The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 379 Zhongping 5 Years, Month

Chapter 379 Zhongping five years, October

In the city of Luoyang, undercurrents are surging, the courtiers have their own ghosts, and the extremely tall mansion of the big man is crumbling.

Although Liu Hong tried his best to conceal it, and there were embroidered clothes envoys to cover it up, but if people don't want to know, unless they do nothing, those high-ranking officials in Luoyang City who are above the temples are not ordinary people.

If it is really a mediocrity, even if he becomes a high-ranking official by virtue of the power of the family, it will not last long.

Such great turmoil occurred in Jizhou and other places, which almost shocked the government and the public, but Liu Hong only made a hasty appearance, and then returned to the Hall of Houde.

At first the courtiers really thought that Liu Hong had just recovered from his illness, and his ridiculous habits had returned.

But this time there seems to be something different. It is obvious that such a big thing happened. According to the understanding of the courtiers about today's world, they naturally know that although Liu Hong is absurd, since he took office, he has attached great importance to his authority. .

There is even zero tolerance for rebellion, but this time the rebellion of the four states, the rebels of the three states joined forces with the Nine Routes to attack, but in exchange for a light-hearted agreement by everyone.

This is obviously extremely unreasonable, so the senior officials in these temples also have their own ideas.

It's just that now that the Embroidered Clothes Emissary controls the court, these high-ranking officials have no way to obtain the emperor's information and the secrets of the palace from the original channels for the time being.

Rumors slowly fermented in Luoyang City, only the embroidered clothes envoys stopped them, but Liu Hong didn't come forward, which made people think about it.


Julu Commandery, outside Yingtao City, is the camp where the main force of the Jizhou Han Army led by Jian Shuo is located.

Jian Shuo looked at the silk book in his hand with a solemn expression, and involuntarily squeezed it into a ball slowly with his fingers.

The embroidered envoys in the tent stood fixedly at the place they were guarding. What Jian Shuo did did not affect these well-trained embroidered envoys in the slightest.

These embroidered clothes envoys are the most loyal group, they are different from those talented people who are recruited from the market and from the village.

They are dead men supported by the Han family. They only have loyalty to the emperor and patriotism in their minds, and they only have loyalty. They are only loyal to one person, and that is the current emperor Liu Hong.

"Give me an order that I will hand over the command of the barracks to Lu Zhi from now on. It is said to the public that I am not acclimated to the environment and suffer from a serious disease, and need to stay in the city for treatment."

Jian Shuo thought for a moment, then slowly raised his head, and said in a low voice.

Lu Zhi came with the angel who passed the decree, and Liu Hong reactivated Lu Zhi as a general to lead the main force of the Jizhou army and prepare for the upcoming war.

Using Lu Zhi as a general, I have to say this is the best choice.

Nowadays, experienced generals who can control the overall situation in the Han court are actually very rare, apart from Huangfusong and Lu Zhi, there are only a few left.

And those people are either old or dismissed from their posts, and they are still far away from Jizhou.

"Shen Yu, you stay in Yingtao City. During this period of time, you have visited famous doctors, looking for doctors to come to Yingtao City to treat my illness."


Shen Yu didn't say much, and immediately agreed.

Jian Shuo in front of him seemed full of energy, and he didn't look like he was suffering from a serious disease at all. No need for Jian Shuo to say much, in fact, Shen Yu also knew that this was just a cover.

Shen Yu is very self-aware, he is just a captain in embroidered clothes, he didn't ask too much about Jian Shuo's affairs, he knew that those matters would probably have a great impact, the more he knew, the faster he might die, those people above the temple He is not qualified to participate in major events.

"I'm going away for a while."

Jian Shuo stood up, his eyes were slightly cold, and his voice was heavy and smokey.

"Shen Yu, I have entrusted the embroidered clothes messenger of Jizhou to your hands. Our army must win this battle. The 'Moth Thief' Eagle Wolf Guard is sinister and vicious, and extremely cunning. You have to be careful and careful."

"You are a smart man who knows how to measure. When the matter of Jizhou is settled, I can guarantee you to be the envoy of the embroidered clothes envoy of Jizhou."

Shen Yu's face was overjoyed, there was no way out, and there was no way out, and there was another village under the willows and flowers. Before that, he let Xu You and Zhou Jing escape, and spent a lot of money to barely keep the official position of the embroidered clothes captain.

Originally, Shen Yu had lost all intention of climbing further, but now Jian Shuo gave him hope again.

If he can go one step further and become the governor, this is what Shen Yu dreams of.

"Thank you Commander Cultivation!"

Shen Yu bowed with both hands, and replied excitedly.

Jian Shuo stood up and walked out of the tent. When passing by Shen Yu, Jian Shuo paused for a moment, and then continued to walk out of the tent.

What Shen Yu didn't see was that when Jian Shuo walked past him, his face was so ugly that it was frightening.


On the official road, a cavalry team of [-] men was galloping towards the south.

This line of cavalry of a hundred men was all wearing iron armor and fully armed.

At this moment, three cavalrymen in the same attire suddenly appeared in front of the cavalry of the centurion.

"Report to the commander, we will arrive at the station in five miles."

The three cavalrymen were one of several scouts sent out by the centurion.

The crowd parted, revealing a tall general with the same helmet and armor.

But that military general is not like the general Han generals who are big and three thick, but he has a white and quiet face, but he still looks quite mighty. If there is someone in the palace, he can definitely tell at a glance that this person is the eighth captain of Xiyuan The first - Jian Shuo, Captain of the Military Academy.

Jian Shuo pushed aside the crowd and looked towards the south with a solemn expression.

The secret letter Liu Hong sent to Jian Shuo was to ask Jian Shuo to hand over all the military affairs of Jizhou to Lu Zhi, and then lead the elite embroidered messengers back to Luoyang immediately.

Liu Hong didn't expect his body to deteriorate so quickly before, so now when he was seriously ill, he realized that the power he had in Luoyang was extremely limited.

Jian Shuo went out of Beijing, took away the elite of the embroidered clothes envoys, and took away the most loyal Shangjunying.

Now in Luoyang, only Yuan Shao and Cao Cao commanded the Forbidden Army.

However, both Yuan Shao and Cao Cao are now on the side of the aristocratic family, and the two battalions of imperial troops under their command cannot be used at all, and may even become a hindrance.

When Liu Hong succeeded to the throne in the past, he always remembered the majesty of his relative Dou, and he also remembered the ugly face of the son of the family.

He has endured for many years, until the time when he was in power, gradually accumulating strength, and then wiped them out one by one.

Liu Hong didn't want his son to suffer such a thing again.

The He family is too popular now, He Miao is a general, and He Jin is a great general. If Liu Bian succeeds, then the He family, as a foreign relative, is very likely to mess up the government.

Liu Bian's succession to the throne will last for a long time, and he will be under the control of the He family.

As for He Jin, that butcher's brain, Liu Hong really scoffed. He originally wanted to use the power of his relatives to compete with the party members who had lifted the party, but He Jin was directly limped by the party members and joined the party members. camp.

When He Jin joined the party camp, Liu Hong couldn't believe it. He Jin's weird operation directly made Liu Hong fly into a rage, but because of the love of Empress He, Liu Hong still didn't make up his mind to take He Jin.

So now in the capital, Liu Hong's power is far weaker than that of the party members, so he immediately summoned Jian Shuo to the capital in order to use the power of the embroidered clothes messenger to establish some advantages.

As soon as Jian Shuo received the letter, he didn't delay at all. He didn't even hand over the errand to Lu Zhi. Instead, he asked Shen Yu and others to convey it on his behalf. to Jizhou.

Jian Shuo galloped through the starry night, almost without stopping. He changed countless horses at post stations along the way, and finally arrived in Hanoi County.

The embroidered messenger who stayed in Hanoi County also brought bad news to Jian Shuo.

The emperor was unconscious, and even his mind had begun to blur.

According to Liu Hong's arrangement, the embroidered clothes envoy still did not invite court doctors, but secretly captured some famous doctors from the people to treat them, but Liu Hong's life was barely hanging, and I am afraid he could survive for only three or four days. out of this world.

But now most of the courtiers in Luoyang are still unaware of Liu Hong's illness, only a small number of shrewd people have discovered something is wrong, but because of the embroidered clothes messenger, even if they find something wrong, they have no way to figure out the details.

The Embroidered Clothes Envoy, who was built after imitating the Eagle Wolf Guard, has become his sharpest minion under Liu Hong's upbringing.


On October [-]th, under the leadership of Xu You, more than one million Yellow Turban troops from the four prefectures passed through Qinghe State and were marching towards Anping State in Jizhou.

On the same day, the main force of the Bingzhou Yellow Turban Army, led by Xu An, broke through the Anping Kingdom's seat.

If nothing else happened, by October [-]th, the million Yellow Turban troops from the four prefectures would all enter Anping Kingdom safely under the cover of King Wuhuanqiao's army.

On the morning of October [-]th, Lu Zhi led the main force of the Han army in Jizhou to go northward from Yingtao City, and approached the northern part of Julu County, and went down to the area of ​​Quyang and Shanxian.

At the same time, Lu Zhi ordered Yan Liang and Wen Chou to lead troops southward and approach Anping State.

On October [-]th, Liu Yu integrated the three armies, led a battalion of [-] imperial guards, [-] ordinary county soldiers, and a total of [-] cavalry. They marched south from Zhuojun to Julu County.

Lu Zhi also mobilized the soldiers from the prefectures in the northern part of Changshan and Zhongshan to set up defenses on the front line of Zhending in order to intercept the main force of the Yellow Turbans who wanted to evacuate.

Ding Yuan, the governor of Bingzhou, was also instructed to lead [-] riders to the north to assist in the war in Jizhou.

The situation in Jizhou is changing, and the war is imminent.

The huge war machine of the Han Empire was in operation.

The wind and rain in Jizhou also attracted the attention of everyone in the temple.

No one knew that on October [-]th, when the Jizhou War was about to start, Jian Shuo, the commander of the Embroidered Clothes Envoy, had sneaked into the palace of Luoyang City.

New guards were transferred into the palace, and the guards in the palace became tighter day by day.

The atmosphere in the deep palace is even worse than that of Jizhou...

(End of this chapter)

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