Chapter 172
"The lord defeated Zhu Jun in Kuicheng, attacked Shangdang County like a broken bamboo, and blocked Lu Zhi from the north. His current reputation can be described as the sky, which is why the nobles in Shangdang County are so afraid of the lord. reason."

"The current situation is that as long as the Han army can threaten the hinterland of Shangdang County, or appear in the sight of everyone, it will give them the courage to fight against our army."

"Furthermore, the ordinary people in Shangdang County have not experienced famine like the soldiers in our army. Although they bear heavy taxes, they can still barely make a living. Even if they miss the Han Dynasty, the manpower in the county cannot be used for military use. I suggest, my lord Daoist halls should be built in every city and settlement to spread the scriptures."

Xu An nodded, what Yan Zhong said was indeed true.

The people in Bingzhou have not suffered severe drought. Although there are heavy taxes and heavy burdens, they can barely make ends meet.

Moreover, the Han Dynasty had ruled for a long time, and the forced recruitment of these people into the army, not only did not conform to the rules set by Xu An, but the combat power was worrying and could not be guaranteed, and there might even be the danger of defecting.

After occupying Taihang Mountain, even if troops were sent to invade and loot counties and counties, Xu An strictly prohibited harming innocent people, harming civilians, and even trampling on cultivated farmland was prohibited.

Under the constraints of military orders and military regulations, the Yellow Turban Army under Xu An has always maintained considerable restraint.

Now among Xu An's Yellow Turban Army, those soldiers who used to be thorny and old habits were either punished by the military law to be honest and reformed, or they were mining in a mine in the Taihang Mountains to serve their sentences, or even directly committed suicide. Huang Quan re-entered reincarnation.

Forcing the people in Shangdang County to enlist in the army will only make the people of Shangdang County boil with resentment, and will hinder the development of the Yellow Turban Army.

The best way is to first set up Taoist temples in various places, and spread the scriptures, treat the villagers, and slowly build up the masses just like the development of Taipingdao.
Xu An pondered for a while, then looked at Yan Zhongyan and said: "Right now in the army, there is a shortage of alchemists. There are thirteen cities in Shangdang County. First, we will only open temples in these thirteen cities to spread the scriptures. Cultivate the congregation, and the rest of the settlements will not set up Taoist halls for the time being."

Xu An thought for a while, and then said: "The newly recruited soldiers must be followers of the Taiping Dao."

Time has passed, and now Xu An has sufficient soldiers, it is no longer the time when there was a shortage of troops in the past, it is better to lack than to overrun.

The disadvantages of the crowd tactics are firstly that it will consume a lot of its own soldiers and manpower, and the second is that it requires a lot of money and food supply, and the logistical pressure is huge.

Moreover, the Yellow Turban Rebellion has proved that the crowd tactics are not feasible. Maybe it is okay to face the not-so-elite ordinary county soldiers, but facing the elite Han army, it is just a matter of military merit.

Now is no longer the period of disasters in the seventh year of Guanghe. The refugees are everywhere, and they can plunder the supplies of counties and counties. Xu An has occupied Shangdang County, and the total population is only more than 20 including soldiers.

If they were recruited by force in Shangdang County, or randomly recruited soldiers, the combat power of these soldiers would not even be as good as those skinny and hungry people in the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and the logistical pressure would increase dramatically.

You must know that during the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the background was the famine years. It was hunger that drove the Yellow Turbans who rose up, and fanatical religion drove them to use their flesh and blood to meet the Han army.

But now these people in Shangdang County are neither hungry people nor believers of the Taiping Dao. When they go to the battlefield, they will only become oil bottles. Even after training, the long-term rule of the Han Dynasty has been deeply rooted in their hearts. Money and food.

Although Xu An can lead the army to attack from all directions, no matter which side the attack is from, it is bound to be strongly counterattacked by the Han army, and the Han army will no longer store money and food in various counties and counties, but there are important warehouses At that time, the results of looting will inevitably be limited, and even the gains outweigh the losses.

"The establishment of the Daoist Hall and the recruitment of new soldiers are determined according to this. How many weapons have been seized, can they be counted?"

Xu An turned his head to look at Yan Zhong and asked.

Hearing this, Yan Zhong unfolded the bamboo slips in his hand and reported to Xu Anhui.

"Our army acquired a total of 2131 iron armors, 4231 leather armors, and several armors for maintenance."

"4875 curved edge shields, 1200 tower shields, 6170 spears, 3000 halberds, 2320 ring-head knives, 1323 Han bows, 3214 crossbow machines, and several feathered arrows."

Most of these weapons were in stock in the arsenal of Shangdang County for a long time, and after the Taihang Yellow Turbans invaded Bingzhou, and after Zhang Yi expanded his army to prepare for war, he summoned craftsmen to build new weapons, but now they are all cheaper than Xu An.

During the Battle of Changping, the Han army was equipped with these weapons, but it was a pity that they met Wang Gong, a county guard who did not know soldiers, otherwise Shangdang County could hold on for a while.

At that time, Lu Zhi will most likely break through the defense line established by Liu Pi and occupy the northern part of Shangdang, which will bring trouble to Xu An's plan. Even if he controls the entire territory of Shangdang, he will need more time to cultivate his health and rest .

"How is the whole army going?"

"The vacancies in the military pawn battalion and the sharp soldier camp are quite large, and soldiers have been transferred from various ministries to fill them up. The rest of the ordinary soldiers are temporarily combined into five divisions, and the establishment of each division after the fifth division is cancelled."

"The military preparations were completely completed on October [-], and the money and rations were also prepared yesterday. We can send troops to Wangwu and Taiyue at any time."

Xu An put his left hand on the knee of his left hand, and put his right hand on the desk in front of him, tapping on the desk lightly.

His eyes went from Yan Zhong to Zhang Yan, and then to Xu Huang, Liu Pi, Gong Du, Bai Rao and the other generals.

Now under Xu An's command, only Yan Zhong and Zhang Yan can stand alone. Xu Huang is still a little bit inexperienced.

Gong Du's character is reckless, not to mention, Bai Rao's command ability is only satisfactory, and he has been following Yu Du all the year round.

Yan Zhong must not be able to lead the army, he still needs to deal with the people's livelihood and political affairs in Shangdang County. If Yan Zhong is allowed to lead the army, then Xu An will have to take care of both military and civil affairs at the same time. It can drown Xu An.

Then there are only Zhang Yan and Xu Huang.

Xu Huang in history did have the ability to lead the army, and was praised by Cao Cao for "having the style of Zhou Yafu" because of his strict military management.

In the Battle of Fancheng, Xu Huang led his army to repel Guan Yu, followed Guan Yu to pursue and kill him, and took the opportunity to break through Guan Yu's ten layers of siege, completely lifting the siege of Fancheng.

Since he still lacked experience, the bandits in the mountains just allowed Xu Huang to accumulate some experience.

Xu An made up his mind on the candidate, and immediately said, "Zhang Yan, Gong Ming."

"The end is here."

Zhang Yan and Xu Huang stepped out in response, and obeyed orders.

"The two of you each lead one soldier, one sharp soldier, and one thousand archers. Go to Taiyue and Wangwu, and gather the bandits in the mountains. Be sure to hold all the passes and important roads in the hands of our army."


(End of this chapter)

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