The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 152 The capital shakes

Chapter 152 The capital shakes
When the messenger from Hanoi rushed into Luoyang, the news of Zhu Jun's defeat and death spread throughout the capital like a hurricane.

Liu Hong was furious, and after his rage, he was terrified. Now the main force of the Han army is still fighting the Qiang people in the northwest. Looking around Hanoi, there is almost no army to counter the rebellion.

The aftermath of Zhu Jun's defeat dealt an even greater blow to the morale of the Han army. After all, it was Zhu Jun, the Marquis of Qiantang who had pacified Wancheng by tens of thousands of Yellow Turbans and had a "prestige all over the world".

The Taihang Yellow Turban Army shouted loudly in Kuicheng, and the front of the soldiers was approaching Henan County. The entire capital seemed to have returned to the summer of the seventh year of Guanghe.

General Bo Cai of the Yellow Turban Army led tens of thousands of troops to attack Changshe and besieged Zhu Jun. The main force of the Han army was Changshe and Kou Sili.

But even when the Yellow Turban Rebellion was the worst in the past, no Yellow Turban Army was so close to Luoyang.

According to the scouts sent by the scouts of the Han army, Kuicheng was on fire and the city was destroyed.

Only Sun Jian, Cheng Pu and more than a dozen Han army knights fled from Kuicheng to Yongcheng.

In addition, more than [-] Han troops, including Zhu Jun, were all left in Kuicheng forever by the Taihang Yellow Turban. This was the unprecedented defeat of the Han army.


Not long after the news reached the Luoyang court, an imperial edict was issued from the North Palace.

Huang Fusong, who was idle at home, was reinstated by the Emperor Liu Hong and served as General Zuo, responsible for the garrison and military affairs of Henan County.

The whole city of Luoyang was under martial law, the forbidden army in the city was mobilized, and the number of guards stationed in the imperial city multiplied day by day.

There are more and more guards in the streets and alleys, and the whole Luoyang city is covered with a layer of haze. The noise and luxury of the past are leaving Luoyang quickly.

The order to recruit troops was spread to various places along with a messenger who flew out from Luoyang.

The news of the Yellow Turban's attack caused the soldiers from all over Sili to gather towards Luoyang.

And when the entire Luoyang area of ​​the Han Empire was in turmoil and the army was preparing for war, the yellow scarves from the Taihang that they feared had once again hidden in the mountains of the Taihang Mountains.

The scouts of the Han army dared to approach the periphery of Kuicheng on the second day after the retreat of the Taihang Yellow Turban.

The fire in Kuicheng City had already been extinguished, but before entering the city, they saw a horrific scene outside the city.

The Taihang Yellow Turban beheaded all the Han soldiers and piled up their corpses outside the city.

In the battle of Kuicheng, both the Yellow Turban Army and the Han Army were already red-eyed and lost their minds.

In Guangzong, Xiaquyang, and Wancheng, the Han army slaughtered almost all the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army and even the family members of the Yellow Turban Army.

In the battle of Kuicheng, those Yellow Turban soldiers who were originally bandits in the Taihang Mountains were still sensible, but those veterans who were born in Taiping Road were really red-eyed, and they didn't even accept surrender.

After the Battle of Kuicheng, there were not many Han soldiers who survived. They were brought into the Taihang Mountains by the Yellow Turban Army. They will be greeted by labor reform. There is a lack of manpower in the Taihang Mountains, so they will be taken into the mines. Redeem with labor, and will not be free until a certain number of years has been reached.

Outside the gate of Nancheng, all kinds of military flags of the Han army lay in disorder, including Zhu Jun's fiery red banner.

The corpses of Zhu Jun, Zu Mao, Han Dang, Huang Gai, Zhang Chao and other generals of the Han army were tied up on the city wall with ropes by the Yellow Turbans and hung for public display.

Zhongping three years, July [-]th.

Five days had passed since the Battle of Kuicheng, and Huangfu Song finally entered Hanoi County with more than [-] Han troops.

The news of the recovery of Kuicheng was sent from the camp of the Han army outside Kuicheng, and the messenger rode out of the camp of the Han army with an urgent order.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, all the generals sat in a row, silent, the atmosphere in the tent was terribly dull.

Huangfu Song hung his head and sat in the first seat without saying a word.

The corpses of Zhu Jun and others have been put into coffins by the Han army. In addition to the generals of the Han army outside Kuicheng, the Han army also discovered the corpse of Zhang Yun who fell to the enemy in the Battle of Shijianshan.

Huangfusong clenched his fists tightly, he didn't expect that the team of little thieves who escaped from the next Quyang battle could cause such a big commotion in Taihang Mountain.

After the Battle of Shijian Mountain, Huangfusong wanted to mobilize soldiers and horses from the three states to encircle and suppress Taihang together.

It's a pity that the Qiang rebellion in the northwest happened without warning, and Huangfusong had to put aside the Taihang Yellow Turban incident to put down the Qiang rebellion.

Later, after Huangfusong was dismissed, he also wrote a letter to discuss the pacification of the Taihang Yellow Turban, but all his letters were without exception, nothing.

"I have underestimated this Xu An..."

Huge pressure pressed on Huangfusong's shoulders, almost making him breathless.

Huangfu Song had collected some information about Xu An in Jizhou before, and also had some understanding of Xu An.

Zhang He was promoted to Army Sima because of his achievements in capturing the heroic general Zhang Liang. After the Battle of Shijianshan, he fell into the enemy's line and there has been no news.

Huangfusong had inquired about Zhang Yun before, but they all returned in vain, but today he received the news of Zhang Yun's death in Kuicheng.

Xu An is Zhang Liang's disciple, avenging his master Zhang Liang's revenge will definitely make his reputation in the Taiping Dao even greater.

Let Xu An become Zhang Liang's legal successor and accept Zhang Liang's political influence.

Although the Yellow Turban Rebellion had been put down, Huangfusong knew that the disciples of Taiping Dao had just gone dormant.

Now Xu An defeated the Hanoi Han army led by Zhu Jun in the battle of Kuicheng.

The Taihang Yellow Turban defeated the Han army in Kuicheng, and the news of Zhu Jun's beheading has also spread from Luoyang, and it can't be controlled at all.

The prestige gained by Xu An in this battle is enough to make him the new leader of Taipingdao.

The death of [-] Han soldiers outside Kuicheng made Huangfusong feel as if a big stone was crushed in his heart. He knew that the remnant soldiers led by Xu An who escaped into Taihang were the survivors of the Battle of Xia Quyang.

Huangfu Song raised his head and looked at the generals in the tent.

He has already learned the process of the battle of Kuicheng.

But what made him unbelievable was that the Yellow Turban Army of Taihang defeated the Han army led by Zhu Jun in the wilderness with an upright formation.

At night, Sun Jian led the army to attack the camp at night to assist Zhu Jun to escape from Kuicheng. Like Huang Fusong, Zhu Jun also thought of the consequences of his death.

But it is a pity that Xu An had already prepared for this. Sun Jian was ambushed in the night attack, and then the cavalry led by Zhu Jun was also ambushed.

Sun Jian took more than ten riders and ran southward in the starry night, and then fled all the way to Yongcheng.

Among the cavalry guarding Zhu Jun, only Cheng Pu survived. He took advantage of the chaos and hid in the dense forest, and barely escaped the catastrophe. Huang Gai was not as lucky as him. Fight hard and die.

This battle can be said to be a disastrous defeat that the Han army has never suffered since the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

It was just the unusual movement of the Taihang Yellow Turban that raised doubts in Huangfusong's heart. Why did they not take advantage of the victory to pursue Hanoi after defeating Zhu Jun, but instead retreated into Taihang Mountain again.

Did Xu An go south to fight Zhu Jun in Kuicheng just to gain fame?
Huangfusong was suspicious in his heart, after thinking for a long time, he seemed to suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly called the guards.

"Quickly fetch the topography map of mountains and rivers."

A moment later, a map was delivered to his desk.

Huangfusong's eyes flickered, and he pointed to the Tianjing Pass in Taihang Xing. Looking down at the topography map of mountains and rivers on the desk, Huangfusong finally understood Xu An's intention of returning to Taihang Mountain.

"Send a message to Luoyang that the Taihang Yellow Turban intends to capture Shangdang County!"

Huangfu Song suddenly turned around, and said sharply to the messenger standing by.

 There is one more at 11 o'clock

(End of this chapter)

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