The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 173 Daotang

Chapter 173 Daotang
"The identities of the captives have been identified. There are a total of 1829 soldiers of the Han army, 1614 powerful private soldiers of the gentry, and 2120 strong men. Please let me know how to deal with these people."

Yan Zhong took another bamboo slip and continued to report that most of these prisoners were captured during the Battle of Changping.

Because of Wang Gong's death in the Battle of Changping, the Han army quickly lost the courage to resist and all surrendered, so the casualties of the Han army were not very large.

Then, when the Yellow Turban Army continued to go north, it encountered the two Han troops sent by Sima Guohua of the Shangdang County Army to support them from the south.

The general who commanded the vanguard of the Yellow Turban Army was Xu Huang. The combat power was very different. The well-trained and superior soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army quickly defeated the two Han infantry who went south to support them.

Facing the cavalry of the Yellow Turban Army who came in groups, these Han soldiers who had just been recruited from the fields for training could only throw down their weapons, kneel on the ground, and were captured by the Yellow Turban Army.

As for the trilogy of the Han army in the south of Bachi Mountain, when the army Sima received the news of Changping's defeat and Lu Zhi's withdrawal, it was an hour before the Yellow Turban Army was preparing to launch an attack on the second day.

Guo Hua took the generals under his command to hand over all their weapons and armor, and gave up resistance.

Since Guo Hua voluntarily surrendered, Xu An did not take them as prisoners, but temporarily placed them outside the eldest son city.

"The mines in the Taihang Mountains still lack manpower for mining. These soldiers of the Han army and private soldiers of the gentry are all thrown into the Taihang Mountains."

Xu An thought about the situation under his rule and said carefully.

"As for the temporarily recruited strong men, we will take them to various places to build Taoist temples, and after the construction is completed, they can be sent back to their hometowns."

Now for Xu An, every manpower is very important.

It is already October and the end of the year to capture the entire territory of Shangdang. The turmoil in the Han Dynasty is continuing and will become more and more intense.

The era when all heroes rise together and chase after each other is about to begin.


The Yellow Turban Army has occupied the entire Shangdang County for more than a month.

The residents of Shangdang County were panicked at first and closed their doors tightly, but life must go on, and for a while, they found that the arrival of the Yellow Turban Army did not seem to have changed much.

Even the law and order was much better than when the Han army was still there. Those rangers who had already roamed the streets dared to make trouble, and most of them would be tied up and beaten by the Yellow Turban soldiers patrolling the streets.

In the countryside, most of the thieves and bandits hiding in the forest near the settlement were cleared out by the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army.

Most of the gentry tyrants also surrendered at Xu An's feet, and only a few of them were still holding on to Wubao to resist stubbornly. However, the Yellow Turban Army also blocked them and the roads outside, which could not cause any trouble at all.

These gentry tyrants used to run rampant in the countryside, and even a domestic slave could be arrogant, and most of the nearby villages and settlements were quite resentful towards them.

After being restrained by the Yellow Turban Army, these gentry tyrants did not dare to leave their gathering places at all. Moreover, Xu An also beheaded the tyrants of the three families who were extremely resentful by the people, so Xu An gained a lot of popular support in the countryside in Shangdang County.

However, although the Taihang Yellow Turban Army has Xu An's military order in front, it still has strict military discipline.

But many of them were bandits after all, and violations of military orders still occurred, and there were even several cases of murder and robbery.

But soon these people were all captured by the patrol team of the Yellow Turban Army. After clarifying the case, regardless of their official positions, they all beheaded in the city for public display. This also made the people of Shangdang County feel less panicked.

The construction of Taoist halls in each city has been accelerated a lot with the free labor of those strong men.

As for the issue of craftsmen, the Yellow Turban Army itself was extremely short of craftsmen, all of them were shortly after Xu An entered Shangdang County.

He ordered Zhao Le to take the soldiers to summon the craftsmen in Shangdang County. Shangdang County is under military control, and those craftsmen can't escape at home. Gather these artisans together.


Xu An put down the bamboo slips in his hand, rubbed his temples, and confirmed to Zhao Le who was under the hall: "The Taoist hall in the eldest son city has been repaired?"

After half a year, Zhao Le has gained a lot of weight now.

Hearing Xu An's question, Zhao Le bowed again, and said with a smile: "There are still some details, and today's Shenshi will almost complete the project."

"There are four schools of Taoism, Classics, Justice, and Medicine in the Taoist hall, and the candidates for the lecturers are also selected from the army. This is the list made by Yan Junshi."

Zhao Le took out several bamboo slips from his sleeve and continued.

"Bring it here." Xu An ordered.


Zhao Le bowed his body, trotted over, and placed the bamboo slips in front of Xu An's desk.

Xu An looked at the obese Zhao Le, but felt a little funny, and said: "Patriarch Zhao, have you gained a lot of luck recently?"

Hearing Xu An's words, Zhao Le was a little dazed. He didn't know what Xu An meant by getting fat, but he didn't dare to ask, so he could only continue to smile.

Xu An looked at the names on the bamboo slips, and nodded slightly. He had probably heard of the list on the bamboo slips, and they were all outstanding talismans and alchemists in the Taiping Dao, but he didn't remember any of the lecturers of medicine.

Xu An pointed to the bamboo slips and asked, "Who is the lecturer of this medical department?"

Zhao Le quickly replied: "My lord, the lecturer of the medical department is the thirteen most outstanding doctors selected by Yan Junshi from Shangdang County as lecturers. In the battle of Kuicheng, not many wounded soldiers in the army recovered. , Yan Junshi is not very optimistic about the medical workers in the army."

Xu An frowned slightly. In this era, the recovery rate of soldiers after injury is really low.

The painful groans and desperate cries of the wounded lingered in the wounded barracks all day long. Xu An had crawled out of the wounded barracks before, so he naturally knew the despair of being in the wounded barracks.

After the Battle of Kuicheng, a large number of wounded soldiers died. All these wounded soldiers have experienced battles. As long as they can survive, they can become the backbone of the Yellow Turban Army, but most of them are crying and suffering. Died a tragic death in the wounded barracks.

Xu An frowned tightly, just now he seemed to remember something, it was an article he had read long ago in later life.

In addition to the discovery of penicillin, it seems that there is another method that can greatly reduce the casualty rate of soldiers, and it can be done in this era.

But at the critical moment, Xu An couldn't think of anything.

Xu An suddenly got up, but surprised Zhao Le who was kneeling beside him.

A maid in the hall who was carefully wiping the lampshade caught Xu An's attention.

Seeing the maid gently wiping the lampshade, Xu An's mind finally remembered. He thought of the clean and disinfectant-smelling hospital in later generations, and the nurses walking in the corridors.

In the Crimean War that broke out in 1853, rifled rifles, telegraphs and railways changed the form of warfare, and humans slaughtered each other with unprecedented efficiency.

A large number of wounded poured into field hospitals, but poor care made the death rate of wounded soldiers reach a staggering 42%.

An outstanding woman bid farewell to the good living conditions in the UK, raised her own funds, recruited volunteers, and went to the battlefield across most of Europe to carry out nursing work, reducing this terrifying figure to 2.2%.

And this outstanding woman is the originator of modern nursing, Ms. Nightingale with a lamp shining on the world.

Xu An's eyes gradually brightened. He sat back on the table again, spread out the bamboo slips on the desk, held a writing brush, and slowly wrote down the knowledge about disinfection and nursing in his memory on the bamboo slips. .

Living in the era of knowledge explosion in later generations, although Xu An is not a nurse, he has learned some simple hygiene knowledge and epidemic prevention methods.

Compared with these doctors in the Han Dynasty who don't even know the basics of biology, he naturally knows more.

In one go, Xu An almost wrote down everything he knew, and the desk in front of him was already full of bamboo slips.

(End of this chapter)

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