Counterattack on the giants: the villain male god is a girl

Chapter 300 Dare to eat and wait for death with me?

Chapter 300 Dare to eat and wait for death with me?
As soon as her words fell, everyone gasped, but they didn't expect that anyone would dare to do such a thing.

She was so scared that she didn't dare to move, she could tell from Jian Junxi's expression that she was in a bad mood, and everyone was afraid of hurting Chi Yu.

Her words made Liu Tieyi speechless, rolling on the ground in pain, screaming in pain, she was very disgusted!

He gave him a cold, devilish look, and he was so frightened that he instinctively closed his mouth. He was in pain but didn't dare to make a sound.

It can be seen that not only the bodies of all the people present are cold, but their hearts are also cold. For some people, the cold sweat on their backs has even wet their shirts.

But she slowly returned to her main seat, and said coldly and ruthlessly:
"Innocent? In my eyes, as long as you have a relationship with me today, then you and your family members cannot be innocent!

This is the last time I advise you, don’t play with me with the lives of your whole family, if you want to make money, show off your performance, as much as you want.
I wanted to swallow it even if I didn't earn it. I dared to exchange the lives of the whole family for money, heh. I hope his death can teach you something!
Finally, let me say one more thing. Next month, everyone's performance cannot be less than two billion yuan. Do you hear me clearly? "

The hysterical roar in the last sentence made everyone tremble with fright, and they all nodded and said, "Listen clearly..."

She narrowed her eyes slightly, and moved her lips calmly: "It reaches two billion, villas, whatever you choose, and cash rewards are also fine.

The salary is calculated separately. If you do well, you can easily earn more than [-] million yuan a month and live the life of a master!
But let me put my ugly words in front, if you can't do it again, what will happen to you, I think you can see clearly today.

Dare to hang around with me and wait to die?I'm afraid you can't get along..."

Everyone lowered their heads and didn't dare to breathe. They began to think about how to improve their performance, not because they wanted more than [-] million yuan in income.

Because if you can't do it, not only will you die, but your whole family may die, how can they not be afraid...

Jian Junxi glanced at Liu Tieyi who was already dead on the ground, picked up his notebook and pen, and said in a deep voice:
"Speaking of which, as far as I can tell, everyone sitting here is a smart person. I never joke. If you don't believe me, you can give it a try!
Those who are not willing to disobey me can give it a try, and those who are not afraid of death come, I am waiting for you at any time, especially now, I want to see who dares to stand against me! "

"Don't dare..." Everyone said in unison, with an unprecedented tacit understanding, which made the corners of her lips twitch slightly, as if mocking.

It was also like the self-confidence exuding from her bones, she turned and walked out, and said coldly as she walked: "The meeting is over!"

When he passed by Zhang Chengcheng's side, he glanced at him with deep eyes and a little meaning, he nodded slightly at her, and watched her go out.

Only then did everyone exhale, and the huge conference room became a little warmer, and even the oxygen in the air seemed to have increased.

Not feeling depressed, several of them immediately stood up and ran to Zhang Chengcheng.

Sincerely asking him how to close the deal for nearly [-] billion, no one has any intention of leaving.

They all gathered around him, not daring to mock or perfunctory, especially since there was a cold corpse lying beside him.

Ten minutes ago he was still alive and sitting in front of them. Zhang Chengcheng was honest and honest, and he didn't hide anything.

He shared his methods of closing customers and promotion plans in the same way, and even wrote the key points on the whiteboard
He said it in detail, and everyone recorded it very seriously!

(End of this chapter)

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