Chapter 381 The Wind Rises (Two in One)

Anping Kingdom, Xindu.

It used to be the prefecture of Anping State. Because it is located in the center of Jizhou and has developed transportation, it is prosperous in commerce, densely populated and extremely rich.

Except for the turmoil that swept the world in the seventh year of Guanghe, which slightly affected it, the turmoil in the other three states did not affect this prosperous city even once.

It's just that this stability and prosperity lasted until October of the fifth year of Zhongping, and then it was broken by a loud noise.

The roaring boulder easily smashed the Xindu city wall made of earth and rocks. The Yellow Turban army, led by Xu An, easily broke through the Xindu City. military.

Xindu City, which used to fly the banners of the Han army, has all been replaced by the banners of the Yellow Turban Army.

But Xu An did not enter Xindu City, but took the main force of the Bingzhou Yellow Turban Army and set up a camp in the middle of Xindu and Fucheng.

The purpose of the Yellow Turban Army was not to capture the city, but to allow the millions of Yellow Turbans in the four states to withdraw into the territory of Bingzhou, and it was useless to refuse to defend the city.

The Han army will not be in a hurry to recover the fallen city, and their goal is not here.

The more the enemy opposes it, the more we must do it, and the more the enemy wants to do it, the more we must oppose it.

The Yellow Turban Army wanted to transfer the Yellow Turbans of Sizhou into Bingzhou, so the main goal of the Han army was naturally to prevent the Yellow Turban Army of Sizhou from entering Bingzhou safely.

It was the main force of the Yellow Turbans in the four states that the Han army was going to attack.

Since the uprising of the Sizhou Yellow Turbans, they have become rebels in the eyes of the Han army. They are no longer ordinary people. They have become locusts, moth thieves, and mobile military exploits.

The trend of offense and defense has changed when the Yellow Turban Army of the Four States entered Anping Kingdom.

In the current situation, the main attacker has become the Han army, while the defender has become the Yellow Turban army.

The Han army is the main offensive, while the Yellow Turbans are the main defenders.

In the west of Xindu, the camp of the Yellow Turban Army.

On the barracks of the Yellow Turban Army, banners and flags are like a forest, and at a glance, they are all walking patrol soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army.

Outside the camp, groups of knights from the Yellow Turban Army galloped outside on horses.

More than [-] soldiers from Bingzhou and Wuhuan's Tuqi were dispatched by Xu An to the north of Xindu and near Tangyang to watch over Jizhou led by Yan Liang and Wen Chou in the north and Lu Zhi in the south. The main force of the army.

Now in the camp of the Yellow Turban Army, there are only the Xiaoqi Battalion, the Suppressed Battalion, the Soldiers and the Yellow Angels.

Outside the tent of the army in the camp, a big khaki flag was fluttering in the wind, and the strong wind was blowing. Character.

Not far from the Dazhu Banner, a rather tall grandstand was built.

At this time Xu An was sitting on a chair, overlooking the scene from the tall stand, looking at the orderly barracks and the guard cavalry wandering outside the barracks.

Although the Han army did not have any chance to cross Bingzhou Yicong and Wuhuan Tuqi on the north and south sides, the Yellow Turban Army did not relax at all because of this. They still followed the dogma written by Xu An scrupulously and meticulously implemented Xu An's military orders.

These are the habits developed by the Yellow Turban Army through long-term training. Most of the middle and lower-level officers of the Yellow Turban Army started at the infancy. Before the uprising, before joining the Yellow Turban Army, they did not receive any militarized training. A blank sheet of paper.

And it was precisely because they were like blank paper that Xu An was given the opportunity to write.

The initial training method was a set of extremely simple military training methods written by Xu An when he first entered the Taihang Mountains to train the children of the three families after occupying Lutai Mountain. Xu An continued to improve the general military training content of later generations, and named it "Infantry Exercise Code".

The "Infantry Manual" has not remained unchanged, but has been continuously improved as the territory of the Yellow Turban Army continues to expand.

Later, Yan Zhong also joined in the process of writing, Xu Huang, Zhang Yan and other army chiefs also provided a lot of opinions, and also incorporated some of the opinions of ordinary soldiers collected by the Eagle Wolf Guard.

The "Infantry Manual" compiled by Xu An is already quite complete. Today, there are no longer only methods of training soldiers, but also detailed requirements for officers and soldiers, as well as various emergencies encountered on the battlefield. How to deal with the situation.

Moreover, in order to prevent the content of the "Infantry Exercise Code" from being leaked, Xu An subdivided the "Infantry Exercise Code" into several levels, from ordinary soldiers to special commanders, to team leaders, to village chiefs all the way to army Sima, to school Lieutenants and generals are different.

Only Xu An has the complete version of "Infantry Manual", and even Yan Zhong has never seen the most complete version.

"The northern Jizhou army, Yan Liang and Wen Chou, have arrived in Wuyi, Anping. It is reported that the total strength of the two troops should be more than [-], and there are about [-] cavalry."

"The main force of the Jizhou army in the south, led by General Lu Zhi of Zhonglang, has a strength of more than [-] troops, mixed with infantry and cavalry, and is located on the north bank of the Zhangshui River. Our army has not yet learned the exact number of the main force of the Jizhou army, only the total amount."

"The total strength of the Youzhou Army is about [-] people, led by General Liu Yu of Pingbei Zhonglang, and has arrived in Shenze in the south of Anping, just north of Shanxian County, where our army is stationed. There are about two cavalry troops. There are more than a thousand soldiers and more than [-] infantry, and it seems that all the infantry are from the Forbidden Army from the West Garden."

A messenger of the Yellow Turban Army with a leather armor on his back and a feather on his back, half kneeling on the ground, carefully reported the recent message to Xu An.

With the advantage of cavalry, the Yellow Turban Army can easily know the movements of the Han Army.

Xu An narrowed his eyes slightly. It was already October [-]th, and the speed of the Han army was faster than the fastest speed he and Yan Zhong estimated.

Yan Zhong stood by the side of the stands, with his brows furrowed, looking at the map on the table in front of him, thinking about the countermeasures.

The results of the battle in Hanoi County and Hedong County were also reported. Guo Tai and Yu Du led the troops to withdraw to the station. There was no way to contain the Han army in the two places. The Bingzhou Han army in Hanoi County also relieved its worries. Under the leadership of Ding Yuan, he began to march towards Jizhou.

In Youzhou, Zhang Chun and Gongsun Zan had already decided the winner. Gongsun Zan defeated Zhang Chun and Qiu Liju's coalition forces in one fell swoop, and was pursuing them.

Zhang Ju was greatly shocked, and sent a letter to King Wuhuanqiao, ordering him to withdraw his troops immediately, return to Youzhou, and be on guard against Gongsun Zan's advance.

In other words, the current Yellow Turban Army has lost the help of King Wuhuanqiao's army and can only fight alone.

The current situation is also extremely bad for the Yellow Turban Army.

Xu An leaned back on the chair and was speechless for the time being. In history, Gongsun Zan defeated the allied forces of Zhang Chun and Qiu Liju in Shimen, a vassal state of Liaodong, and then Zhang Chun left his wife and children and fled to Xianbei territory.

Gongsun Zan continued to pursue, but because he went too far, he was besieged by Qiu Liju in Guanzi City in western Liaoning for more than [-] days. When the food was exhausted, the soldiers collapsed, and most of the soldiers were killed or injured.

Fortunately, Qiu Liju's army was also exhausted, and Zhang Jujun also suffered setbacks in Youzhou, so Qiu Liju had to leave Liucheng.

The siege of Guanzi City was thus broken, so the imperial court ordered Gongsun Zan to be the captain of Jianglu, and named Gongsun Zan the Marquis of Duting.

Although Xu An has affected many places, the turmoil in Youzhou is still the same as in history. The Yingwei stationed in Youzhou also got information from Zhang Ju.

After Gongsun Zan defeated Zhang Chun, Zhang Chun did abandon his wife and children and fled to Xianbei in the north like in history, while Qiu Liju's army was only dispersed and finally reunited, while Gongsun Zan was like in history, The lone army went deep and continued to pursue Zhang Chun.

That is to say, Gongsun Zan will most likely be besieged by Qiu Liju and besieged Guanzi City in Liaoxi County as in history.

But this is only a prediction, and only Xu An knows it. Even if Xu An tells Zhang Ju about this, he will definitely be regarded as crazy by Zhang Ju, or he will be regarded as wanting King Wuhuanqiao's army. An excuse to contain the Han army.

The wind gradually picked up, and the flags erected around the stands were fluttering in the wind, and the sound of rushing like running water echoed in Xu An's ears.

Xu An raised his head and looked at the blue sky and white clouds above his head.

The afternoon sun is not dazzling. It is already October, and the weather is slowly turning cold. There is neither the heat of summer nor the cold of winter.

This season is the best time of the year for fighting. Soldiers can wear military uniforms and armor to continue fighting.

A group of generals and schools of the Yellow Turban Army stood around in the stands, and no one disturbed Xu An who was meditating.

After a long time, Xu An stood up slowly, which also touched the hearts of all the generals of the Yellow Turban Army.


Xu An turned his head to look at Yan Zhong who was looking at the map, and said solemnly.


Yan Zhong was slightly taken aback, then suddenly turned his head to look at the map, a flash of shock flashed in his eyes.

"Ming Gong said that Lu Zhi wanted to attack our army while our army was crossing the river."

Yan Zhong's complexion changed slightly, his hands were propped on the desk, his eyes were slightly cold.


Xu An nodded, and Xu Huang and Zhang Yan stood up almost at the same time.

The faces of the two of them are not very good-looking, but the fact is that what Xu An said, the most likely thing for Lu Zhi is to choose to attack when the Yellow Turban Army from the four states is crossing the river.

Because the Yellow Turban Army in the four prefectures has about one million people, it will take a lot of time for a million people to cross the Zhangshui River, and it will not be completed overnight.

Especially with a population of one million and a large number of old and weak women and children, it will take more time to cross the river.

"Now there are three Han armies around our army, Lu Zhi's, Liu Yu's, and Yan Liangwen's Chou, with a total of more than [-] people. The powerful and powerful families in Jizhou have also compiled a large number of rural bravery. According to Lu Zhi's habits, , it is impossible not to take advantage of such an arrangement.”

Xu An looked dignified, and said with a deep body: "Preliminary estimates, our army will face the joint strangling of more than [-] Han court regular troops and more than [-] local braves."

Xiangyong's data comes from the information provided by Eagle Wolf Wei Tiqi stationed in Jizhou, as well as the information given by Xu Youyu. Xu An chose the maximum value.

"If the Han army attacks our army while crossing the river, according to the current distribution of the Han army, it is most likely to attack it halfway across the river. When the number of our army crossing the river exceeds half, we will choose to attack."

Xu An walked to Yan Zhong's side, pointed to Zhangshui in the south of Yan County, and said with a solemn expression.

Xu Huang, Zhang Yan and other generals all surrounded him.

Xu An glanced left and right, and continued: "At that time, Yan Liangwen Chou's troops will start from Wuyi, Anping, and head towards Xindu, attacking the tail of our river-crossing troops."

"And Liu Yu's tribe will go directly south from Nanshenze in Anping Kingdom, and go straight to Shanxian County, Julu County, which our army occupies, and cut off our army's stronghold on the north bank of Zhangshui River."

"The military equipment of the Han army is very good. Judging from the cities captured by our army, such as Zhending and Xiaquyang, there are a large number of siege equipment in the arsenal of Jizhou. The road along the road must not be occupied by the Han army, and the flames of war must not even reach Shan County."

Xu An looked around, put his hands on the Hu table, scanned everyone with sharp eyes, and said in a deep voice: "So I need one person to go to Shan County and lead an army to block the invasion of Liu Yu's tribe. I will explain to Liu Yu in advance There are more than [-] imperial troops in the Ministry, and [-] cavalry soldiers, the combat power should not be underestimated."

"Who is willing to take the initiative to go to Yan County and lead the northern army to reject Liu Yu?"

Xu An looked at the generals in front of him and asked.

Before the words were finished, Zhang Yan who was on the side had already asked for a job first.

Zhang Yan clasped her fists in both hands, and said in a deep voice: "The last general, Zhang Yan, is willing to relieve Duke Ming's worries."

"Although Liu Yu's subordinates have more than [-] forbidden troops, they have come from a long distance, and they are really exhausted. In the end, the general will have the confidence to block the invasion from the north for Duke Ming."

Zhang Yan bowed and lowered her head, waiting for Xu An's answer.

The Yellow Turban Army grew stronger and stronger, and Taiping Dao was in full swing, but all this made Zhang Yan feel a little uneasy.

More and more outstanding people from Yan Zhong, Xu Huang, Guo Tai, Lu Bu, and Zhang Liao joined the Yellow Turban Army and pledged their allegiance to Xu An.

In the past few years, although Zhang Yan has never stopped his pace, he has studied hard and climbed up, but the more he is like this, the more he finds that the gap between him and these heroes seems even more distant.

It seems that he is in a high position, but he brought a large number of soldiers to join Xu An's command, and he has his own qualifications.

Zhang Yan needs a chance to prove himself, he wants to prove that he is not mediocre, he wants to prove that he has the ability to sit in the position of this general, and this opportunity is right in front of him, so he does not hesitate to go to Xu An volunteered.

Xu An was a little surprised. He raised his head and looked at Zhang Yan. Since Zhang Yan was attached to him, he has never fought or grabbed. Like Xu Huang, he just obeyed orders, but today is a bit abnormal.

Zhang Yan's complexion was firm and her eyes were firm. Feeling Xu An's eyes, there was no way to back down on her face.

Xu An didn't answer Zhang Yan's request directly. After all, if Zhang Yan didn't block Liu Yu and Liu Yu occupied the county, then they were likely to be surrounded by the Han army and bite off a large piece of meat.

"If you were to lead an army alone to defend Liu Yu's tribe in Yan County, how would you defend against the invasion of Liu Yu's tribe?"

Zhang Yan put down her hand, pointed to the map on Hu Zhuo, and spoke.

"Duke Ming of Yanxian County has two thousand elite soldiers and one thousand soldiers. The total is three thousand. It is definitely not enough to face the Liu Yu tribe, so I need Ming Gong, and then I allocated two thousand soldiers from Bingzhou Yicong and two thousand military soldiers. .”

"Youzhou Tuqi is famous all over the world. He is good at fighting in the plains, and Bingzhou Yicong is proficient in bow and horse. The endurance of the horses he rides is far better than that of Youzhou war horses. With Bingzhou Yicong, it is not a problem to contain Youzhou Tubing."

Xu An knocked on the Hu table, and said to the school: "Liu Yu's tribe has three thousand forbidden troops, armored and sharp blades, selected from elite divisions from all over the world. Military pawns, plus the original [-] elite soldiers, and [-] regular pawns, there are only [-] people, how can we stop Liu Yu's pawns?"

"In the Jizhou Plain, there is no trick. We can only rely on the camps to unite them and fight for them. I will set up camps in the north of Shanxian County. With the help of Bingzhou, the Liu Yu tribe cannot take a detour to attack Shanxian County. If you want to go south, you must first break through my camp."

Zhang Yan clasped his hands together, and said solemnly: "The final general has been following Yan Junshi to learn the art of war, and he has never been idle for many years. Minggong can rest assured."

Xu An turned to look at Yan Zhong, and got Yan Zhong's affirmative answer.

With the expansion of Xu An's power, Zhang Yan gradually felt the pressure and powerlessness, so he thought of various methods as early as the third year of Zhongping, and finally worshiped under Yan Zhong's sect.

"In that case."

Xu An raised the folding fan in his hand, pointed straight at Zhang Yan opposite Hu's table, and said solemnly.

"Then I'll be in Zhangshui, waiting for news of your victory!"

Zhang Yan looked solemn, clasped her fists with both hands, bowed down and bowed, and said with emotion: "Young general, I will definitely live up to the entrustment of the great virtuous teacher!"

(End of this chapter)

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