you are my joy

Chapter 191 Lu Yuxiao, Abandoned by the World

Chapter 191 Lu Yuxiao, Abandoned by the World

Ning Yuxi's expression paused, and the smile on her lips deepened.

"You call your sister-in-law first to listen. If I'm happy, maybe I won't be able to send you."

"Sister-in-law!" There was no hesitation.

Ning Yuxi looked distressed, "It seems... not very happy to hear it."

"Sister-in-law! Sister-in-law! Just give me a set. I'll be there for you in the future. Let me be a cow and a horse for you!"

Lu Yuxiao subconsciously wanted to grab Ning Yuxi's arm. As soon as his hand was stretched out in mid-air, he felt a cold swishing around his hands. He immediately retracted his hand and grinned.

Ning Yuxi and Lu Yuting looked at each other with a smile, and pondered for a moment, "Okay, I'll send it to you."

Lu Yuxiao's eyes lit up, and he leaned over to Ning Yuxi's side and tapped her on the shoulder lightly.

"Sister-in-law, I know you love me more than my brother. Are you thirsty? Are you hungry? I'll ask Aunt Wu to help you prepare what you want to eat!"

Lu Yuting stared at the hands he put on Ning Yuxi's shoulders, the more he looked at it, the more dazzling his eyes became, his eyes deepened, and his thin lips moved slightly.

"I can give it to you, but I can't give you the key."

Lu Yuxiao's mood was like a roller coaster. Just a few seconds after he was happy, he was knocked to the bottom, and the dog-legged smile immediately stiffened at the corner of his mouth.


Lu Yuting swept his hands secretly, looked back calmly, and spoke lightly.

"Because you're single."


Lu Yuxiao almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

What did he do wrong to do this to him?

Even if the two of them blatantly show their love in front of him, they still discriminate against him for being single?

What's wrong with him being single?
Have you eaten his rice? (Author Jun: I have eaten, and I have eaten a lot.)
Lu Yuxiao said unconvinced, "Brother, you are unreasonable, my sister-in-law gave me the villa, it's my thing, I have the final say on what to do with it!"

Lu Yuting lifted his eyes and glanced at him lightly, "Is it yours now?"

Lu Yuxiao's words were all choked in his throat, he turned his eyes and looked at Ning Yuxi eagerly.

"sister in law……"

Ning Yuxi leaned into Lu Yuting's arms, "I'll listen to him."

Lu Yuxiao was completely frozen in place, and his heart was half cold.

The brother doesn't hurt, the sister-in-law doesn't love him, he's afraid he's a fake brother!

"Brother, you are a double standard. I heard Chen Yu say that you also gave him a villa in Huangting Yuyuan, so why can't he live in me?"

"Chen Yu is different from you."

When Lu Yuxiao heard this, he was unhappy, "What's the difference, I'm single, isn't he single?"

Lu Yuting paused for a while, and then said something in a hurry, "Because you are an eyesore!"

Naked disgust!

The light in Lu Yuxiao's eyes went out completely, he waved his hand lifelessly, walked to the sofa like a walking corpse, sat down, and closed himself...

Ning Yuxi smiled helplessly, "Why do you hurt him like this? He just wants to have a place to live. The second young master of the Lu family lives in a hotel every day, and it's not good to hear about it."

"His living here will affect our married life, and more importantly..."

Lu Yuting lowered his head slowly and whispered against Ning Yuxi's ear, "It will affect the sexual well-being of the two of us."

The last two words were bitten by Lu Yuting particularly hard. Ning Yuxi always felt that his so-called sexual happiness was not the happiness she understood, and seemed to imply something.

Ning Yuxi coughed dryly and pushed him away while pretending to not understand.

"That... I'll go to the kitchen to see and prepare some dishes that grandma likes to eat."

As she said that, Ning Yuxi ran away in a hurry, her footsteps were messy, and there was a sense of running away.

Lu Yuting chuckled lightly, raised his heels and went to prepare with her.


At noon, Madam Lu knew that Ning Yuxi had specially prepared this table for her, and she became more and more satisfied with this granddaughter-in-law.

Especially when she saw that her indifferent grandson knew how to serve vegetables, her mouth couldn't close when she laughed.

Rarely quiet at the dining table, Madam Lu realized that something was wrong only when she was halfway through eating.

Seeing that Lu Yuxiao kept stuffing food into his mouth with a downturned face, he seemed to be greatly aggrieved.

"Yu Xiao, who bullied you so wronged?"

"Who else is there besides my brother?" His voice was full of grievances.

Mrs. Lu seemed to take it easy. While eating, she asked casually, "Are you looking for a fight again?"

"Grandma, it's my brother's fault this time!"

Finally finding an outlet, Lu Yuxiao complained about Lu Yuting's "crime".

Who knows, Madam Lu just lifted her eyelids.

"Yuting did nothing wrong. You are a single dog living in the Imperial Palace, and you always come to disturb your brother and sister-in-law. Don't delay their childbirth!"


Lu Yuxiao's face was about to collapse to the ground.

It doesn't matter if his brother doesn't hurt, and his sister-in-law doesn't love him. Now even grandma is starting to despise him.

Is he the Lu family's biological child?
Hearing the words, Ning Yuxi paused while holding the chopsticks, and the corners of her lips twitched imperceptibly.

Has she been born?

Madam Lu turned a blind eye to Lu Yuxiao's grievances.

"Yu Xiao, you are no longer a child, so you should take care of yourself. If you don't act on your own, grandma will arrange a blind date for you. The girls selected for you today are not bad, why don't you make an appointment? met?"

Lu Yuxiao stood up abruptly, where did he still look wronged just now, he smiled.

"Grandma, I suddenly remembered that the company still has things waiting for me to deal with, you continue to eat, I will go first."

As soon as the voice fell, no one was there.

Madam Lu said angrily, but she looked at the direction that Lu Yuxiao left, but there was no lack of kindness, "This kid belongs to a rabbit!"


After lunch and a short rest, Ning Yuxi decided to go to the Ning Group first.

Lu Yuting drove her to Ning's downstairs, leaned over to help her unfasten her seat belt, and kissed her lips.

"Call me after get off work and I'll pick you up."

Ning Yuxi's cheeks flushed, and she smiled sweetly, "En."

After getting out of the car, Ning Yuxi watched Lu Yuting's car leave, and when she turned around, she saw Fu Lin standing not far away.

The smile in his eyes disappeared in an instant, and the coldness between his brows and eyes returned.

Ning Yuxi raised her foot and walked towards the building of the Ning Group, turning a blind eye to Fu Lin.

The scene in the car just now made Fu Lin have mixed feelings in his heart. He walked forward without thinking, and grabbed Ning Yuxi's wrist tightly.

"Yu Xi."

Ning Yuxi withdrew her hand indifferently and brushed off the clothes he touched.

"Fu Shao made a special trip to wait for me here, is there something wrong?"

Her actions deeply hurt Fu Lin's eyes, and there was a hint of injury in her eyes.

"You think I'm dirty?"

Ning Yuxi didn't even give him a look, her face was as cold as frost.

"I just don't like the touch of strangers, so I ask Fu Shao to talk about things in the future, and don't do anything."

(End of this chapter)

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