you are my joy

Chapter 190 Seeing the Parents

Chapter 190 Seeing the Parents (5)

Speaking of Lu Yuting, Mrs. Lu's eyes were full of love.

Compared with Lu Yuxiao, Lu Yuting lost too much of his own time since childhood. He had no childhood, no fun, and less love from his parents. Some of them only had a full schedule of boring courses.

She watched Lu Yuting gradually grow into what the old man hoped in his heart, with ruthless methods and indifference.

Now Lu Yuting, who is in front of Ning Yuxi, has become a normal person with seven emotions and six desires.

This is what she wanted to see most for so many years.

A Ying: "This is enough to show that the eldest young master really likes this Miss Ning, and this young lady dares to mention old things in front of you as a reminder to you in order to be with the eldest young master, and it is enough to prove that Miss Ning Be sincere to the eldest young master."

Mrs. Lu smiled and nodded, "A Ying, prepare some gifts. Let's go to Ning's house sometime. Such a good girl must be settled early. It would be bad if someone robs her."

"Yes, old lady."


As soon as she came downstairs, Ning Yuxi fell into a warm embrace, and the fragrant fragrance penetrated into the tip of her nose, making her feel extremely at ease.

Lu Yuting asked worriedly, "Is something wrong?"

After she went upstairs, he never let go of his heart. Only when he saw her would he feel much more at ease.

"Just a few words, grandma won't do anything to me, but grandma gave me this."

Ning Yuxi raised her hand and shook the wooden box in her hand, she suddenly felt the urge to joke, a hint of slyness slipped in her Xingmei eyes, but her expression was very sad.

"Grandma said that if I accept this gift, I have to leave you."

Lu Yuting pinched her nose fiercely and said through gritted teeth, "Then I'll tie you to the bed now!"

Ning Yuxi raised her eyebrows slightly, "Aren't you angry?"

Lu Yuting glanced at the box in her hand lightly, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and all his original worries disappeared without a trace.

"You still want to deceive me with your little trick? The things in this box are things that grandma has always treasured. I heard that it is a jade pendant handed down by her old family's family for generations. Even if she wants you to leave me, she will not In exchange for something so precious."

Ning Yuxi looked at the wooden box in her hand. She didn't think much about it at the time, she just thought it was ordinary jewelry, but she didn't expect this gift to be so precious.

"Should I return something so precious?"

Lu Yuting put away the gift for her, and tightened the hand on her waist.

"Since it was given to you by your grandmother, you should keep it. Anyway, this thing is left to the granddaughter-in-law."

They haven't told grandma about their marriage yet, and this gift has already been given to her, which shows that his little woman has been recognized by grandma.

Ning Yuxi raised her head and smiled at Lu Yuting, her mood was even brighter.

Maybe at this moment they both understand why each other is happy.

They were happy, but Lu Yuxiao on the side was unhappy, and his mouth was about to pop into the sky!
"Hey hey hey! Have you hugged enough! Can't you see such a big living person standing here?"

Lu Yuting turned his head and his eyes immediately became cold, with a little disgust.

"After dinner, go back to your hotel immediately!"

Lu Yuxiao jumped his feet angrily, "Brother, you're too much! I'm your younger brother, it's okay if you don't give me a set of the villa in Huangting Yuyuan, you even kicked me out to live in the hotel, you touch you Your conscience, won't it hurt?"

Lu Yuting raised his sharp eyebrows and looked at him meaningfully.

"Want the villa in the Imperial Palace?"

For some reason, Lu Yuxiao always felt that Lu Yuting looked at him with gloomy eyes, as if he had no good intentions, and hurriedly hugged him.

"I...I don't want...I don't want."

Lu Yuting pondered, "It's not impossible if you want..."

Hearing this, Lu Yuxiao ran to Lu Yuting with a swoosh, blinking his star eyes and smiling dog-legged.

"Really, brother? I know that my brother loves me the most. You are the most gentle, kind, and caring invincible brother in the whole world!"

Ning Yuxi's mouth twitched.

Second Young Master, this flattery is a bit too much, she can't listen anymore.


Lu Yuxiao tapped Lu Yuting on the shoulder, waiting for his next words.

"However, the ownership of Huangting Imperial Garden is with Xi'er, I said it doesn't count."

Lu Yuxiao's hand froze, and his face immediately changed, where did he still look like a dog's leg just now.

"Brother, why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Ning Yuxi looked puzzled, "When did I have the ownership of the Imperial Palace?"

The smile on Lu Yuting's lips had a hint of success.

"When you were in country M, the last of those documents that Wen Zheng gave you was the transfer contract for the ownership of the Imperial Palace."

Ning Yuxi put her hands around her chest and looked at Lu Yuting with all her leisure.

"Mr. Lu, so you are waiting for me here?"

After knowing that those were just projects that Lu Yuting helped her pick out, she hardly looked at the contents of the contract seriously.

Who knows, this man has been tricked into it.

Lu Yuting rubbed her head, "The Imperial Court is my private property, and it is yours."

When Lu Yuxiao saw that the two of them were starting to fight each other again, he hurriedly got close to Ning Yuxi, and put two humble fingers on her shoulders.

"Goddess, just because I'm your number one fan, you can give me a set!"

Lu Yuting lowered his face and glanced across.

"Don't want your hands anymore?"

"Stingy, not even two fingers!" Lu Yuxiao muttered in a low voice.

Ning Yuxi couldn't help laughing, raised her head and blinked at Lu Yuting.

"What do you think, Mr. Lu?"

"You decide for yourself, but Madam think about it, I invested in the Imperial Palace with my private property."

Lu Yuxiao cursed inwardly and shook his head at Ning Yuxi.

"Goddess, don't listen to my brother. My brother has money, so he doesn't care about that little bit."

"He doesn't care about me! His money is also mine now. If Er Shao really likes it here, why not buy a set?"

Ha ha!

It's really not a family, don't enter a family.

His goddess is more ruthless than his brother when it comes to business!
When he bought this land, his brother didn't invest too much money, but if he buys a set at the market value of Huangting Royal Garden now, it would be a small profit for the couple.

To say ruthless, or goddess ruthless!
Lu Yuxiao lowered his head pitifully and sighed, "No love anymore."

Wooooooo... Even the goddess treats him like this, and his heart has been shattered into powder.

Ning Yuxi couldn't help laughing, maybe because she was in a good mood, she continued to tease Lu Yuxiao.

"Then Er Shao, why don't you just call me sister-in-law, and I'll give you a favor."

"How much is the love price?"

"Twenty percent off!"

Lu Yuxiao rolled his eyes, "Goddess, if I call you sister-in-law, you will give me a [-]% discount, then if I call you sister-in-law twice, you can get a [-]% discount, and if you call more, you will give it to me for free. ?"

 Thank you [_._ Jingjing dē ~...・…メ] for the monthly ticket, alright!
(End of this chapter)

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