The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 380 Lu Zhi

Chapter 380 Lu Zhi (Two in One)

To the north of Boluo Pavilion, the camp of the Han army stretched for more than ten miles.

Under the leadership of Lu Zhi, the general of Beizhong Lang, the Han army in Jizhou had left Yingtao City and marched towards Anping State in the northwest.

However, they did not cross the Zhang River, but stopped on the north bank of the Zhang River and set up a military camp.

At this time, the Han army camp on the north bank of the Zhangshui River was full of murderous atmosphere, and there was almost no noise in the camp, only patrol soldiers walking.
The war is coming, and everyone in the Han army camp knows that there are millions of yellow scarves and millions of "moth thieves" in Anping, which is only separated by a river.

Millions of people, just thinking about the boundless scene is enough to make anyone feel frightened.

The haze of war shrouded everyone, making all the soldiers in the Han army camp extremely depressed.

Including the Forbidden Army, many people in the Jizhou Army have personally experienced the Yellow Turban Rebellion in the seventh year of Guanghe.

Countless prefectures and counties were breached, countless powerful landlords were beheaded, countless peasants rose up, countless walkers turned trees into soldiers, and countless small people gathered together to roar at the Han Dynasty that had ruled for hundreds of years.

Although the result was that the Yellow Turban Army was finally defeated, the strength and fanaticism of the Yellow Turban Army also left an indelible impression on the hearts of the Han Army.

In the battle of Xiaquyang, Zhang Bao died in battle, and more than [-] Yellow Turbans were defeated. However, most of the Yellow Turbans in the first battle in the past, those "moth thieves" who held farm tools but were not afraid of death, fought until the last moment.

The yellow turban army retreated while fighting, and was surrounded by the Han army on the river beach all the way. The Han army attacked many times, but they were all repelled.

In the battle of trapped beasts, you still need to be careful. Huangfusong let out rumors that he wanted to persuade the remaining Yellow Turbans to divide the morale of the army, but only a few hundred people surrendered.

Zhang Jiao was dissected and stabbed at the coffin, and Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang were beheaded.

After hearing the news, the remnants of the Yellow Turbans who were besieged on the river bank launched a final attack on the Han army formation in despair. Tens of thousands of people died in the river bank.

Nearly [-] people died in the river. They threw themselves into the icy cold water, followed the great virtuous teacher they had always believed in, and left this world together.

For a long time, thousands of dead moth thieves were floating on the river outside Xiaquyang.

And it's not just the million yellow turbans. If they were only facing the million yellow turbans, they would not feel any fear if Lu Zhi commanded them, there were more than [-] forbidden troops in the lineup, and there were many reinforcements in the north.

After all, no matter how fanatical the Yellow Turban Army is, no matter how fierce and fearless they are, they lack armor and are generally weak in combat power. In this way, he defeated the main force of the Jizhou Yellow Turban Army led by Zhang Jiao.

No matter how Zhang Jiao, no matter how the Yellow Turban Army attacked, how tempted, how crazy, Lu Zhi could defuse Zhang Jiao's methods one by one, and come up with extraordinary tricks to disintegrate Zhang Jiao's offensive.

But this time, it's not just the millions of Yellow Turbans.

More importantly, there is a person who makes everyone feel great fear. At this time, he is in Anping, Jizhou, just southeast of Zhangshui.

This man is now commanding the main force of the Bingzhou Yellow Turban Army, attacking the city and pulling out the stronghold all the way, like a broken bamboo.

This person is the current leader of the Yellow Turban Army, the great virtuous teacher of Taiping Dao—Xu An.

The theory of ghosts and gods was popular in the Han Dynasty, and Xu An's reputation today has far surpassed Zhang Jiao's reputation in the past. Various myths and auras blessed Xu An.

One battle after another in Jinyang, Kuicheng, and Fenshui has made Xu An's reputation and the Yellow Turban Army of Bingzhou a success.

It also made the Han army in Jizhou feel afraid when they heard Xu An's name.

The reason why Jian Shuo had been stationed in Yingtao City before and did not dare to go north was because the atmosphere in the army was too oppressive, and everyone was too afraid of Xu An.

But now most of the Yellow Turban Army in the four states has begun to enter the territory of Anping State, and the Han Army in Jizhou has no choice but to march north.

But their commander was no longer Jian Shuo, but Lu Zhi.

It can be said that with Lu Zhi present, the Han army seemed to have a sea-fixing needle, and the army's morale was very stable.

Because during the previous Yellow Turban Rebellion, Lu Zhi led the troops to defeat Zhang Jiao. In fact, his reputation was greater than Zhu Jun. Therefore, with Lu Zhi in charge, the morale of the Han army in Jizhou also rebounded a lot.

Although Lu Zhi led the Bingzhou Army in Bingzhou before and was repelled in the Battle of Bachi Mountain, many of the people Lu Zhi led at the time were recruits, and there were also exhausted troops who rushed over from other counties.

Moreover, the enemy he was facing was not only fortifying the difficult-to-defend Bachi Mountain, but also the enemy's commander was not a vulgar person, but a former general under Huangfusong's command, a famous scholar in Liangzhou-Yan Zhong.

In the end, Shangdang County was captured by the Taihang Yellow Turban Army led by Xu An. Lu Zhi had no choice but to lead the army to retreat. However, the setback at Bachi Mountain did not affect Lu Zhi's reputation, and the emperor did not punish Lu Zhi for this incident. , but gave Lu Zhi a lot of rewards.

Later, Lu Zhi handed over all the rewards he received to Zhu Jun's family members. After all, Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun also had some friendship.

After passing through the heavy military tents, behind Lin's spears and halberds, and behind the gate, a large fiery red flag was erected.

On the big flag, there is a Chinese character "Lu" embroidered with gold thread, which is flying dragons and phoenixes, and it is Lu Zhi's big flag.

Lu Zhi's face was dignified, he was wearing a crimson battle robe and black armor, and he walked slowly past the big banner with his hand on the Han sword on his waist, and walked towards the big tent in front of him. Serenely, he followed behind Lu Zhi step by step.


Seeing Lu Zhi's figure approaching, the soldiers of the Han army guarding both sides saluted one after another, and the two soldiers outside the tent also raised the curtain of the big tent.

Lu Zhi nodded slightly, and stepped into the bright tent, followed by all the generals behind him.

After a while, the generals sat on both sides according to their ranks, and Lu Zhiduan sat at the head of the big tent.

Lu Zhi didn't wear a top helmet, but his gray hair was combed very neatly, and his crimson battle robe was neat and tidy, looking very neat.

Lu Zhi was born in the fourth year of Yonghe (139), and now (188), Lu Zhi has already reached the year of destiny. (Han counts as imaginary age)

The ups and downs of these years, years of running around and exhaustion also made Lu Zhi grow older.

But now Lu Zhi's back is still standing upright, and his eyes are still extremely clear. Ordinary people just get a glance from Lu Zhi, and even have a feeling of being seen through by him.

Lu Zhi glanced at the generals sitting in the tent. All the generals present bowed their heads and looked down, facing Lu Zhi, sitting respectfully. For Lu Zhi, since the Yellow Turban Rebellion in Guanghe Seven Years, They have always been obedient.

Many of the generals and schools of the Jizhou Army in the account have just been released from the prison of the Embroidered Cloth Messenger, and they all believe that all this is due to Lu Zhi's persistence.

After the turmoil in Jizhou, the emperor personally issued an edict, ordering Lu Zhichijie to take over the Jizhou army and lead the war in Jizhou.

As soon as Lu Zhi arrived in Yingtao, he immediately went to see Jian Shuo, took over the upper barracks, and asked Jian Shuo to release a group of imprisoned generals of the Jizhou Army from prison.

I heard that Jian Shuo refused to give up because of Lu Zhi's tit-for-tat. In the end, Lu Zhi ordered Jian Shuo to release them with the scepter bestowed by the emperor himself. Because of this, he stayed in Yingtao City directly, saying that he was not sick, and refused to cooperate with Lu Zhi's actions.

For the generals of the Jizhou Army, Lu Zhi is not only a general who can lead them to victory, but also their savior, so his attitude is very respectful.

Lu Zhi glanced at the situation in the tent, made sure that no one was absent, and then talked about the situation in Jizhou.

"According to reports from the scouts, Fucheng, Tangyang, Fuliu, and the new capital of the prefecture and state administration of Anping have all been captured by the Bingzhou yellow turban bandits led by Xu An."

As soon as Lu Zhi finished speaking, all the generals of the Jizhou Army in the tent looked at each other, there was some commotion, and there was also a humming sound from the originally quiet big tent.

Lu Zhi put the Tiger Talisman on the desk, patted it lightly, and there was a light sound. Everyone in the tent knew that he and others lost their composure, and immediately stopped talking.

"Yan Liang and Wen Chou have arrived in Wuyi in the north of Anping, not far from Xin. In the north of Jizhou, Liu Yu has also led the army to Hanchang in Zhongshan. It is estimated that they will reach Julu County in a few days. Nanshenze in the north of Shanxian County is located in the north of Anping Kingdom."

Behind Lu Zhi hung a huge map of Jizhou, with red circles marking the positions of the troops of the Han army, as well as the general marching route of the Yellow Turban Army of the four states, and Xu An's stationing points.

"Xu An's Bingzhou yellow turban bandits are distributed in the four previously occupied cities, and now only about [-] people are still under his command in Anping, including more than [-] Xiongnu bow cavalry and Wuhuan Tuqi cavalry. There are about [-] soldiers in the Xiaoqi Battalion of the new-style cavalry, and the number of cavalry accounts for more than half, totaling more than [-]."

Lu Zhi slowly opened his mouth and explained the general strength of Xu An's troops and the details of the infantry. Only by knowing the enemy and the enemy can we win a hundred battles.

"However, it should be noted that although the infantry under Xu An's command is only eight or nine thousand, they are all armored soldiers and sharp men. They should not be underestimated."

"The soldiers of the 'Moth Thief' that Xu An chose to stay in the four cities of Changshan Country and Julu County are mostly ordinary soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army, but they are also quite elite. Called 'Sharps', they wear leather armor, hold swords and shields, or spears."

"As for the soldiers under its direct control, the main body is in the 'Moth Thief' army, and they are called 'Warriors', which were established after the Wei State's soldiers. During the Battle of Kuicheng, these soldiers were named 'Warriors ''Moth Thief', block the assault of our sharp soldiers."

The hearts of all the generals and schools in the tent sank. They had also heard of the name of the Yellow Turban Army soldiers. Although the court was secretive about the Battle of Kuicheng, it was actually not a secret for senior generals like them. .

"Apart from the military pawns, Xu An has two more elite battalions under his command."

Lu Zhi looked at an official wearing embroidered clothes sitting behind the crowd. This person was Shen Yu, the captain of embroidered clothes of Changshan Kingdom, who was temporarily acting as the governor of Jizhou embroidered clothes.

Lu Zhi nodded to Shen Yu. Most of the news came from the embroidered clothes messenger. Because of this incident, Lu Zhi's perception of Jian Shuo changed a lot. Before that, he asked Jian Shuo to release the general of the Jizhou Army. He and Jian Shuo quarreled for a long time.

In the end, Lu Zhizhi ordered Jian Shuo, but Jian Shuo could only be subdued and ordered to let him go. He said he was not sick the next day, and then let Shen Yu take charge of the Jizhou embroidered clothes envoy.

But although Jian Shuo showed a non-cooperative attitude, the embroidered clothes envoys actually obeyed Lu Zhi's orders. Lu Zhi knew that if these embroidered clothes envoys did not get Jian Shuo's permission, they would definitely not help him. , and did not let the embroidered clothes messenger choose to watch because of their quarrel.

"One of them is called 'Yellow Angels'. I believe everyone here should be very familiar with this one. This is the absolute elite among the 'Moth Thieves'. They are fanatical followers of the Taiping Tao. They are not afraid of death. Wears heavy armor and holds a shield.

"Originally, the yellow angels in the 'Moth Thief' were already comparable to our army's sharp fighters. Now Xu An's yellow angels are probably even more powerful. There are about [-] yellow angels under Xu An's command. .”

"The yellow angels now exist as Xu An's personal guards, that is to say, where the yellow angels are, most of them are where Xu An is located. The flag of the yellow angels is a tiger pattern battle flag with black stripes on a yellow background. Be careful, don't tamper with, and immediately pass the information to the army."

Lu Zhi looked solemn and said in a deep voice.

"The other part is a trilogy called 'Trapped Camp'. We know very little about the record of this part. It should be a trilogy established by the bandit leader Xu Anxin. This battalion is equipped with ordinary soldiers of the 'Moth Thief' Quite, the combat strength is unknown, but all the ministries must be cautious when encountering them, and they must not underestimate the enemy. Among the 'Moth Thieves' army, those who can form a battalion alone are not ordinary people."

"Xu An has three cavalry divisions, one is the Xiaoqi Battalion, most of the Xiaoqi Battalion is the original Bingzhou Cavalry Army, and a part of the Yellow Turban Army cavalry soldiers. The battalion is skilled in bows and horses and is quite versatile. The battalion soldiers are from Bian County. In the land where the battle strength is astonishing, when all the tribes meet them, they form a camp to defend themselves, send out signals, help each other, and wait quietly to defend themselves. Our cavalry may not be their opponents."

Lu Zhi shook his head, and a look of sadness flashed in his eyes. When he suppressed Zhang Jiao, he relied on his own cavalry to gain a great advantage.

But now I don't want to not only change the offensive and defensive situation, but also the quantity and quality of the cavalry.

The Yellow Turban Army, which originally had only a few cavalry, was far superior to the Han Army in terms of cavalry.

If it weren't for the purpose of the Yellow Turban Army this time, which was to take the Yellow Turbans from the four states to Bingzhou, then the initiative of the war would definitely be in the hands of the Yellow Turban Army.

After all, Jizhou Yimapingchuan is almost all plains, and the cavalry can be easily transferred and escaped from the siege.

Just like King Wuhuanqiao's troops, they broke through the blockade of the Han army in Hejian State and Bohai County, directly invaded Qinghe State in the hinterland of Jizhou, and plundered wantonly, which could not be stopped.

"The other two tribes, one is Wuhuan Tuqi, they are soldiers of the Wuhuan tribe in Shanggu County conscripted by Xu An, the bandit chieftain. Soldiers, good at riding and shooting, long-distance raids."

Lu Zhi sighed inwardly.

The situation in Jizhou is at its worst now, even worse than when millions of yellow scarves swept across Bazhou in the seventh year of Guanghe...

 Let me save my manuscript

(End of this chapter)

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