned around and said to her with a bitter face: "Yes... I'm sorry, Mr. Jian, this is opened by my wife.

Seeing how profitable our industry is, she insists on opening one, but I can't stop her, I... I really don't want to do this.

Please give me another chance, I will turn it off immediately when I go back..."

"Heh..." Jian Junxi's sneer made him feel cold all over, the temperature in the air dropped suddenly, and the chill radiated from her whole body.

As if it could penetrate his body, making him cold to the bone marrow, at this moment, he really felt afraid.

"It's too late...your wife Xie Yuan and your daughter Liu Jiajia, including all your, all of you...go to see the King of Hades..."

Liu Tie also looked at her in horror, and the moment her lips parted slightly, she quickly flicked a black pill into his mouth.

He continued to add expressionlessly: "I forgot to mention, and you..."

Liu Tie also felt the pill in his mouth, it melted in his mouth, he spat desperately, the saliva stained the carpet, Jian Junxi just gave him a disgusted look.

He said in an extremely cold tone: "It's useless, why do you have to do this kind of dying struggle, dare to eat and crawl, you should think about today's result.

There are many ways to make money, but if you insist on breaking ground on the head of Tai Sui, you will not be guilty of death! "

" family, they...they are innocent..." Liu Tie also felt his heart throbbing more and more.

The pain was so great that he couldn't help himself, and knowing that he was going to die, he dared to question him!
"Oh... innocent? Your wife is a legal person, your daughter has not graduated from college, and works as the marketing director of the company, and your mother is the finance.

Your father is doing surveillance inside, but tell me, which one is innocent? "

(End of this chapter)

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