The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 370 In the Taihang Mountains

Chapter 370 In the Taihang Mountains
"The four sides are high, the center is down, it is as deep as a well, and it is like the Xing of a stove. In Yanzhao, the ridge is called Xing, and it looks like a well from below, so it is called Jing Xing."

Taihang Mountain, Jingxing.

Qin lost its deer, and the whole world pursued it. Han Gaozu cut the white snake to revolt, and Emperor Guangwu rejuvenated the Han Dynasty.

The Han Empire has existed on the land of China for hundreds of years.

Jingxing, once a battleground for military strategists, has also become less and less valued because of the long-term peace. In the seventh year of Guanghe, only a few hundred people were left stationed at this once important pass.

Xu An passed through the gate building of Jingxing Pass and approached the pass wall of Jingxing Pass.

In front of you is a vast river beach, surrounded by quiet valleys, like a peerless painting that makes people intoxicated.

The scene in front of him didn't seem to have changed a bit from the scene he saw when he was in Guanghe for seven years.

It seems that no matter how many years and tribulations this world has passed, nothing can change it.

Xu An tilted his head to look at the two sides, and every few steps on the wall, there was a khaki-colored banner. The places where those khaki-colored banners were erected were the red flags of the Han army that used to fly.

Jingxingguan is like a beast, entrenched at the mouth of the well, preventing external enemies from entering the Taihang Mountains and threatening the hinterland of the Yellow Turban Army.

After all, it has changed.

Xu An tightly grasped the Han sword at his waist, just like when he was following the Jingxing Pass old soldier, he tightly grasped the short knife at his waist.

Xu An had killed many people, and followed the Yellow Turban Army led by Zhang Jiao to fight in Jizhou. On the battlefield, Xu An had killed a total of seven people, and the old soldier was the eighth person Xu An had killed.

Afterwards, Xu An couldn't remember clearly the people he killed, those he killed with his own hands, and those who died because of the decisions he made, are already countless.

Xu An still remembers the old soldier's last look at him.

Although the official roads have generally taken measures to prevent the growth of vegetation, a lot of weeds have grown on both sides of the official road outside Jingxing Pass, and animals pass by from time to time.

There has been no sign of human activity outside the Jingxing Pass for a long time. Not long after the Han army in Jizhou had just set up a camp on a dangerous terrain outside the Jingxing Pass, the scouts of the Yellow Turban Army would go to observe it from time to time. two.

But it has been nearly four years now, and Xu An has no intention of advancing in Jizhou. He has shifted his focus to the west of Jingxing Pass, to Bingzhou.

As a result, the defenders of Jingxing Pass were completely gathered together, sticking to the barracks, and no longer cared about the Han army stationed outside the pass to guard against them.

After four years, I don't know how many Han troops are still stationed in that camp.


The voice from the right rear interrupted Xu An's thoughts, and Xu An turned around to look at the person who came.

It was Liu Pi who came.

"All the generals have arrived, my lord can go to preside over the military discussion."

Xu An looked back at the intoxicating beauty for the last time.

From the seventh year of Guanghe to the fifth year of Zhongping, almost every day, he was like a wound-up robot, running forward non-stop. During the four years, he seldom had time to really to get a rest.

Xu An withdrew his gaze and turned around resolutely, just like the day he captured Jingxing Pass with more than two hundred yellow angels.

Xu An is very clear that he can't be addicted to this, he is very clear that now is not the time to enjoy a comfortable life, powerful enemies are watching, and the era of all heroes is coming.

The chaotic world of disputes is coming, all the heroes will rise together, the heroes of the world will fight for their deer together, the strong will be strong, and the weak will perish.

This time, the Yellow Turban Army can be said to be the best of the best.

There were [-] warriors, [-] soldiers, [-] soldiers, [-] warriors, and [-] yellow angels, totaling more than [-].

The original defenders of Jingxing had more than [-] people.

However, these [-] soldiers were no longer full-time soldiers. Due to financial problems, Xu An ordered these soldiers stationed at the pass to reclaim some fields and raise some livestock.

Yu Dujiu was in the mountains and forests, and he also selected hunters from the army. The fisherman taught the soldiers of the Taihang army hunting and fishing skills, and also greatly improved the food of the Taihang garrison. Although it was not enough for self-sufficiency, it was also great. This relieved the financial pressure of the Yellow Turban Army.

In fact, the current Yellow Turban Army's financial pressure is quite high, and Xu An's repeated mobilizations have consumed a lot of manpower and material resources.

Originally, a small amount of food was saved, but a lot was consumed. Fortunately, they defeated the Xiongnu tribe and got a lot of meat supplements. Daijun and Shanggu counties also had a lot of food.

The tyrants and aristocratic families from the two counties organized Xiangyong to help the Han army resist the Yellow Turban Army, which also gave Xu An an excuse to investigate and deal with quite a number of aristocratic families and tyrants, and obtained a lot of money and food.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, the food and money stored in the homes of those landlords and tyrants, especially the tyrants in the border counties, were even more terrifying, and it also kept the Yellow Turban Army's finances from collapsing.

The dowry sent by Shanggu Wuhuan also alleviated Xu An's food shortage to a certain extent.

But the time was too hasty, Yu Jin still stayed in the Wuhuan Department of Shanggu, and did not enter Xu An's inner house.

After Xu An broke Juyongguan and captured the land of the two counties, he rushed southward to Jingxing with the main force of the Yellow Turban Army without stopping.

August is when the army was agreed to rise. Although the time left for the march is completely redundant, the march of the army cannot immediately go into battle. In order to maintain the most vigorous energy and combat effectiveness of the Yellow Turban Army, it is still necessary to leave some rest time.

Moreover, Xu An was also a little worried that the plan would be leaked, and the Yellow Turban Army in the four states had no choice but to raise troops in advance.

In the seventh year of Guanghe, the Yellow Turban Uprising failed so quickly. In fact, part of the reason was that the traitor Tang Zhou made a report. The Hanting reacted and mobilized the army in time.

On the other hand, the Yellow Turban Army lacked timely preparations and could only revolt hastily. The end result was that the uprisings in many places were chaotic and disorderly, and they could not be connected. To describe effective command, they could only fight on their own.

The originally arranged plan also went wrong because of the traitor's informant, and it could not be implemented. In the end, the Han army divided and attacked each of them, and they were defeated one after another.

But this time, Xu An wasn't worried about traitors, what he was worried about was the newly-established embroidered emissary of the Han court.

This spy agency, which was set up to target Xu An's Eagle Wolf Guard, has slowly begun to show its fangs.

Because of his deteriorating health, Liu Hong is no longer greedy for money and sensuality as before. What he thinks about now is how to make his heirs have a stable environment and inherit the throne.

Therefore, Liu Hong was not stingy with money at all for the development of the Embroidered Clothes Emissary, and even invested a large sum of money in the Xiyuan Imperial Army defending the capital.

In history, Wang Fen conspired to kill Lingdi Liu Hong, but Liu Hong did not know about the plan.

"Kyushu Spring and Autumn" records.

There is red air in the north, and the east and west compete with the sky. Tai Shi said, "When there is a conspiracy, it is not suitable to go north."

Therefore, Emperor Ling stopped going north and ordered Wang Fen to stop the army, and soon recruited him to Beijing. Wang Fen was very frightened, so he committed suicide.

But now, because of the butterfly effect, a monster called the Embroidered Cloth Envoy was born because of the Eagle Wolf Guard, a monster that shouldn't have appeared in the first place.

As the eyes and ears of the emperor, this monster is active in all states and counties, listening to news, searching for intelligence, and targeting Yingwei.

The embroidered messengers lived up to the expectations of the emperor of the Han Dynasty. They uncovered Wang Fen's plot to rebel, and even almost beheaded Xu You and Zhou Jing.

Xu An has always been taboo about bringing some technologies and new things from later generations.

Xu An didn't know much about gunpowder, cement, forging techniques, and ironmaking techniques.

He is just an ordinary college student in later generations. Although he likes history, he only pays attention to the stories that happened in the period of history he likes, how to configure gunpowder, how to use it, how to make firearms, how to fry steel, and how to make cement. Something more professional.

Although there is some relevant knowledge on the Internet, if you don't take the initiative to learn about it, how will ordinary people know.

However, Xu An has read a lot of history books, so he naturally knows some technologies that can enhance the combat effectiveness of the army.

For example, double-footed stirrups, high bridge saddles, horseshoes, etc., as well as counterweight catapults and the principle of lever counterweight, this Xu An is clear, after all, he has learned the relevant principles and heard related stories.

But many of these things are very low-tech, and the rulers of Hanting and other forces are not idiots. Once the Yellow Turban Army starts to use these things.

Then once the benefits are revealed, they may be learned soon.

Although Bingzhou's war potential is acceptable, compared to the wealthy Jizhou, Yuzhou, and Sili, I'm afraid that there are not as many craftsmen in one state as in other counties.

At that time, when the enemy army is equipped with new equipment, the combat power will inevitably skyrocket, and the situation of the Yellow Turban Army will not be improved because of these new equipment, but will fall into a worse situation.

Although he tried his best to avoid this, in order to consolidate the existing territory, Xu An wanted to expand his foundation and established the Eagle Wolf Guard.

It was inevitable that the monster Embroidered Cloth Messenger was born.

Enemies are not static, they will improve, and they will learn when they are defeated, instead of repeating the same mistakes like fools.

Enemies also learn from failures, they also think, and they improve.


In the guarding mansion of Jingxing Pass, all the generals sat on both sides.

Gong Du, Xu Huang, and Lu Bu sat on the right, Zhang Yan, and He Man sat on the left, and there was an empty seat next to Zhang Yan, which was reserved for Liu Pi.

All six are generals who have been appointed generals.

Liu Shi did not follow Xu An south to Taihang, he was named General Protector of Wuhuan by Xu An, led the army of the headquarters, and stayed in Shanggu County with the two thousand Xiao cavalry battalion.

One is to be responsible for the defense of Shanggu County and Dai County, and the other is to control the Shanggu Wuhuan tribe.

Although the current Shanggu Wuhuan is extremely honest and is in the honeymoon period with the Yellow Turban Army, Nanlou still intends to marry his daughter to Xu An.

But the necessary precautions are still needed. After all, in the final analysis, the reason why Shanggu Wuhuan chose to join Xu An was because he saw the strength of Xu An's army.

Except for six people, the rest of the seats are all lieutenants in the army.

Zhou Cang, Pei Yuanshao, Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, Bai Rao, Zuo Xiao, Guo Daxian, Sun Qing, Wang Dang, Song Xian, Wei Xu, Hou Cheng, Hao Meng, Cheng Lian, Wei Yue, Cao Xing.

A total of sixteen school lieutenants were also seated on both sides.

Next to the first seat in the house, there are two seats.

The two seats were seated by none other than Yan Zhong and Xu You.

Yan Zhong sat on the right side of the first seat, while Xu You sat on the left side of the first seat.

Hanging behind the first seat is a huge map, on which is the topographic map of Jizhou, the location of each city, and even the location of the Han army's barracks are all beautiful and detailed.

The reason why this map can be so detailed is actually not the Eagle Wolf Guard, but Xu You.

As Wang Fen's staff member, Xu You naturally knew most of the situation in Jizhou, although he fled too hastily and did not bring any documents.

But no matter who Xu You is, he can recall most of the materials and documents he has read, not to mention the preparations he made for the abolition of the emperor.

The only thing that needs to be paid attention to is whether the embroidered clothes messenger will change the location of the garrison after knowing that Xu You was rescued by the eagle wolf guard, or think that the Yellow Turban Army intends to march to Jizhou.

Although the attention of the Yellow Turban Army was in Bingzhou before, and they had just captured two counties, the Han army believed that the probability of the Yellow Turban Army intending to march to Jizhou was very small, and they probably would not change the army's station, at most they would go to Jingxing Send some more garrisons and scouts around the pass.

But this is also a possibility, so although a plan has been made, the generals under Xu An's command still need to respond according to the actual situation.

(End of this chapter)

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