Chapter 301 Is there anything else?

Jian Junxi narrowed his eyes and watched Zhang Chengcheng sharing his successful experience from the camera, his sharp lips raised a slight arc.

Qin Li's pupils widened, and said with a smile: "Master, it seems that you have to do it yourself!"

The slightly meaningful words made Lengqing scratch his head in embarrassment, and finally smiled bitterly: "Yes, I still have to learn more from the young master, and my ability needs to be improved!"

"Hmm...Actually, you've done a good job, human nature is greedy and lazy, and occasionally you have to give them a strong medicine.

If you don't compare them, you won't know that you still have a lot of room for improvement..." Jian Junxi rubbed his temples.

While talking weakly, Qin Li saw this and asked worriedly: "Master, is your head hurting again?"

"It's okay, my head is a little swollen, maybe I didn't rest last night! I'll go to sleep for a while..."

After speaking, she picked up her notebook and stood up, Qin Li bit her lips, looked at her hesitantly, and asked suspiciously: "Is there anything else?"

Qin Li scratched her head and said with embarrassment: "'s like this, you have been ranked first for several years in a row.

You don’t need to take the senior high school entrance examination, you can choose any university in the country. I don’t know who disclosed this news. Now everyone in the school knows
Then, that is... Madam Ouyang came to the house yesterday and wanted to invite you back to school to give a speech to the students!
It is said that you are successful in your career at a young age, such positive energy is worth learning from the students, the effect of motivation...that..."

Seeing Jian Junxi's face getting darker and darker, she silently took a small step back, swallowed, and dared not say a word!

"You mean... my mother agreed?" Jian Junxi narrowed his eyes and asked coldly.

She clenched her palms tightly with both hands. She disliked this kind of publicity the most. Now she has the heart to kill Lin Yiyi...

How could Qin Li not know that she never attended any event, let alone a speech, so she could only explain tremblingly:
"Well, ma'am, she...Mainly because Mrs. Ouyang is too eloquent, the left sentence is to contribute to education
The right sentence is to help children grow up and let them have a vision for the future, that, the pit is so big..."

Jian Junxi caressed his forehead in anger, and angrily planned to find Lin Yiyi, but Qin Li added:

"Well, master, and... Ou Shao called just now, saying that you promised him... They will have a friendly basketball match with Qing He tomorrow!"

Jian Junxi got angry, took back his mobile phone, and roared, "When did I promise him to play some basketball game?"

Qin Li held back her mouth in shock, and explained aggrievedly: "Uh... that was the last time you asked his father to sign and promised him...

If you want to do him a favor, he...he means that if you win Qinghe, you will help him, because if you don't go, Young Master Feng won't go either..."

Jian Junxi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he roared in an extremely cold tone: "Are you only with me today?

Is there any brains, public speaking and such a competition... Do you think I will go? "

Qin Li turned pale with fright, lowered her eyes silently, and cast a glance of indifference and coldness, he immediately understood.

Standing next to Qin Li, he explained: "Master, I can prove that she refused, but you know the character of Master Ouyang."
What's more, it's the favor you owe him, and the matter of the speech, she has clearly rejected Mrs. Ouyang, it's just that our wife has been superstitious recently..."

"Okay..." Jian Junxi interrupted in a cold voice with an impatient expression, and walked towards the door with a dark face!

(End of this chapter)

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