The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 369 Follow the sky, follow the righteousness, and enjoy peace!

Chapter 369 Follow the sky, follow the righteousness, and enjoy peace!
Qingzhou, Beihai State, and Junzhiju County.

In a bustling market in Juxian City, a thin man dressed in commoner clothes with a slightly thin physique and a disheveled face was carrying a small bag of rice, and walked slowly forward with frivolous steps.

Two embroidered envoys in the market were whispering to each other, one of them saw the thin man approaching, and only glanced at the thin man, then looked away.

There are eight hundred if not one thousand city residents like that thin man, which is not worth noting at all.

They are mainly checking whether there are any remnants of Taiping Road in Fang City, but having said that, since the last time the embroidered clothes envoy led a team and cooperated with the army in Qingzhou, they destroyed several strongholds of Qingzhou Taiping Road one after another, and arrested him in one go. Thousands of people.

Now among those village gatherings, the bodies of those Taiping Dao believers who were executed on the spot are still left as a warning.

The thin man bent his back and carried a rather small bag of rice. He flinched and glanced at the two embroidered clothes envoys, then walked past the embroidered clothes envoys cautiously, and moved a little further away on purpose. .

It's just that when passing by, the unpleasant smell from the thin man's body still spread to the noses of the two embroidered clothes envoys.


A taller embroidered emissary fanned the air in front of his nose, turned his head and walked to the other side.

If he hadn't changed his shoes today, he would have kicked that eyeless dog hard, and he didn't know how long that dog hadn't bathed.

The thin man didn't dare to speak, he kept his head down and walked out of the market.

What the two embroidered emissaries didn't know was that after the thin man walked out of the square, he turned left and right, and after fully realizing that no one was following him, he turned into a lifang.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The thin man knocked lightly on the wooden door three times.

There were rustling voices in the courtyard.


There was a rather impatient voice from inside the door.

"I, Wang Jia Erlang."

The thin man glanced to the side indistinctly, then whispered.

"Wait a moment……"

There was a soft shout from inside the wooden door, and a man also wearing a bunt cloth opened the wooden door. The thin man handed the rice bag to the clothed man, and then walked quickly into the courtyard.

As soon as the wooden door was closed, the thin man straightened his back, and the eyes in his eyes were no longer as submissive as before, but piercing, and his whole demeanor instantly became different, becoming more numerous. Point of edge.

This man who claimed to be Wang Jia Erlang was actually a hundred household officer of Yingwei, and his name was Zuo Wang Zhen.

Wang Zhen walked quickly into the room, when several people in the room saw the thin man coming in, they all stood up.

"How's it going?"

A strong man with a strong body like an iron tower stepped forward and asked eagerly.

"Brother Guan Hai, don't worry."

Wang Zhen waved his hand, motioned everyone to sit down, and said with a smile on his face.

This tall man is Guan Hai, commander-in-chief of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army. He is more than eight feet tall, has a round face, big ears, a straight nose and a square mouth, a beard around his mouth, and thick eyebrows. fear.

"The message from Bingzhou is delivered."

Guan Hai's expression brightened, they had waited for many days, and many strongholds were destroyed by the troops led by the hateful embroidered clothes envoy, one after another news of the death of fellow comrades came one after another, finally the news came from Bingzhou.


Wang Zhen took out a silk book from his pocket and put it on the ground.

"It was sent to me by the Eagle Guard Tiqi outside the city."

Beside Guan Hai, a slender but not rough man in silk clothes stepped forward and unfolded the silk book on the ground.

"What's written on it, Second Brother?"

Guan Hai on the side was quite anxious, but unfortunately he was really illiterate, so he could only approach Guan Cheng and ask.

Guan Cheng is the leader of the pirates occupying the Chunyu area of ​​the North Sea. There are [-] pirates under his command. They earn their living by robbing the ships of merchants passing by.

Every time the government sent troops to conquer Guan Cheng, there were always fishermen on the shore who tipped off Guan Cheng, so every time Guan Cheng was able to escape before the officers and soldiers arrived, the officers and soldiers spent a lot of money, but they were unable to catch Guan Cheng. , can only be left to its own devices.

Guan Cheng was born in a landlord's family, so he is also proficient in writing and ink, and he can still recognize simple words.

Although he and Guan Hai are not related by blood, they are called brothers because they share the same surname and are congenial.

Guan Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, saw the words on the silk script clearly, heard Guan Hai's inquiry, and roughly sorted out the contents of the silk script.

"The letter said, let me wait until August [-]st, and the Bingzhou Yellow Turban will send troops in advance to attract the attention of the main force of the Han army for us."

"Xuzhou, Yuzhou, Yanzhou, and the Yellow Turban Army of the three states will also rise together on August [-]st. Our Beihai Yellow Turban Army will take the lead in capturing the government office, snatching the armored soldiers in the arsenal, and then quickly go north to fight against Leping, Pingyuan, and Jinan. The Yellow Turbans of the three places will make peace."

"The Yellow Turban Army of Xuzhou, Yuzhou, and Yanzhou will not love to fight. They will try their best to attack counties and counties. After obtaining the armed forces, they will go north immediately. The great virtuous teacher asked me to attack Jibei Kingdom, be alert to Taishan County, and respond to the northward withdrawal of the Yellow Turban Army of the three states. .”


Guan Cheng held the silk book tightly, and said while suppressing his excitement.

"Zhang Ju from Youzhou will send more than [-] cavalry to the south, from Bohai County, all the way to attack Qinghe County in Jizhou, and our Pingyuan County in Qingzhou, come to meet us."

In order to give the Yellow Turban Army of the four prefectures a general impression, the Tiqi of the Yingwei brought a lot of maps from Bingzhou, so Guan Cheng talked about other counties, saying that Qinghe County in Jizhou, several houses in the Everyone knows where it is.

"This statement is true!"

Guan Hai's expression changed, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun established the Yan Kingdom in Youzhou, and the news of claiming to be the emperor has spread all over the world. The Han army retreated steadily in Youzhou, and even the ordinary people in Qingzhou knew about it.

If there is such a strong army to support, the chances of going to Bingzhou will increase by several tenths.

Guan Cheng looked excited and said excitedly: "After our army crosses the Yellow River and joins forces with the Yan army, the great virtuous and good teacher will personally lead the army out of Taihang Mountain and come to meet us!"

A young man in civilian clothes with a slightly thin body almost leaned over. Although his body was thin, his eyes were shining brightly, and his face showed a look of great yearning and infatuation.

"I heard... Bingzhou is now a paradise..."

"Winter has clothes to wear, people have food, no hunger or cold, no oppression..."

The young man's name is Zhang Rao, and he is Guan Hai's general.

Guan Hai looked excited, but he couldn't hold back his emotions. He pressed the floor, lowered his voice, and muttered in a low voice while suppressing his excitement as much as possible, as if to strengthen his determination again.

"It must be possible, it must be possible, this time we will never fail again..."

Guan Hai clenched his fists tightly and said firmly.

"I'm really...envious, if I could see such a world, I would have no regrets even if I die..."

In the house, there was a low cry, and someone covered his face and turned to look to the other side.

"I really hope that my brother can also live and see the grand occasion of Bingzhou."

"Four years... four full years..."

The defeat of the Yellow Turban Army in the seventh year of Guanghe, the deaths of Zhang Jiao, Zhang Bao, and Zhang Liang, and the destruction of millions of Yellow Turbans almost broke their will and almost destroyed the belief of these Taipingdao believers.

But there is no unparalleled road, just when Taiping Road in Qingzhou and Taiping Road in the world are in a downturn.

Xu An's name appeared in everyone's ears for the first time, and then this once unfamiliar name swept through the thirteen prefectures of Dahan like a hurricane.

The battle of Kuicheng shocked the whole world. The more than [-] Han troops in Kuicheng were almost wiped out. The butcher of Wancheng, the executioner Zhu Jun, was beheaded by Xu An.

Huang Tian's prestige resounded among the mountains.

Entering Hedong and the battle of Fenshui, Xu An led the Yellow Turban Army to defeat the Han Army again, and Yuan Pang, the Jinwu, had no choice but to do nothing.

But even with such an achievement, Xu An did not stop, neither did the Yellow Turban Army.

In just a few months, under the leadership of Xu An, the Yellow Turban army repelled the invading Huns, and swept the entire Bingzhou again with lightning speed.

When all horses were silent, Xu An pushed away the thick clouds and let the light shine in again.

This is also the reason why all the leaders of the Taiping Road in the four states supported Xu An. When Tiqi of the Eagle Guard found them with Xu An's warrant and confirmed their identities, the Yellow Turbans in the four states were all excited.

The leaders of the Yellow Turban Army in the four prefectures all recognized Xu An's identity as a great virtuous teacher, and recognized Xu An's orthodox identity.

Xu An's reputation has also increased with the victory after victory. Until now, Xu An has become the new banner of Taiping Road.

"This time, we will succeed."

Guan Cheng clenched his fists tightly, raised his arms and stretched forward, and said in a deep voice.

"We have failed too many times. Now that the sky is dead and the Han Dynasty has declined, this time, our Huang Tian will never abandon us again. Huang Tian will definitely protect me and reach Bingzhou safely."

Guan Hai also clenched his fist, raised his arm and stretched forward, and placed his fist beside Guan Cheng.

"The sky is dead, Huang Tian stands!"

Zhang Rao, Wang Zhen, and a group of Taiping Dao believers in the house all clenched their fists tightly, and all of them touched their hands together.

"Follow the sky and follow the righteousness, and enjoy peace!"

The same scene not only happened in Qingzhou, Beihai, but also in Pingyuan, Jinan, Le'an...

It also happened in Yuzhou, in Yanzhou, and in Xuzhou.

The leaders of Taipingdao in the four states gathered together and shouted together in a low voice.

"The sky is dead, Huang Tian should stand, obey the sky and follow the righteousness, and enjoy peace!"

(End of this chapter)

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