Chapter 375 Millions of Yellow Turbans (Two in One)

On August [-]st, the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou resumed.

Overnight, the wave of the Yellow Turban Army swept across the five counties of Qingzhou, including Pingyuan County, Jinan County, Le'an Country, Beihai Country, and Qi State. Only Donglai County was spared.

Guan Hai and Guan Cheng led the Yellow Turban Army to break through Juxian County, the governing place of Beihai Kingdom, and Pingshou City not far away. They captured and killed the King of Beihai, shaking the whole Qingzhou.

Compared with the strength of the Yellow Turban Army in the North Sea, although the Yellow Turban Army in the other four counties also achieved remarkable results, they paled in comparison.

The uprising of the Yellow Turban Army in Jinan County was led by Xu He, the commander of the Yellow Turban Army. The local embroidered emissaries saw through the Yingwei and Xu He. They were preparing for the Dongping Mausoleum in the Jinan County Government. Xu He's plan to attack the Dongping Mausoleum failed.

But fortunately, Xu He didn't just bury his hands in Dongping Mausoleum, and the two cities of Tai County and Tugu were captured by him.

Sima Ju was in Le'an State, and captured Shouguang City in the south of Le'an State, and Dong'an Ping City in Beihai State. These two places happened to border Qi State and Beihai State in the south.

Originally, Sima Ju planned to place the uprising in the central part of Le'an State, Li County, and Bochang, but then Yingwei brought Xu An's order. Xu An said in the letter that it is best to place the uprising in the south , so that it can support the uprising of the Yellow Turbans in Beihai and Qi, and then concentrate on attracting the Yellow Turbans in the remaining three states.

Therefore, Sima Ju gave up the original plan for the uprising, and with the help of Yingwei, re-formulated a new uprising strategy.

It was Bian Xi [biàn] who led the uprising in Pingyuan County. In fact, Bian Xi was not the same as Guan Cheng and Guan Hai. Qu Shuai, the veteran Yellow Turban Army.

After the main force of the Yellow Turban Army was defeated, Bian Xi took his subordinates and hid in the mountains and rivers. With the support of the people gathered in the village, he continued to fight against the Han army.

The resurgence of the Yellow Turban Army led Bian Xi to conquer Pingyuan, the prefecture of Pingyuan County. city.

If it wasn't for the prefect of Pingyuan County who saw the situation was wrong and fled out of Pingyuan City in a hurry with his personal guards, I am afraid that the prefect of Pingyuan County would become the second county-level official to die in Qingzhou.

Only the Yellow Turban Army of Qi State did not achieve what it deserved, because the rule of Qingzhou was in Linzi of Qi State, and the embroidered clothes envoys were the most tightly controlled, without internal support, it was really impossible to break through the city.

After the Yellow Turban Army of Qi State fought several battles with the Han Army of Qi State, they had no choice but to retreat towards Ju County.

On August [-]th, the governor of Qingzhou assembled more than [-] soldiers from the prefectures of Qi State and Beihai State, as well as the surrounding Tuan Lian Xiangyong, to pursue the Yellow Turban Army of Qi State who had fled to Ju County, and to attack Ju County. Moving towards Le'an County, the Yellow Turban Army of Beihai Kingdom will join forces with the Yellow Turban Army of Le'an Kingdom.

However, the governor of Qingzhou miscalculated the combat effectiveness of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army. The Beihai Yellow Turban Army and the Le Anguo Yellow Turban Army who came to meet them had a total of more than [-] people. Including the Qi State Yellow Turban Army, the total number was even as high as [-]. million people.

Under the command of Xu He, the Yellow Turban Army of Le Anguo cut off the way for the Han army to retreat westward to Qi, while the pursued Yellow Turban Army of Qi State, supported by the Yellow Turban Army of Beihai State, stood firm and followed the Yellow Turban Army of Beihai State. The army launched a fierce attack on the Han army in Qingzhou.

Although Qi's and Han's troops were fairly well-trained and well-armed, ants killed many elephants, and it was difficult for tigers to hold back a pack of wolves.

Although the [-] Yellow Turban Army is young and strong, there are only more than [-] people, and the weapons in their hands are only a few iron farm tools. Most of them cut wood into soldiers and raised poles into banners.

However, the Yellow Turban Army in Qingzhou had already been completely driven to a dead end by those powerful officials. At this time, they heard that the governor of Qingzhou was in the Han army this time, and they were all very angry. The crime made the Yellow Turban Army of the three counties even more indignant.

On August [-]th, after two full days of fierce fighting, the Xiangyong who followed the Qi Guojun's national soldiers out of the station were the first to collapse, and the formation of the Xiangyong Army also triggered a chain reaction. With Xiangyong's defeated troops, they broke through the front formation of the Qi State Han army in one fell swoop, and beheaded Sima of the Qi State Army's army.

The army of Qi collapsed, and the governor of Qingzhou fled. Guan Hai led his troops in pursuit for dozens of miles, beheading countless Han troops, and then withdrew his troops and returned to camp.

In the Battle of Juxian, the Yellow Turban Army of the three counties defeated the governor of Qingzhou and defeated the Qi State Army. Therefore, the Han Army no longer dared to go out of the city to fight the Yellow Turban Army in the field, and they all stayed in the city for defense.

The Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army also received news of Guan Hai's defeat of the Qi State Army, and was encouraged. Their morale ebbed and flowed.

The five counties of Qingzhou, Pingyuan County, Jinan County, Le'an Country, Beihai Country, and Qi State, seemed to be blown by a typhoon, and many cities were destroyed.

As of August [-]th, the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army has broken through [-] cities in a row, and a large number of weapons have been taken out, so that the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army has been armed. The food stored in the Haoqiang and Qingzhou official warehouses is no longer a shortage of food for the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army .

The Yellow Turban Army of the three counties led by Guan Hai, Xu He and the two also arrived at Bochang City in Le'an State, and the Yellow Turban Army gathered under their command has also broken through the [-] mark.

The Yellow Turban Army of Pingyuan County and the Yellow Turban Army of Jinan County also successfully joined forces in the southeast of Pingyuan County under the leadership of Bian Xi and Sima Ju.

The Yellow Turban Army of the two counties, and the Yellow Turban Army under Sima Ju's command, also gathered more than [-] people during the campaign.

As the most populous county in Qingzhou, Pingyuan County itself has a population of more than one million, and this population of more than one million is not counted as hermits and slaves.

Now not only under Bian Xi's command, more than [-] Yellow Turbans have gathered, but in the northern part of Pingyuan County, there are also more than [-] Pingyuan Yellow Turbans, which means that the total number of Yellow Turbans in Pingyuan County has reached [-].

Qingzhou Yellow Turbans revived, this time gathering [-] people.

The entire Qingzhou has a population of more than [-] million. This time the Yellow Turban Army uprising spread to the five counties of Qingzhou, affecting more than [-] million people. The number of people who revolted accounted for one-sixth of the total population of Qingzhou.

The three states gathered to respond, and won the food and the scene.

The large-scale and organized uprisings of the Yellow Turban Army in Xuzhou, Yanzhou, and Yuzhou finally completely ignited the barrel of gunpowder in the four states.

As of August [-]th, the total number of the Yellow Turban Army in the three states has finally passed the million mark.

The four prefectures have been in peace for a long time, and how can a small number of county soldiers and some township bravery be the opponents of tens of thousands of Yellow Turbans.

But this time, with the Eagle Guards connecting the Yellow Turban Army in the four states, the Yellow Turban Army in the four states rose at the same time.

The Yellow Turbans in Sizhou have become a prairie fire. With the help of the Yellow Turbans in Bingzhou, this time the Yellow Turbans in Sizhou are no longer scattered, but gathered together.

They no longer fought on their own as in history, which made the Han army gradually recover its strength and slowly lost its advantage.

This time, the Yellow Turban Army of the four prefectures had a unified goal--Jibei Kingdom.

After the Yellow Turban Army in Qingzhou joined forces, they will go south to attack Jibei Kingdom and meet the Yellow Turbans from Sanzhou who are going north.

The Yellow Turban Army of the Three States will follow Xu An's plan and march northward towards Jibei Kingdom instead of repeating the mistakes of history.


Qingzhou, Bochang City.

The Yellow Turban Army has completely controlled the city, and nearly [-] Yellow Turban Army gathered inside and outside Bochang City.

The fire that had ignited in the city before has now been extinguished. It was the crime committed by the Yellow Turban Army who poured into the city at the beginning. They first set fire to the houses, and then part of the Yellow Turban Army took advantage of the chaos and began to loot the city.

Even though Guan Hai tried his best to suppress it and added strict orders, it still couldn't prevent the tragedy from happening.

Afterwards, Guan Hai personally led troops to suppress them, beheading more than [-] heads in one go, and stopped the rebellious army.

The four hundred heads brought an incomparable shock. After capturing Bochang City, the county magistrate who defended the city had already led people away from Beicheng, and the Yellow Turban Army only killed or injured more than a thousand people.

Guan Hai was so angry that he hung four hundred human heads on the city gates on all sides, so that all the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army who entered the city could see the bloody heads.

After entering the city, none of the Yellow Turban soldiers dared to commit crimes against the wind and loot the people.

Guan Hai stuck the horsewhip in his hand to his waist, and walked into the government office with a gloomy expression. The two soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army guarding the door saw Guan Hai approaching, and quickly bowed their heads to salute.

Guan Hai didn't pay any attention to them, his heart was just on fire, as soon as the envoys of the Bingzhou Yellow Turban Army arrived, such chaos broke out in the city.

"Is it done?"

Guan Cheng, who was standing outside the hall and couldn't stop walking, saw Guan Hai stepping into the courtyard, and hurried to meet him.

"It's done."

Guan Hai's expression softened slightly, he nodded, and cursed in a low voice.

"There are more than [-] people making trouble this time. The faces of our Qingzhou Yellow Turbans were completely lost by those gangs today."

There was also a stern look in Guan Cheng's eyes, some people still had some unrealistic fantasies without being stabbed to the neck by the butcher's knife.

"Now that you're done, let's go in."

Guan Hai nodded, then walked into the hall.

"Reporting to God, the main body of the rioting army is a group of newly attached bandits. I have led troops to suppress them. There are a total of [-] people who looted the people, and they have all been beheaded. Four hundred and fifty-four I have ordered the first level to be hung on the four gates in the south, east, and northwest, as a warning to the public."

The chief seat in the hall was sitting a man who was wearing a crimson war robe, a military uniform, and a big crown of martial arts, with a rather gloomy complexion.

That man was Xu You who came all the way from Bingzhou. Jizhou embroidered clothes envoys had frequent activities, so he wasted a lot of time on the road. It was not until August [-]th that he felt Bochang City and saw Guan Hai and others. .

"General Guan is lucky."

A smile appeared on Xu You's face, and the cold air on his body slowly dissipated.

"Now that General Guan has a large number of people, he must be strictly managed, lest such a situation happen again, making the world think that my Yellow Turban Army is no different from that bandit."

"The order of the envoy, I must not dare to forget it."

Guan Hai lowered his head and respectfully agreed.

The first reason for his low profile is that this person is Xu An's envoy and their boss.

Moreover, this person has the same surname as Xu An, and people can't help but think about it. Guan Hai even guessed that Xu You is Xu An's younger brother.

But this is not the main reason. The reason why Guan Hai is more respectful is more from the two generals standing beside Xu You.

One was wearing a brocade robe of flowers, and his figure was much taller than ordinary people. Even the strong Guan Hai was a head shorter in front of them, while the other was wearing a khaki war robe, and his face looked extremely young.

These two people were none other than Lu Bu and Zhang Liao who followed Xu You all the way east.

They were the second reason why Guan Hai was so respectful. Guan Hai had never even gone through three rounds in Lu Bu's hands. Whether it was fighting on foot or on horseback, he was completely abused by Lu Bu.

Even among the generals of the Yellow Turban Army in Qingzhou, it's fine that no one has ever won against Lu Bu, but no one can beat Zhang Liao, who looks very young.

Such as Guan Hai, and Guan Cheng, the commander of the Yellow Turban Army, did not have the official air and airs of those Han court officials, but more of the aura of recklessness and chivalry, so they all admired the fierce generals.

"Let's not gossip, the two generals will sit down."

Xu You stretched out his hand to signal Guan Hai and Guan Cheng to sit down, and Guan Hai and Guan Cheng took the opportunity to sit down.

The eyes of all the generals of the Yellow Turban Army in the hall were also focused on Xu You.
"I have met Bian Xi and Sima Ju before. Now Bian Xi has occupied the area along the Pingyuan City. There is a place where the river is relatively short and the water flow is slow. We can cross the river from the plain to the north."

"However, the current situation is that we need to take the Yellow Turban Army of the Three States to Jibei Kingdom as soon as possible, and then go north to cross the country to the north bank of the river, and it must be before late October."

Xu He frowned slightly, with a hesitant expression on his face.

Before the end of October, that is to say, they only have more than forty days. This time is completely enough for the army to march.

But the actual situation is not like this. There are millions of Yellow Turban soldiers in the three states, not all of them are young and strong. There are quite a few old and weak women and children among the millions of Yellow Turbans. This will undoubtedly greatly slow down the speed of marching.

The Yellow Turban Army who transferred the old and weak women and children could only march [-] to [-] miles a day, and this was without the harassment of the Han army.

And this situation is about to disappear. Although there are not many standing soldiers in the interior of the Han Empire, the war potential of the Han Empire has reached a terrifying level. It was well reflected.

When the Sanzhou Yellow Turbans began to move, the Han army that reacted would also regroup and start attacking the Yellow Turbans along the way, and the attack of the Han army would undoubtedly greatly delay the speed of the Yellow Turbans.

The Yellow Turban Army in Xuzhou and Yanzhou may be able to arrive before the end of October, but the Yellow Turban Army in Yuzhou will take at least ten days.

"My lord, the time is indeed too tight..."

Xu He hesitated for a moment, but still raised a different opinion out loud.

"This time is not set by me, nor is it set by the great virtuous teacher."

Xu You shook his head, pointed to the north, and said with a heavy face.

"But at this time, if we don't withdraw, I'm afraid we won't be able to leave..."

(End of this chapter)

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