Chapter 362

The long whip lashed at the body of a rout soldier, causing a burst of pain immediately.

In front of the Taihang bandit formation, a cavalry team of dozens of people was driving the rout soldiers in front, preventing the rout soldiers from attacking the front formation, and causing them to run to the sides.

Liu Shi stood on a rather high mound with a group of personal guards, and the messy rout in front of him made Liu Shi's face turn livid.

Two disgraced military officers, Huang A and Shi Wu, are now leading the military ranks in the army. They once defected to Liu Shi before the battle of the pass, and helped Liu Shi resist Zhang Baiqi together. The two bandit leaders.

Kneeling in front of Liu Shi, both of them buried their heads very low, without saying a word.

"You two, do you really have the face to see me?"

Liu Shi looked at the submissive two people in front of him, and listened to the voice of the rout soldier crying for his father and mother, and couldn't help feeling angry from his heart.


Liu Shi took off the whip from his waist, and slammed it on Huang A's body.

"I'll let you try the depth of Dai County, and let you bluff, do you fucking know what temptation is, and what is called bluffing?!"

Liu Shi gritted his teeth and cursed angrily, whipping the two people in front of him fiercely with the whip in his hand.

"Forgive me, General!"

"I really dare not next time, General, please spare me!"

"General, please forgive me. That Han general is very brave. I really can't stand it!"


Liu Shi was furious, the two who were beaten naturally did not dare to fight back, not to mention that his soldiers were not as strong as Liu Shi, even if the two of them combined, holding weapons, they might not be able to defeat Liu Shi who was unarmed.

At the beginning, so many swordsmen under Zhang Bai's cavalry were unable to keep Liu Shi, so how dare they disobey Liu Shi.

Liu Shi had already stopped his whip, but when he heard Huang A and Shi Wu say that the Han generals were brave and unable to hold back, the anger in his heart rose again.

Liu Shi kicked Shi Wu to the ground with one kick, and the long whip in his hand suddenly slapped Shi Wu's face, angrily reprimanded.

"Damn it, do you really think that Tiqi of the Eagle Wolf Guard is just for nothing?"

Liu Shi stared condescendingly at Shi Wu, who was lying on the ground, and then looked aside at Huang Ah.

Both bodies trembled, Liu Shi looked at their eyes, they were too familiar, full of killing intent, as if they were about to die.

"I left you a hundred crossbowmen, a fifty-man cavalry, and lent you a hundred armored soldiers, just because I was afraid that the Han army would be ferocious. If you couldn't resist the feigned defeat, you would be defeated instead."

Liu Shi lowered his body, his voice suppressed the anger.

"The result?"

"The Han army had less than a hundred cavalrymen, and only a few hundred soldiers went out to battle. They defeated your [-]-man team, and your false defeat turned into a real defeat."

Liu Shi sat back on the Hu chair and said sharply, his eyes were flickering with terrifying killing intent.

"Three hundred old soldiers, those old brothers who followed me, Liu Shi, and fought all the way from the Taihang Mountains, were thrown by your mothers under Dai County City."

"You threw [-] soldiers into the city of Dai County like trash. The two of you ran all the way back with your own soldiers. You didn't even want to, so you turned around and gathered a team to resist half a point."

"The main force of the Yellow Turban Army led by Duke Ming is about to arrive. Let me lead the Han army from Daixian County out of the city. If there is no delay for a while, if it is not for the Yingwei's ti riding a flying horse to report, I am afraid that the follow-up troops will be killed by you." The two idiots scattered and missed Duke Ming's plan, which of the two of you can afford it!"

There was no more hesitation in Liu Shi's heart.

This attack was particularly important. The Yingwei Tiqi who came to send a letter to let him play was even an official of a thousand households.

Xu An ordered him to lead the soldiers and horses of the headquarters to attack from Feihuxing, and went out of Feihuxing under the banner of Zhang Baiqi.

Then when the secret letter is received again, send troops to attack Dai County, deceive the Han army in Dai County, and then delay for one to two days.

It was such a simple order, such a simple task, but they all almost failed.

The pressure in Liu Shi's heart, he can't tell anyone.

He is the key to attacking the two counties this time. If the Han army in Dai County cannot be tricked out, and if the reinforcements do not arrive, the army under his command will collapse first.

Once the mobile force of more than [-] Han troops returns to Dai County, the plan of the Yellow Turban Army may not be carried out smoothly.

Liu Shi really couldn't bear this responsibility.

"Zhu Jiu!"

Liu Shi's face was frosty, and he ordered.

"Subordinates are here."

Hearing Liu Shi's call, Zhu Jiu, who was standing aside, stepped out immediately, cupping his fists to obey the order.

Liu Shi threw the horsewhip in his hand aside, looked coldly at the two kneeling on the ground, howling, and asked resolutely.

"Zhu Jiu, abandoning his soldiers on the battlefield and escaping alone, according to the military regulations of our Yellow Turban Army, how should we deal with it!"

Startled, Zhu Jiu looked up at Liu Shi.

Liu Shi turned his head, saw Zhu Jiu's astonished eyes, and said angrily, "Are you begging for these two dogs?!"

"Don't dare..."

Zhu Jiu quickly lowered his head, not daring to look directly at Liu Shi. After all, Liu Shi's face is too frightening now, even his eyes have turned red, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is furious.

Liu Shi snorted coldly, and ordered: "Read the military regulations!"

"Facing the enemy in front of the battle, the sergeant retreats and kills the sergeant. If the whole army retreats, only one soldier will be killed. If the army does not retreat and dies in battle and the soldiers retreat, resulting in the death of the army, the entire army will be killed!"

Zhu Jiu swallowed, and wanted to plead for Huang A and Shi Wu, but thinking of Liu Shi's eyes, he still had no words.

"According to military regulations, Huang A and Shi Wu should be executed by beheading."

Huang Ah saw that Liu Shi was so angry, as if he was about to come for real, he couldn't help but turn pale with fright, and crawled up to Liu Shi in front of him.

"Brother Liu, Brother Liu, please forgive me, the two of us have also been fascinated for a while."

Shi Wu also climbed up with hands and feet, crying and begging for mercy.

"Brother Liu, for the sake of past affection, spare me to wait for another one. We will never dare again next time."

"There will be no next time..." Liu Shi's eyes were cold, he looked at the ugly two people, raised his foot, kicked Huang Ah, who was pulling his legs, and pointed to the front, facing the relatives on both sides. Wei sternly shouted: "Drag it over!"

The left and right soldiers immediately stepped forward and captured Huang A and Shi Wu on the spot.


Liu Shi's face was gloomy and cold, and he ordered in an angry voice, and Huang A and Shi Wu were sentenced to death.

"General, we don't dare anymore, please forgive me!"

Huang A and Wang Wu wailed and begged, but the soldier who captured them didn't show any emotion and dragged them forward.

"Liu Shi, you bastard, when you were chased by Zhang Baiqi like a dolphin dog, if your father hadn't helped you, you would have died on Taihang Mountain long ago!"

"Liu Shi! You must die badly! must die badly!"


Seeing that Liu Shi had made up his mind to kill them, the two stopped begging for mercy, but cursed loudly.

"Pfft!" "Pfft!"

The sound of weapons piercing into flesh suddenly resounded.

The heads of Huang Ah and Wang Wu rolled aside, stinky blood spurted out, their headless bodies just shook, and then fell limply to the ground.

Two soldiers dragged the headless bodies of Huang Ah and Wang Wu away, and the other two soldiers returned to Liu Shi with the heads of Huang Ah and Wang Wu.

Liu Shi coldly looked around at the officers beside him, and drops of blood dripped down Huang Ah and Wang Wu's unrepentant faces. Although the sound of the blood dripping was soft, everyone felt it clearly beside.

All the officers were silent, trembling with fear.

"Tell the heads of these two people to the whole army, let everyone see, this is the fate of deserters!!!"

Liu Shi pointed to the head in the soldier's hand and said in a deep voice.

"The Han army is about to launch the next wave of offensive. If there are more absconders like these two who fear crime and abandon their subordinates..."

Liu Shi's face turned sharp, showing a fierce look, and an astonishing murderous aura radiated from his body.

"No matter where he escapes, I, Liu Shi, will definitely find him out and cut off his head!"

"have you understood!"


All the officers were trembling and hurriedly agreed.


"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The thick battle drums in the Han army formation sounded again, and the county soldiers of Daijun lined up a tight army formation, and slowly moved towards Liu Shijun's place to oppress.

On the left and right, the generals of the Han army commanded the rather scattered township warriors, and they also double-teamed.

"Blow the horn and order all the cavalry to return to the center."

Under the fiery red Army Sima Banner, Shi Ming led the horse and galloped left and right, giving orders loudly.

"The two wings move forward slowly. After the Chinese army takes over the battle, they will go into battle again. Stabilize the front line and advance slowly. There is no need to panic!"

"The Chinese army advances at a faster speed, and the archers gather on both sides!"

The messenger cavalry carrying the flag on their backs carried Shi Ming's military order, and galloped quickly towards the two wings and the formations of the Chinese army, loudly conveying Shi Ming's military order to the soldiers in all directions.

The formation of the Han army moved rapidly, and the fiery red banners staggered in the formation.

The general of the Han army repeated the military order loudly, commanding the troops under his command to arrange according to Shi Ming's military order.

These Han troops are all Han troops from the Dai Commanderies. They have been in the border counties for a long time, and they are not the invincible county soldiers in the interior. They are professional soldiers and are more well-trained.

When Liu Shi reacted, more than [-] Han troops had turned into a huge pocket, enveloping him.


Liu Shi got on his horse, took his long sword from the hand of the guard beside him, and issued the military order.

"Array to meet the enemy!"

Not long after Liu Shi gave the order, the dull sound of war drums sounded from the formation behind him.

"Zhu Jiu."

Liu Shi pulled the horse and shouted loudly.

"The army is under your command. That Han general is indeed brave. I am afraid that idlers will not be able to stop him. I will take my personal guards to the front to prevent him from charging."

"Brother, be careful."

Zhu Jiu didn't refuse, and he also saw Na Han general's previous several times of charge.

If Liu Shi hadn't sent the crossbowmen to the front in time, I'm afraid they would have been driven by the Han general with cavalry to break through the formation, and they are already on the way to flee.


The horns and drums are beeping urgently, and the sound of shouting and killing is loud.

The armored soldiers of the Han army's central army have already surged.Countless soldiers of the Han army held out their shields and attacked. The first row of soldiers of the Han army were all wearing armor and holding ring swords, and the soldiers in the rows behind were all holding long halberds.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

A large number of feathered arrows shot out, swept up from both sides of the Han army's central army, and suddenly fell into Liu Shijun's formation.


But hearing a deafening cry of killing, the soldiers of the Han army slapped on Liu Shijun's formation like a raging wave.

In an instant, the military formations formed by the soldiers of both sides have been completely entangled together.

Every time the sharp ring head knife is swung, someone's limbs must be cut off, and every time the halberd is stabbed, there will be a mournful howl.

How can Liu Shijun, who lacks the cover of armor, be able to stop the wolf-like soldiers of the Han army.

As time goes by, the battle situation is also becoming precarious.


The horns sounded in the formation of the Han army, and Shi Ming, the chief general of the Han army, also led the assembled Han army cavalry to attack brazenly.

Two hundreds of Han cavalry rushed out from both sides of the central army.

None of General Liu Shijun who defended here dared to retreat. With the lessons learned from the past, no matter how they dared to run, they could only stand in front of the formation with their own soldiers and persevere hard.

However, Liu Shijun's formation on both sides had suffered a heavy blow from the infantry and archers arranged by Shi Ming before, so how could they resist the assault of the two hundred-man cavalry...

Shi Ming led the armored cavalry of the Han army and charged into the formation of the Yellow Turban Army. The two hundred-man cavalry team pierced into the bloated body of Liu Shijun, a giant, like sharp knives, and released a lot of blood.

The cavalry of the Han army rushed into Liu Shijun's formation like a bamboo, and more infantry poured in through the gap.

"Get out of the way!"

Liu Shi let out a roar, and galloped out with the bodyguard cavalry behind him. Countless soldiers along the road all evaded one after another and gave way to a path.

The crowd of the Yellow Turban Army in front of them dissipated, leaving only the soldiers of the Han Army.


Liu Shi roared, and the long sword in his hand smashed into the formation of the Han army with unparalleled strength.

The unsuspecting soldiers of the Han army had no time to react, they could only look at the long saber that was getting closer, and Liu Shi's cavalry followed behind Liu Shi and moved forward frantically.

Liu Shi led a dozen cavalrymen, and in an instant, plowed a ravine made of flesh and blood in the formation of the Han army, and charged towards Shi Ming.

"Come on!"

As soon as Shi Ming and Liu Shi fought, they had already fallen into a heated battle.

The martial arts of the two are evenly matched, they are equal, neither of them is willing to give up half a step, and even their own cavalry behind them are fighting together.

Shi Ming returned to his horse and stabbed Liu Shi's war horse with a spear. Liu Shi's war horse let out a wail and fell to the side.

Liu Shi yelled fiercely, and at the last moment, he slashed at Shi Ming's body, but unfortunately the horse was injured and was on the way of falling, Liu Shi's knife deflected, but the back of the knife hit Shi Ming's waist.

The two fell off their horses together, but after standing up, they fought again and became a ball again.

The main generals of both sides fought desperately on the battlefield, and the soldiers of the two armies fought with all their strength when they saw this.

(End of this chapter)

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