The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 151 Burning the City

Chapter 151 Burning the City
Unfavorable news reached Wang En's ears one after another, but the building was about to collapse, but he was powerless.

The Han army in the city gradually realized that something was wrong, and the "Zhu Jun" commanded in the city was many times worse than before.

More and more Yellow Turban soldiers boarded the city wall, and more and more Yellow Turban soldiers poured into the city gate.

In all directions are the screams of the Yellow Turban Army, and in all directions are the terrifying screams of the Yellow Turban Army.

The Han army finally collapsed. The successive defeats and successive blows made the morale of the Han army guarding in Kuicheng finally fall to the bottom.

The gate of Kuicheng was breached by sharp soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army.

Zhu Jun's head was taken out again, and this time the Han army behind the city gate could see it clearly.

The news of Zhu Jun's death spread like a gust of wind in Kuicheng, and the Han army in Kuicheng began to fall apart.

The Han army officer who was ordered to guard had fallen in a pool of blood, and a sharp halberd pierced his chest.

And in front of him was a yellow scarf soldier wearing leather armor. The yellow scarf soldier opened his eyes wide. There was a bloodstain on his neck, and blood was slowly flowing out of it.

These two enemies, who fought life and death on the battlefield, knelt and leaned on each other at this moment...

Countless soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army passed by them without stopping.

"Wan Sheng!!!"

The sergeants of the Han army who were crowded on the city wall and were preparing to support the city also heard the roar of the Yellow Turban Army from the south gate.

"The gate of the south city was broken by the sharp warriors of the Yellow Turban Army, and Zhao Zhong, the military marquis, died in battle."

An orderly soldier covered in blood stumbled up the tower.

Wang En trembled when he heard the messenger's report. At this moment, his eyes were full of shaking yellow banners, all of which were sharp, one after another.

Wang En took off his helmet in despair. In fact, he had lost his courage a long time ago. He already knew the outcome of the Kuicheng defensive battle. All this was doomed from the failure of the night attack last night.

"The sergeants in the northern city opened the city gate, and they ran away..."

It was another messenger, and Wang En heard his panicked voice before he climbed the tower.

Wang En looked back at the messenger and smiled wryly.

The messenger froze when he saw Wang En's face. He recognized Wang En wearing Zhu Junchi's refined armor.

Wang En sat down on the ground with a face ashen, and said dejectedly, "Everyone run for their lives..."

The sound of chaotic footsteps sounded near the city tower, and the shouts of killing in the city became more and more intense, and countless yellow scarf soldiers on the city wall were marching here.

On the tower, there were only two family soldiers brought by Wang En from home. He waved his hand and said to his own soldiers, "You guys go too..."

"If the Lord is alone on the road to Huangquan, he will be a little lonely."

The two family soldiers were half kneeling on the ground and did not move.

"My two brothers have been favored by the Wang family, how can we leave the lord at the moment of life and death?"

"it is good……"

Wang En stood up staggeringly, the shouts of killing were getting closer and closer, even reaching the bottom of the tower, he knew that the Yellow Turban Army was about to charge up after Young Master Ma.

"Good, good, good..."

Wang En said "good" in his mouth, and slowly pushed open the wooden door on the city tower. The two soldiers looked curiously, and saw that the inside was full of firewood, oil and other fire materials.


He Man led the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army all the way forward, and finally rushed under the tower where "Zhu Jun" was.

When He Man stepped on the stairs, he realized that something was wrong. The temperature on the tower seemed to be much higher than other places, and a slight crackling sound came from He Man's ears.

"Come with me!"

He Man's expression changed, and he quickly climbed up the city tower, and kicked open the city gate's half-hidden gate with just one kick.

There was already a big fire in the city tower, and three black figures were looming in the firelight, and laughter came out of it intermittently.

"It's dangerous here, please go downstairs!"

Seeing that the fire was getting bigger and bigger, the guards beside He Man hurriedly tried to dissuade He Man from going down the tower.

In front of the city tower, Zhu Jun's fiery red flag had also fallen, becoming one of He Man's trophies in this battle.

Two quarters of an hour after the Han army at the south gate collapsed, the Yellow Turban army finally took control of the entire southern city wall.

A large number of soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army were sent into the city by Xu An to clear up the Han army.

The news that Zhu Jun had died in battle spread far faster than the advance speed of the Yellow Turban Army, and a large number of Han troops collapsed without engaging in battle.

The defeated soldiers of the Han army fled towards the North City, which was not attacked by the Yellow Turban Army. They crowded through the gates of the North City and fled to the wilderness outside the Kui City.

The Han army in Kuicheng discarded their helmets and armor, their weapons and armor, and all heavy things were thrown on the road by them.

These armors, which were once extremely precious, are now regarded as a burden and discarded on the ground at will.

The entire Han army in Kuicheng has become a mess, and they lost their command. In the eyes of the Yellow Turban Army in the city, they are as weak as lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

The Han army in Kuicheng had completely lost the courage to continue fighting the Yellow Turban army.

But these Han soldiers didn't know that what awaited them after escaping from the northern city was no way out. Waiting for them in the wilderness were five hundred Yellow Turban cavalry who were like wolves and tigers.


The flames danced in Xu An's eyes, and the towers in the south city of Kuicheng had already turned into a ball of fireworks.

A group of Yellow Turban troops ready to go was sent into the city by Xu An.

Flames shot up into the sky in Sunflower City, there were already no people in Sunflower City, and the people in the city were sent to Yong City by Zhu Jun early, which made Xu An less worried.

The chaotic battle lasted until dusk, and from sunrise to sunset, the turmoil in the entire Kwai City gradually subsided.

In the wilderness north of Kuicheng, countless Han troops were killed by the cavalry of the Yellow Turban Army in the wilderness.

There were too many Han troops who fled the city in a rout, and at the back, Xu An sent almost all the cavalry of the Yellow Turban Army under his command to the wilderness of the northern city.

Except for the Han army that had surrendered, all the Han troops in Kuicheng were slaughtered by the Yellow Turban Army.

Darkness slowly descends on the earth, and the last ray of light in the sky is about to disappear.

The sunset glow in the sky seems to be dyed red by blood, and the Sunflower City below the sunset glow is also a strange red color, but the red color of Sunflower City is really painted with blood.

Inside the city is the blood of the Han army, and outside the city is the blood of the Yellow Turban army.

The battle of Kuicheng came to an end along with the night sky.

So far, [-] Han soldiers have been buried in Kuicheng, [-] yellow scarves have returned to Huangtian, and more than [-] sons of the Han family have died on the battlefield.

The raging fire started from the center of Sunflower City, then spread around, and finally burned the whole Sunflower City.

The fire soared into the sky, and the flames grew bigger and bigger under the blowing of the strong wind. The inside and outside of Sunflower City were illuminated by the soaring fire light as bright as day.

(End of this chapter)

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