Chapter 361
In the north of Taihang Mountains, Feihuxing.

A cry of an eagle soared into the sky, and the cotton-like clouds over the Grand Canyon of the Flying Fox Xing were cut into several pieces by a pair of wings.

A goshawk covered in black and shiny feathers spread its long wings, and swept across the Feihuxing Grand Canyon, which is called "A Line of Sky" Canyon.

Under the wings of the goshawk, in the gloomy canyon, a group of unexpected guests came at this time.

Arranged quite closely, the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army, holding long spears, were walking forward slowly.

In the canyon, the wind was blowing, and occasionally there were three or two sounds of beasts, but they were all quite far away.

After all, even the bravest beast dare not face thousands of humans with weapons.

Xiao Xiaoran, densely.

The goshawk fluttered its wings slightly, and its eyes moved slightly, as if it had discovered something in the canyon.

Qingyue's hawk chirped again, and the goshawk swooped down from the sky above the canyon without hesitation.

The sound of messy and heavy footsteps echoed in the narrow canyon. Liu Shi was wearing black armor, a blue war robe, and a blue hood wrapped around his helmet, and he was riding on a yellow puma.

Seeing the goshawk rushing down, Liu Shi lightly pulled the reins, stopped the forward horse, narrowed his eyes and stared at the fast-coming goshawk ahead.

Team after team, lined up closely, the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army with spears passed by Liu Shi's horse.

Liu Shi stretched out his left hand, and the goshawk flapped its wings several times, slowing down its falling speed, and landed on the fur glove worn by Liu Shi's left hand.

Liu Shi took out a piece of meat from his waist pocket and threw it to the goshawk in his hand.

Not long ago, Liu Shi received an order from Xu An to lead the northern part of the Taihang Mountains from Feihuxing to approach Dai County.

"Outside Feihu's mouth, how many soldiers are there in our army?"

Liu Shi looked sideways at Zhu Jiu and asked.

Zhu Jiu thought for a while, and replied: "There are already [-] people outside the mountain, and there are [-] more people to follow. They should all be able to walk out of the canyon tomorrow."

"In accordance with the instructions of the great virtuous teacher, the yellow flag was not erected near the camp, but the flag captured from Zhang Bai's cavalry was used."


Liu Shi murmured that the date Xu An asked him to send troops was three days later, and he had to rest for two days, so he might be in a hurry.

Feihu Xing has a dangerous terrain, with a line of blue sky above its head, the widest part is eight or nine meters, and the narrowest part is only two or three meters.

In some places, the sun could not even be seen all day long, and the field of vision was very limited. This also caused many people under Liu Shi's command to suffer some minor injuries during the march.

Liu Shi threw the goshawk in his hand to a personal guard beside him, who was a soldier who specially raised eagles for him.

"Order the whole army to speed up the march."

Liu Shi held the whip in his right hand, took the reins again, and lightly squeezed the horse's belly, the yellow pussy neighed lowly, and walked forward slowly following the crowd.

"Order the whole army to speed up the march!"

Zhu Jiu loudly conveyed Liu Shi's order.

The goshawk that stayed in the guard's hand finished eating the meat strips, flapped its wings suddenly, and soared up again.

The earth is getting farther and farther under the feet of the goshawk, and the canyon under the feet is becoming a winding ditch.

The soldiers with yellow scarves moved forward slowly, like a stream mixed with mud.

The military orders were issued step by step, and the sound of passing the military orders scared away the birds that had already fallen back to the branches of the trees in the canyon.


The atmosphere in Dai County is becoming more and more tense.

There was a murderous atmosphere in Gaoliu City, the county government, and the gates of the various cities had been closed at this time.

The soldiers of the camps inside and outside the city are all ready to go.

Wang Ze, the magistrate of Daijun, walked back and forth in the government office of Gaoliu City with a gloomy expression. Not long ago, there were frequent disturbances on the northern border.

Wuhuan in Shanggu in the north moved frequently and knocked on the side many times. Although they were all repelled by the Han army, Wuhuan's cavalry continued to harass the Great Wall area persistently, which made people unbearably disturbed.

In two or three hours, three or four military reports came in, all of which were news about the Wuhuan cavalry's invasion of the border.

Wang Ze slammed the letter in his hand to the ground.

In Wang Ze's view, Gao Yan, the sheriff of Shanggu County, is a fool with a problem in his mind.

Shanggu Wuhuan stayed in the territory of Shanggu obediently, no one voted and no one robbed, even if Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun in the east of Youzhou joined forces with Qiu Liju to make a fuss, the adult Nanlou of Shanggu Wuhuan did not bring any Lead your own tribe to blend with them.

He even said that if necessary, as long as the money and food are delivered first this time, Shanggu Wuhuan can join the ranks of the Han army and fight as a righteous follower.

However, Gao Yan, the governor of Shanggu, was dead-headed. He not only rejected Nanlou's proposal, but also asked for orders to write a letter to expel the Wuhuan tribe of Shanggu from the south of the Great Wall as if he had lost his mind.

It's a good thing now, the Wuhuan tribe of Shanggu, who used to be honest, is now making disturbances, causing turmoil on the border.

What was even more exasperating was that it happened not long after the cavalry in Daijun was conscripted to Zhuojun. Now there were only a few hundred cavalry in Daijun, and there was no way to attack. They could only defend passively and wait for Wuhuan to attack.

Just as Wang Ze was furious, a messenger carrying a command flag walked into the house again.

"Wuhuan Koubian again?"

Wang Ze looked at the messenger helplessly, pointed to his desk, and said impatiently.

"Put the letter on the desk and I'll read it later."

These Wuhuan people are like flies, flying over from time to time to disgust people for a while, but they don't make any substantive movements.

"Reporting to the envoy, it's news from the south..."

The messenger hesitated for a while, but still did not put the letter on the desk, but stepped forward a few steps, holding the letter in both hands and still looking at Wang Ze.

Wang Ze frowned, and his heart sank slightly. The letter from the south was still an urgent letter. Wang Ze only felt a headache for a while, and there were only so many soldiers in the county. Was dismissed from office.

Now there are frequent disturbances in the north, the harassment of the Wuhuan people cannot be resolved, and disturbances in the south, it is really troublesome.

Wang Ze took the letter from the messenger, tore open the seal, pulled out the silk scroll and unfolded it to read the text inside.

As his eyes moved, Wang Ze's complexion became worse and worse.

He thought it might be some kind of banditry or civil unrest, but what Wang Ze didn't want to face was the news that the bandits in the northern part of Taihang had a new movement.

Seven or eight thousand Taihang thieves gathered outside Feihukou and set up a camp in the south of Daijun. It seemed that they were preparing to plunder the surrounding area.

Wang Ze frowned and thought, only to feel that the silk book in his hand seemed to be a weight, and asked: "What banner is this bandit playing? Are there many cavalry?"

The thieves and bandits in the north of Taihang had already made Wang Ze miserable and disturbed.

Especially the bandit named Zhang Baiqi, who has so many cavalry under his command who don't know where, frequently went out to loot, and the villages outside Feihu Xing were almost deserted because of Zhang Baiqi's harassment.

Although Zhang Baiqi said that he was named "General Pingbei", even if he was named a general, his subordinates still went out to loot from time to time, which made Wang Ze very disturbed.

If Zhang Baiqi led the trilogy this time, Wang Ze could only choose to suffer a dark loss and let him rob some villages that did not have much defense force.

It turns out that when the cavalry division of the county was still in existence, how many bandits and bandits could be left behind, not to mention that the cavalry of Daijun have been transferred to the south now.

"According to the report from the scouts, it is the banner of Zhang Bai's cavalry department in Taihang Mountain. I have not seen the enemy's large cavalry, only a few scouts."

Wang Ze looked at the silk book in his hand with a serious expression, and waved his hand.

Zhang Baiqi is a bit weird this time, he has the most cavalry soldiers under his command, why there are not many cavalry soldiers this time.

"You go down first."

The situation in Dai County is getting more and more chaotic, and accidents happen frequently, which makes Wang Ze feel extremely uneasy.

"Who is the guard of Daijun? How many troops are there?"

After the messenger who reported the letter retreated, Wang Ze turned his head and asked the clerk beside him.

The clerk flipped through the bamboo slips in his hand, and after a while, raised his head and replied.

"There are more than [-] soldiers in the county, and thirteen branches of township bravery. There are [-] people on the list. The leader of the army is Shi Ming, the captain of the south."

Wang Ze took two steps forward with his hands behind his back.

More than [-] people are enough, more than enough to deal with [-] or [-] bandits. Most of those bandits don't even have armor and carry farm tools, so they can't be called soldiers.

"Send a letter to Shi Ming to make it safe to mobilize troops and find a perfect opportunity before going out to meet the enemy. Now that there is a change in Wuhuan in Shanggu, there is absolutely no room for loss in the south."

The clerk made a promise, then took out a bamboo slip and began to write.

Wang Ze pondered for a while, although Shi Ming has more than [-] people under his command, but for some reason, he always felt something was wrong, so he said: "I remember that there are more than [-] cavalry in Gaoliu City, send them Go to the south to assist Shi Ming, together eliminate the banditry in the south, and just drive Zhang Baiqi's troops back."

Another army was dispatched, but Wang Ze still felt a little uncomfortable, he felt something was wrong.

Wang Ze walked back to his desk and sat down again, looking at the map on his desk with a serious face.

After thinking for a while, Wang Ze finally found out what was wrong.

This Taihang bandit didn't have many cavalry, which was very strange. Only then did Wang Ze realize that after Zhang Baiqi was named "Pingbei General", he would send troops out to rob at least once a month, and would ask him for money. Some money and food.

But it seems that for a long time, Zhang Baiqi's cavalry has not appeared outside Feihuxing.

Wang Ze stared at the south, thinking that if something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

It is absolutely impossible for Zhang Baiqi to change his nature, so there is only one reason, that is, Zhang Baiqi has been defeated by the Yellow Turban Army, and it was defeated so quickly that Zhang Baiqi had no way to escape, and sent them a letter for help .

Cold sweat rolled down Wang Ze's forehead.

He figured it out, the Taihang Mountain bandits who used the banner of Zhang Baiqi to confuse him were probably the troops of the Yellow Turban Army.

Flying Fox Xing Taihang Yellow Turban came out of Xing, and this Taihang Yellow Turban was deliberately flying the banner of Zhang Baiqi to confuse itself. The harassment of Wuhuan in the north also started during this period.

Wang Ze looked at the map on the desk, but felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, feeling chills all over his body.

The time and opportunity for the two to send troops is too coincidental, and the time interval between the two is not much.

Wang Ze looked at Bingzhou's position with an extremely embarrassed expression on his face.

He figured it out, he figured it all out...


It is more than ten miles south of Dai County.

At this time, there was already a whole day of shouting and killing, and the sound of war drums and horns continued continuously.


Shi Ming led the horse under his seat to charge forward, and every time the horse in his hand waved, a bandit would definitely fall down.

More than [-] bodyguard cavalry behind Shi Ming followed Shi Ming, and there were no bandits along the way that could block their advance.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The high-spirited battle drums sounded, and a large number of Han soldiers in red clothes rushed forward holding swords and shields, holding spears on their wings, and the village brave phalanx dressed in civilian clothes and without armor also slowly pressed up.

Although these countrymen were not as brave as those soldiers of the Han army, the bandits in front of them were even more unbearable.

The tattered weapons and armor were thrown all over the place, and the bandits in front of them were completely defeated.

The faces of the large number of village warriors on both sides of the Han army's formation also showed the joy of victory.

"Captain, be careful!"

A personal guard yelled violently, held up the curved edge shield and stood in front of Shi Ming, and then several feathered arrows flew over, hitting the curved edge shield of the personal guard.


Shi Ming reined in his horse, glanced coldly at the thieves fleeing in front of them, and shouted coldly.

Then the guard knight beside him followed Shi Ming and reined in his horse's head. The horn sounded, and the charging Han infantry also stopped.

Although Shi Ming's heart was full of fire, he was still not dazzled by the victory. He knew that what was defeated now was just the vanguard of bandits, and the real main force was still hidden behind.

Shi Ming turned his head to look at the bandit formation that was gathering the remnant soldiers, his eyes were cold.

If it wasn't for the large number of crossbowmen in the bandit army, they would have been completely defeated by him and his soldiers in Dai County.

Just two days ago, Shi Ming had just passed the information that the scouts had detected bandits gathered outside Feihu Xing to Wang Ze, the sheriff of Dai County.

This group of daring bandits dared to attack Dai County, which he was guarding.

Seeing the Taihang bandits who were disorganized and didn't even have much siege equipment, Shi Ming decisively gave the order to attack.The results are of course self-evident.

As Shi Ming expected, this group of Taihang bandits collapsed thousands of miles away.

Shi Ming led his own personal guards, charged back and forth several times in the opponent's scattered army formation, and beheaded several small bosses.

Even if it wasn't for the leader of the Taihang bandits hiding a team of crossbowmen beside him, Shi Ming would have completely defeated the Taihang bandits now.

Afterwards, Shi Ming led his troops to chase for more than ten miles, all the way to the Taihang bandits who fled in embarrassment, met the bandits' supporting troops, and the two sides fought again.

Shi Ming reined in his horse and returned to the formation, but the bandit army from Taihang Mountain that he saw in front of him was still in chaos.

"Order the whole army, the next wave will be a general attack, be sure to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop!"

Shi Ming sneered and shouted angrily.

The enemy army was already in disarray. According to what Shi Ming knew about the Taihang Mountain bandits, after the next attack, the Taihang Mountain bandits would completely collapse.

 Both chapters are [-] words, a total of [-] words.

  The number of words in the chapters is too small, and there are too many posts every day, and every drop is ordered, so I will combine them a little bit.

  The latest update time is a bit late, because the writing is a bit slow, and it is under deliberation
(End of this chapter)

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