The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 376 Homecoming

Chapter 376 Returning (Two in One)

Xu You didn't finish talking about why the final evacuation time was decided before the end of October.

Now Xu You finally understands why Xu An is so confident in the so-called Wuhuan Qiao King...

Because in this short period of time, King Wuhuanqiao had defeated the Han army of Hejian Kingdom and Bohai County who dared to intercept them.

Just in the middle of the tenth month, it is about to break through the blockade of the two counties of Hejian State and Bohai County, and go deep into the hinterland of Jizhou.

Once King Wuhuan Qiao breaks through the blockade and enters Jizhou, what they will face is the endless plains of North China. For the Wuhuan people who live on horseback, there is no more comfortable terrain than this up.

The main forces of Jizhou's county troops are all in Bohai County, Hejian Kingdom, and Qinghe Kingdom, and there is no force to stop them at all.

According to Xu You's estimate, by the end of October, the Wuhuan cavalry army will be able to invade the Qinghe Kingdom.

Wuhuan sent troops this time to plunder money and food and seize resources, so they will not stay in Jizhou for too long.

The Yellow Turban Army had to evacuate northward from Pingyuan County in Qingzhou when the Wuhuan people were still in the Qinghe Kingdom of Jizhou. Without hesitation, he went north and returned to Youzhou.

Without the help of King Wuhuanqiao, the Yellow Turban Army of the four states would face the soldiers of Jizhou County directly, and the Han army in Yanzhou would have a series of sieges, and the casualties would inevitably increase exponentially.

But to keep King Wuhuan Qiao alive, the Yellow Turban Army must pay a high price.

According to the habits of Zhang Ju, Zhang Chun and others, I am afraid that they will definitely open their mouths and offer a price that may hurt the Yellow Turban Army.

But apart from this reason, there is another reason.

The longer the time dragged on, the greater the pressure on the main force of the Bingzhou Yellow Turban Army.

Because the main force of the Bingzhou Yellow Turban Army came out of Jingxing Pass this time, there were a large number of people, with a total of more than [-] soldiers on foot and cavalry.

Jian Shuo has only more than [-] forbidden troops under his command, and with the cleansing of Jizhou by the embroidered messengers, it will take some time for the Jizhou army to recover their combat effectiveness.

The approximate time when Xu You, Yan Zhong, and Xu An discussed together was at the beginning of November. The strength of the Han Army in Jizhou would definitely have a great impact on the Yellow Turban Army of the Four States and the main force of the Yellow Turban Army of Bingzhou led by Xu An. pressure.

And at that time, Liu Yu should also be able to send part of his troops to the south to flank the main force of the Bingzhou Yellow Turban Army led by Xu An with the Jizhou Han Army.

Therefore, it is best to arrive before the end of October, and it is best to cross the Yellow River to Jizhou.


On the official road, all you can see are disheveled, ragged villagers, and scattered khaki flags.

Most of them had sad expressions on their faces. These villagers carried their burdens on their backs, and helped the old and the young to move slowly towards the north.

On both sides of the official road, there are soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army wearing yellow scarves on their heads and holding farm tools, spears, and bamboo guns.

But it is said that they are soldiers, but in fact they are just farmers with weapons, and they have not even undergone any military training.

There is no time for them to stay, no time for them to train, the Han army has begun to recover, and the situation is getting worse.

It's not that Ji Ang doesn't know the importance of the army formation, it's not that Ji Ang doesn't know the importance of the quality of the soldiers, but just dealing with the scouts sent by the Han army and the small group of harassing troops has already consumed a lot of his energy.

Nearly [-] Yellow Turban soldiers eat horse chews every day, and they need to stabilize internal order, ensure food storage, and march every day.

All kinds of things here are like mountains pressing on Ji Ang's heart, which has already made Ji Ang exhausted, physically and mentally exhausted.


"Dita... Dita..."

The rapid sound of horseshoes came from the north, and a group of dozens of Yellow Turban cavalry galloped from the side of the official road, and then hundreds of Yellow Turban infantry holding spears also quickly marched towards the south of the official road. .

Seeing this, the people walking on the official road all involuntarily quickened their pace without being reminded. This kind of scene has happened more and more frequently recently, and the Han army has already bit the tail of the Gepi Yellow Turban Army.

And these troops going south are the aid troops that went to expel the Han army that followed.

"Auntie, how long do we have to go?"

Among the official crowd, there was a child with a dusty face, his hair was as dirty as a hemp rope covered in mud, and he had long horns.

Beside him was a thin woman who looked similar to him, the woman held the child's hand, both hands looked the same, like dry sticks.

The woman carried a cloth bag on her shoulders. The cloth bag was not big, but it already contained all of her belongings.

"I still have to walk for some more time. Is my son tired? Do you want my mother to carry you?"

Hearing her child's inquiry, the thin woman turned her head to look at the child, with a concerned expression on her face. Although her body was exhausted after traveling for days, she also knew that her son would Only nine years old, but it is extremely difficult to follow them to walk such a long distance.

"Aniang still has some strength, you climb on my back, I'll carry you for a while."

The woman let go of the child's hand, lowered her body and squatted on the ground, signaling her son to climb up on his back, but just a simple squat almost made the woman fall to the ground.

"It's okay, it's okay, Mommy, stand up quickly, I'm not tired."

The child quickly supported his mother, so that the woman did not fall to the ground.

"Don't dawdle, let's go, there are still many people behind, don't block the road."

A soldier of the Yellow Turban Army noticed the slightly stagnant flow of people outside the crowd. He didn't see what happened, but he still shouted at the crowd.

The woman heard the shout and saw the crowd quicken her pace, so she stood up too. She stretched out her hand, held the child and told him.

"Take my hand tight and don't let go."

The woman was a little nervous, she held the child's hand tightly, even though she was taller, she was not much taller or bigger than her son.

In the fleeing team, you can often see lost children who get lost for various reasons.

The lucky ones were guarded by the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army, and then they looked for the parents of the children. The unlucky ones just disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people and could never be found again.

The people on the official road marched all the way to the north, until the sun gradually began to set to the west, and a leader of the Yellow Turban Army riding a horse wandered around, ordering everyone to set up a camp near the official road.

Under the command of the commander of the Yellow Turban Army, the tents were finally set up before the sun set. The soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army pushed over the baggage carts one after another. Several clay pots were erected, and the wood under the pots was lit. White mist spewed out, and the fragrance slowly filled the entire camp with the breeze.

Everyone's eyes were on the clay pot, without exception.

After walking for a day, they were tired, thirsty, hungry and hungry. What everyone thought in their minds now was to have some meals to fill their stomachs.

But they didn't stand up, they couldn't wait to surround them, and waited until the sun went down, a little fire was lit in the camp, and the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army shouted loudly for dinner.Only then did the people in the camp line up to receive porridge and rice in an orderly manner with all kinds of containers.

However, they are so orderly now, not because they know how to be polite and humble, and obey the rules.

The distribution of meals before was actually not as orderly as it is now. On the contrary, it was very chaotic, and there were even fights and stampedes.

But Ji Ang had expected this kind of thing to happen a long time ago, and he issued a strict order to prohibit making trouble and looting.

However, if there are quarrels and arguments, those who are afraid of falling behind and striving to be the first will be punished and lose the qualification to get food that day.

Ji Ang even executed a few troublemakers who overturned the pottery pots of corn porridge because of the scrambling. Therefore, with the lessons learned from this incident, everyone's emotions gradually stabilized. When it was time for dinner, It is also easy to avoid crowding and jumping in line.

In order to facilitate management, basically every marching team and people in a camp belong to the same place, and the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army who serve as guards are directly separated strong men.

The strong men wore yellow scarves on their heads and served as soldiers, led by Ji Ang, who marched on both sides of the road to protect the safety of the old, weak, women and children in the center of the official road.


In the big tent, no one has added lights, and the lights in the tent are slowly dimming.

Looking at the map on the desk, Ji Ang frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.

This map was presented to Ji Ang by Yuzhou Yingwei Tiqi. It is not known where Yingwei Tiqi brought it from, but it is quite detailed. The surrounding situation is drawn very clearly, and even some terrains are marked more detailed.

The benefits brought by the Eagle Guards are far more than just a map and a little information. These Eagle Guards who were sent to the four states to support the Taiping Road uprising were all elite scouts who had served in various armies. After the incident, these Yingwei Tiqi also began to return to their old professions and started their old professions.

Ji Ang clicked on the map, and slightly stretched his brows.

What made him frown before was not the harassment of the Han army, but the speed of the march was indeed too slow. It was already August [-]th, and they finally left the boundaries of Yuzhou and arrived in the territory of Pengcheng Kingdom in Xuzhou.

At this time, the Han army in Yuzhou finally came to their senses, and the Han army in Yuzhou had already followed along the official road.

At this time, a bad news also came.

Qiaomao, the governor of Yanzhou, assembled the county soldiers and linked up with the courage of the powerful family. In Shanyang County, he defeated the main force of the Yellow Turban Army in Yanzhou in one fell swoop.

Part of the Yellow Turbans in Yanzhou withdrew to the north, and the other part was heading towards Pengcheng State in Xuzhou, which borders Shanyang County in Yanzhou.

But it is not without good news.

The only good news now is that Xuzhou's Yellow Turban Army defeated the main force of the Xuzhou Han Army. Now that the Xuzhou Han Army has been newly defeated, they dare not attack without authorization, which means that Xuzhou is still relatively safe.

It's just that the Yanzhou Han Army and the Yuzhou Han Army are in the northwest and southwest of Pengcheng State, closely following the defeated Yanzhou Yellow Turban Army that retreated to Pengcheng State, and the Gepi Yellow Turban Army led by Ji Ang.

They will never let the Yellow Turban Army retreat northward to Jibei Kingdom so easily, and join forces with the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army smoothly.


September [-]th.

The Yellow Turban Army of Gepi, the defeated Yellow Turban Army of Yanzhou, and the Yellow Turban Army of Xiapi successfully joined forces in Donghai County, Xuzhou, and Yinping City.

The three Yellow Turban forces joined forces and crossed the Pengcheng Kingdom in Xuzhou, intending to march from the Lu Kingdom in Yuzhou to the Jibei Kingdom in Yanzhou in the north.

The Yellow Turban Army of Langya County in Xuzhou did not join forces with the Yellow Turban Army of Sanzhou, but withdrew northward, passing through Beihai State in Qingzhou in the north, and then marched towards Pingyuan County through Le'an State.

September [-]th.

The former army of the Sanzhou Yellow Turban Army led by Ji Ang fought against the Yuzhou Army. The Yuzhou Army occupied a favorable location and repelled several attacks of the Yellow Turban Army.

September tenth, dawn.

Ji Ang once again mobilized the army and went to the battle in person. The former army of the Yellow Turban Army broke through the defending Yuzhou Army in one go.

September [-]th.

The Yellow Turban Army of the Three States began its transition in Surabaya.

Until September [-]th, a total of [-] Yellow Turban Army soldiers from the three states finally crossed Surabaya.

But on the way across the river, even though Ji Ang was strictly defending, the [-] people crossing the river were still unable to guard against the Yuzhou army's attack.

The Sanzhou Yellow Turban Army left more than [-] corpses by the Sishui River.

On October [-]th, after throwing off the Yuzhou Army, the Sanzhou Yellow Turban Army also accelerated its march a lot, and finally entered the territory of Jibei on this day.

The governor of Yuzhou had nothing to do, but he couldn't lead troops out of the state, and he was powerless, so he could only watch as Ji Ang led the Yellow Turban army and evacuated to Jibei Kingdom.

Qiao Mao, the governor of Yanzhou, has no choice. After all, the state of Lu belongs to Yuzhou, and he can't interfere in the war in Yuzhou without an order. Leading troops out of the state is tantamount to rebellion, especially now that the governor of the state has been abolished and changed to state shepherd, embroidered messenger Monitor the place.

It is extremely worthless to let go of the Yellow Turban military officer and be deemed as treason.

As for the Jibei Kingdom in Yanzhou, Qiao Mao has no idea at all, because at this time, the Jibei Kingdom has been occupied by the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army. More than [-] Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army are in the Jibei Kingdom, as well as the remnants of the Yanzhou Yellow Turban Army that was defeated by Qiao Mao before. , Now the Sanzhou Yellow Turban Army has crossed Surabaya and went north to the Jibei Kingdom, which means that the Jibei Kingdom will add nearly [-] Sanzhou Yellow Turban Army.

Unless Qiao Mao was crazy, it was impossible for him to be able to deal with the Yellow Turban Army of more than [-] at the same time without the advantage of the location, just relying on the more than [-] county soldiers under his command, plus some village bravery.

Taking advantage of the geographical advantages of the State of Lu, the Yuzhou Army failed to stop the Yellow Turban Army from the Three States from marching northward, but instead lost troops and generals.

Do less and make less mistakes, and it's not bad if you don't do it. The main force of the Yanzhou Yellow Turban Army has been repelled by Qiao Mao, which is also a great achievement.

The current Yanzhou is the state with the smallest loss among the four states that have returned to the Yellow Turban, and has achieved considerable results. The best situation now is to maintain the status quo. It has evolved into a corrupt situation like Qingzhou.

 Squat in a small dark room tomorrow, try to save as much as possible

(End of this chapter)

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