The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 390 The Battle of Zhangshui

Chapter 390 The Battle of Zhangshui ([-])

Maoshi six quarters (6.30).

The sky has turned pale, the sun is slowly rising from the horizon, and the world is gradually brightening up. The soft sunlight dispels the darkness stagnant on the earth, and everything is waking up from the haze.

The sun in autumn is not harsh, especially when the sun shines on people in the morning, it will make people feel warm in their hearts.

The sun shone on the woods and grass, as if it had been coated with a layer of golden light, making it look quiet and refreshing.

It's just that no one appreciates all these beauties, and no one pays attention to them.

On the Zhangshui Plain, the main camp of the Han army in Jizhou and the nearest camp of the Yellow Turban Army are only eight miles away.

Before sunset, the cavalry of the Yellow Turban Army finally evacuated the area controlled by the Han Army in Jizhou after several waves of harassment attacks against the Han Army's garrison in Jizhou.

At night, Xu An did not send anyone to launch a night attack.

Lu Zhi is a veteran on the battlefield, and he is proficient in military strategy. How could he not be wary of attacking the camp? He would definitely be fully prepared. If Xu An really sent someone to attack the camp, it would most likely result in the loss of troops.

When Zhang Jiao and Lu Zhi were facing each other, they also tried to attack the camp, and the result was that in the night battle, Lu Zhi led the Han army to kill thousands of soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army and won a complete victory. Xu An experienced it himself. If he hadn't been placed in a later position and ran faster, he might have been lost in that night battle.

With the lessons learned from before, Xu An will naturally not act rashly.

Maoshi seven quarters (6.45).

The sky was twilight, and a red tide had appeared on the Zhangshui Plain, and a large number of soldiers of the Han army had already formed an army formation on the Zhangshui Plain.

In the eight mile-long buffer zone left between the positions of the Han army and the Yellow Turban army, the scouts of the Yellow Turban army were fighting with the rangers of the Han army, vying for control of the battlefield and for the sight of the battlefield.

Lu Zhi stood at the top of the tall lookout cart with Han swords in both hands, looking at the yellow turban army that was waiting not far away.

Behind Lu Zhi, the Xiyuan Forbidden Army and eight generals from the Jizhou Army stood on both sides of Lu Zhi

There are four generals standing on the right hand, namely: Wei Chunyuqiong, Zhang Nan, Han Meng, and Meng Dai.

There are four generals standing on the left hand, namely: Zuo Xiaowei Xia Mou, Jiang Qi, Jiao Chu, and Su You.

Due to the time, the camp of the Yellow Turban Army was not very strong. There were only a few horses scattered around the outermost perimeter, a few fences were erected, and the military tents inside could even be seen.

The Yellow Turban Army only arrived two days earlier than the Han Army, so how could they have time to build a complete camp.

The Xiyuan Forbidden Army and the Jizhou Army have a total of twelve generals, and now there are only eight behind Lu Zhi. Zhao Rui, Sui Yuanjin, Lu Weihuang, and Han Juzi were sent by Lu Zhi to the two wings of the Han Army.

The battle range of tens of thousands of troops is not just one place but many places.

Time passed bit by bit, and just after Mao Shi, soldiers with negative feathers appeared on the periphery of the Han army's central army.

Zhao Rui, Sui Yuanjin, Lu Weihuang, and Han Juzi have already led the soldiers of the prefectures under their command, as well as the Xiangyong of Jizhou, and began to attack the Yellow Turban Army's position.

Plain terrain, the battlefield Xu An chose had no obstructions except for a few trees, and people's field of vision was also very far away. Standing on a high platform, the distance they could see was even further.

The scouts of the Han army hurriedly boarded the tall lookout carts, and they already knew the general situation of the Yellow Turban Army's position.

"'Yan' is embroidered on the flag of the right army of 'Mothie', which should be led by Yan Zhong, and 'Xu' is embroidered on the flag of the left army, which should be led by the bandit general Xu Huang."

Lu Zhi squinted his eyes and looked forward. There were many yellow banners flying there. There is no doubt that the Chinese army must be led by Xu An himself.

"Yan Enzhi and Xu Huang?"

Lu Zhi raised his head and glanced at the sky.

He has heard the names of these two people, and they frequently appeared in the Battle of Kuicheng and the Battle of Fenshui many times.

Especially Yan Zhong, he is not only a celebrity in Liangzhou, but also a counselor and general under Huangfu Song's command.

And that Xu Huang, just like Xu An, suddenly jumped out of nowhere, and his record on his resume is also very eye-catching.

Lu Zhi frowned slightly, and when the battle started, he felt a little more uneasy.

Although the Yellow Turban Army led by the three brothers Zhang Jiao, Zhang Bao, and Zhang Liang in the seventh year of Guanghe was mighty, there are not many people in the Bingzhou Yellow Turban Army led by Xu Ansuo.

However, Lu Zhi felt that Xu An was several times more dangerous than the three brothers of the Zhang family, and the Bingzhou Yellow Turban Army was also stronger than the Bazhou Yellow Turban Army at that time.

At the end of the seven years of Guanghe, the Yellow Turban Army seemed to have turned a corner, from decline to prosperity, and under the leadership of Xu An, it re-emerged in the Taihang Mountains.

It even swept the entire Bingzhou in just over four years.

Originally, among the Yellow Turban Army under the leadership of the three brothers of the Zhang family, there were not any outstanding generals.

Only one Bocai can be regarded as having a certain strategy and military strategy. Although he defeated Zhu Jun, he was still alone. slumped.

And now Xu An's Bingzhou Yellow Turban Army, brave generals emerge in endlessly, Xu Huang, Zhang Yan, Lu Bu, Guo Tai...

With the addition of Yan Zhong and Xu You, the Yellow Turban Army is not so short of resourceful men.

Zhao Rui and Sui Yuanjin are well-known generals in the Jizhou army, although their martial arts skills are not as good as those of Yan Liang and Wen Chou.

However, in the previous battles of Guangzong, Xiaquyang, and the battle against the Yellow Turban Army, Zhao Rui and Sui Yuanjin always suppressed the Yellow Turban Army and attacked, and the Yellow Turban Army rarely blocked their assault.

But just yesterday, when the two led troops out to face the Yellow Turban Army again, there were many dangers, Zhao Rui and Sui Yuanjin were both injured.

It can also be seen from this that there are many more brave generals in the Yellow Turban Army.

Lu Zhi's complexion did not change, but his heart sank. This battle seemed to be far beyond his imagination.

For a moment, Lu Zhi seemed to understand why Zhu Jun was defeated in the battle of Kuicheng.

"Send the order down!"

Lu Zhi picked up the Han sword, his eyes were firm, and he ordered in a deep voice.

"March with drums, set off smoke, and order the whole army to attack!"

"Push the trolley and drive two miles forward. I want to personally command this battle on the front line and defeat Xu An personally!"

Lu Zhi turned around, looked at the Han army generals in front of him who were ready to go, and shouted in a deep voice.

"Han Meng, Jiao Chu!"

On the left and right sides, two generals of the Han army in crimson battle robes stepped out immediately, and agreed together.

"Order you two, take the troops from the headquarters to attack first, and attack the main camp of the Yellow Turbans in Bingzhou."


Han Meng and Jiao Touch accepted Lu Zhi's military order without hesitation.

"Zhang Nan, Jiang Qi!"

Lu Zhi stopped the people in the front line, set his eyes on the other people, pondered for a moment, and then shouted.

"Order you two, each leading [-] elite soldiers, to follow the front line and hold the line for them."


Zhang Nan and Jiang Qi didn't procrastinate in the slightest. The two were born in a family of generals, but their military literacy is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Bang the marching drum and light the smoke!"

Almost the actual killing intent flowed in Lu Zhi's eyes, and a cold breath swept out in an instant.

Lu Zhi waved his hand and shouted angrily.

"This Zhangshui plain is where Xu An died!"


Every hour. (7.15)

In the formation of the main force of the Han army in Jizhou, three waves of smoke rose into the sky.

On the Zhangshui Plain, more than [-] Han soldiers from Jizhou and more than [-] Yellow Turban soldiers saw the smoke of the Han army in Jizhou at the same time.

In the formation of the Han army's central army, countless cavalrymen galloped through the gaps of the military formations, passing down the military orders of Dazhu step by step.

Several blue banners waved wildly on the command vehicle of the Han army.

The main force of the Han army in Jizhou began to march under the leadership of Lu Zhi!
Xu An watched the movement of the Han army ahead with a binoculars.

In the Battle of Zhangshui, the Bingzhou Yellow Turban Army also concentrated almost all the elite.

The left army is led by Xu Huang, with Guo Daxian and Huang Long as deputy, and the right army is led by Yan Zhong, with Song Xian and Wei Xu as deputy.

The Chinese army is led by Xu An himself, and the most elite forces of the Yellow Turban Army are also gathered here.

The lineup of generals is also luxurious.

Liu Pi, Gong Du, He Man, Zhou Cang, Bai Rao, Cheng Lian, Wei Yue, Hao Meng, Cao Xing.

The Patriarchs of the Lutai Mountain Family, Li Heng and Wang Ren also followed behind Xu An.

The only thing that the Bingzhou Yellow Turban Army lacked was top-level fierce generals. Lu Bu, Zhang Liao and other cavalry generals were seconded by Xu You. Although Xu Huang had extraordinary martial arts skills, Xu An assigned him to the Zuo Army to take charge of the command.

However, with the Eagle Wolf Guards around, it is not difficult to find out the names of the main generals of the Han army in Jizhou.

The generals under Lu Zhi's command had already been scouted out by Xu An's people.

The current main force of the Han army in Jizhou has twelve generals and schools with names and surnames.

They are right school captain Chun Yuqiong, left school captain Xia Mou, Zhang Nan, Jiang Qi, Han Meng, Jiao Chu, Su You, Meng Dai, Zhao Rui, Sui Yuanjin, Lu Weihuang, and Han Juzi.

Among them, except Zuo Xiaowei Xia Mou, the other eleven were generals under Yuan Shao's command in the original time and space.

Yuan Shao had two generals under Yuan Shao, Yan Liang and Wen Chou, and Zhang Jai and Gao Lan were later regarded as generals, and they were called "Hebei Four Court Columns".Han Meng, Wu Yong ranked fifth, and the other four are called "Four Courts and One Pillar".

Han Meng was brave and good at fighting, and made great achievements in Yuan Shao's campaign to pacify Hebei.

Yuan Shao and Cao Cao confronted each other at Guandu, and they were at a stalemate. Yuan Shao then sent Han Meng to attack Xudu and cut Cao Jun's west road, but was defeated by Cao Ren and Jiluo Mountain.

Later, Yuan Shao sent Han Meng to deliver grain carts, but Han Meng underestimated the enemy and was repulsed by Xu Huang and Shi Huan, the generals of Cao's army.

Yuan Shao originally wanted to kill Han Meng, but the generals persuaded him so that Han Meng survived.

It's just that there has been no news since then, most likely because he was dismissed from the government and disappeared.

It just confirms what Xun You once said: "Han Mengrui underestimates the enemy."

And Jiao Touch was also known as a brave man, but his behavior was a bit shameful. After Yuan Shao died, he rebelled against the Yuan family and established himself as the governor of Youzhou. Soon after, he surrendered to Cao Cao and was named Liehou.

The two are now in the Jizhou army, and they also lead the army Sima, which is comparable to Yan Liang and Wen Chou. Now the official positions of the Han court still have a very high gold content. It has not yet reached the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. To the point of being accustomed to.

Zhang Nan was also a general of Yuan Shao's army. He surrendered to Cao Cao together with Jiao Touch. He was also named Liehou and was sent by Cao Cao to attack Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang.Later, when Cao Cao went south, he also had a confrontation with Zhao Yun at Changbanpo. During the Battle of Chibi, he marched with Jiao Chu to the Wu army and was killed by Wu general Zhou Tai.

Jiang Qi was killed by Zhang Liao after Yuan Shao sent Jiang Qi to lead [-] troops to rescue Wuchao after Cao Cao attacked Wuchao.

These four people can be regarded as generals who can lead an army alone in Yuan Shao's army, and their abilities are above average. As for Su You, Meng Dai, Zhao Rui, Sui Yuanjin, Lu Weihuang, and Han Juzi, they are just ordinary Han army Sima ranks. General school, there is not much ink left in history.

Knowing the situation of the Han army in Jizhou, Xu An did not transfer Lu Bu and Zhang Liao back to his army, but left them with Xu You.

Both Yan Liang and Wen Chou were first-class cavalry generals. In the Jingxing Pass pursuit battle and the Shijianshan battle, Yan Liang's bravery left a deep impression on Xu An.

And because of the need to guard against Wuhuan, who occupies Youzhou in the north, the cavalry led by Yan Liang and Wen Chou are all elite cavalry from Jizhou.

Xu An knew that if one or two top cavalry generals were not left behind, the army led by Xu You would most likely be used by Yan Liang and Wen Chou to repeat the mistakes of the Jingxing Pass chase war.

At the beginning, Yan Liang used hundreds of cavalry to break through Zhang Yan's army formation of thousands of people in the rear.

Many of the soldiers under Xu You's command are actually infantry with similar combat effectiveness to Zhang Yan's former trilogy, so Xu An left two cavalry generals, Lu Bu and Zhang Liao, after careful consideration.

The strong wind blew, and the big khaki flag of the watch pole was blown.

In the binoculars, the Han army slowly advancing in the distance seemed to be right in front of them, clearly audible. Xu An had the illusion that he could hear the footsteps of the Han army in the formation.

Xu An slowly stood up from the mustache chair fixed on the telescoping cart.

"Move the trolley to the forefront of our army's position, and order the soldiers to reorganize the army!"

Xu An waved the folding fan in his hand, his eyes were cold, and he shouted orders.

"The chariot commanded by the general of the Han army moved forward, so naturally we can't lose our morale!"

"Ring the battle drum of Huangtian, and the big banner sends out orders, the whole army is ready for war!!!"

Xu An stepped forward and walked to the railing of the lookout cart. Under the lookout cart were countless khaki-colored banners, and under the banners were countless soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army who were screaming and fighting furiously!
"The sky is dead, Huang Tian stands!"

Xu An raised his right arm high to the sky and shouted angrily.

"Follow the sky and follow the righteousness, and enjoy peace!"

Under the watch pole cart, countless soldiers with their heads wrapped in yellow scarves also raised their right arms high, shouting wildly at Xu An.

"The sky is dead, Huang Tian should stand, follow the sky and follow the righteousness, and enjoy peace!!!"

 Deposit manuscripts, from May [-]st to May [-]th, without accident, there must be seven days for [-]D updates.

  We are in the process of moving and preparing to salute, so for the few days in between, it can only be guaranteed, please understand.

(End of this chapter)

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