The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 391 The Battle of Zhangshui 4k

Chapter 391 The Battle of Zhangshui (4) [-]K



In the Yellow Turban army's position, on the three high platforms in front of the formation, each of the high platforms stood nine huge yellow sky war drums.

Twenty-seven bare-chested yellow scarf warriors beat the twenty-seven yellow drums together.

The thick sound of Huang Tian's battle drum echoed on the plain of Zhangshui River, the front line of the Yellow Turban Army was boiling instantly, and the messengers with command flags on their backs flew past the gaps in the army line, while the two wings covered The cavalry of the yellow turban army also began to move under the leadership of their own generals.

"call out----"

The sharp wooden whistle sounded one after another among the infantry formations everywhere, continuously.

The sharply armored soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army stepped into the battlefield slowly, and began to line up behind the simple camp walls and fences.

Xu An put the folding fan in his waist, and grasped the handrails of the binocular cart with both hands, and the telescopic cart under his feet was slowly moving towards the front line of the Yellow Turban Army under the pull.

Cheers burst out from the throats of [-] soldiers in the middle army of the Yellow Turban Army. They were paying tribute to their great and virtuous teacher.

The watch pole car stopped slowly, the people under the car were screaming, and countless soldiers walked back and forth, conveying military orders and military information to the four directions.

Lu Zhi deserves to be a master of the art of war. The former army of the Han army had already marched two miles away when Xu An commanded the Yellow Turban Army to prepare.

The left and right wings of the Han army have already launched a tentative attack on the two wings of the Bingzhou Yellow Turban Army.

Xu An leaned on the armrest of the telescoping cart, and glanced roughly at the marching queue of the Han army in Jizhou.

With years of combat experience, he quickly estimated the size of the central army of the Han army in Jizhou. Not counting the soldiers staying in the camp, it was about [-] infantry, and the number of cavalry guarding the two wings was about [-]. There are more than two thousand people.

In this battle, the Yellow Turban Army will have [-] people against the main force of the Jizhou Han Army with [-] people.

Although the numbers of the two sides are almost the same, the real difficulty is that in the central army of the Han army, there are still a full [-] heavily armed Xiyuan Forbidden Army. In fact, the combat power of the Han army has surpassed the Yellow Turban Army by a large margin. .

The upper barracks, the left barracks, and the right barracks, the three forbidden troops from the West Garden were all dispatched, without any intention of hiding, and were directly exposed by Lu Zhi, who was led by Lu Zhi himself at the position of the Han army's central army.

All the elite troops of the Han army were concentrated in the position of the central army, while the positions on the two wings were relatively weak.

Xu An's eyes were serious, and he was a little moved. The main force of the Jizhou Han army led by Lu Zhi, the current two wings are only composed of Jizhou county soldiers and township braves. In theory, he only needs to dispatch part of the elite troops. Xiao will make a surprise attack, and perhaps he will be able to defeat the Han army in Jizhou in one fell swoop.

A strange idea came to Xu An's mind. He felt that Lu Zhi just wanted him to know about this, and then induced him to dispatch elite troops to the two wings to attack the Han army on the two wings, and then he was hiding some cards. Relying on the elite troops of the Chinese army, he defeated the main force of the Yellow Turban Army led by him in one fell swoop.

But after thinking about it, maybe Lu Zhi did this to make him have this kind of idea, to gather most of the combat power in the central army, thereby weakening the two wings, and secretly hiding the elite to attack the two wings of the Yellow Turban Army.

Xu An shook his head, there were too many distracting thoughts in his mind, the scope of the battle between the two armies was more than ten kilometers long, it was beyond his reach, and Xu An couldn't help being a little distracted.

The impact of this battle is too great, and he is facing Lu Zhi, one of the three heroes of the late Han Dynasty. Even though Xu An has experienced countless battles, he also feels powerless.

Xu An raised the binoculars in his hand and scanned the marching ranks of the Han army in Jizhou.

The Han soldiers in the camera are all dressed in red and black armor, and their momentum is like a rainbow.

The soldiers of the spear phalanx of the Han army at the front appeared to be extremely orderly, advancing under the simple and orderly command of flags and drums, like moving forests of spikes.

The cavalry on both wings whizzed past, and the fiery red banners fluttered in the gust of wind, rolling up billows of smoke and dust.


The distance of six miles was reached in an instant.

With the help of Zhang Nan and Jiang Qi, the Han army cavalry led by Su You and Meng Dai also successfully repelled the Xiao cavalry battalion led by Cheng Lian and Wei Yue.

The Han army set up several strongholds two miles away, and the watch carts were pushed out. Due to the flat terrain, only on top of the watch carts could they observe the entire battlefield and observe the opponent's formation and mobilization in time. Quickly erected, the Xiangyong of the Han army quickly built crude fortifications in front of the battle.

A battle drum was erected on the high platform, and the strong warriors of the Han army waved their drumsticks and beat them violently on the drum again and again.

A huge army formation spread out, and [-] Han troops stood like a rock on the plain of Zhangshui.

Under the gloomy sky, the neat bright red of the Han army array contrasted with the green grass of the Zhangshui Plain, conveying a sharp sense of contrast, reflecting an incomparable rainbow-like momentum, which is like a fire generally.

Even though he was two miles away, Xu An still felt a chilling air coming over his face.

The most eye-catching of the Han army was the [-] forbidden troops who were flying red banners and surrounded by Lu Zhi's banner.

Numerous fiery red banners were scattered in all directions around Lu Zhi's big banner.

The long wind whizzed past, rolling up countless banners, and for a while, Xu An had an illusion that the formation of the Han army seemed to have turned into a prairie fire.


"As expected of Xu An who defeated Zhu Gongwei."

Lu Zhi stood on the top of the pole cart, looked at the large formation of the Yellow Turban Army waiting in front of him, and gave a sincere admiration.

Lu Zhi clenched his fists, took a deep breath, his eyes gradually became sharper, and then suddenly waved the banner in his hand and ordered.

"Get out!"

The flags were flying on the watch pole cart, and the battle drums on the high platform were also beaten by the warriors of the Han army. The powerful drum beats on the chests of the soldiers of the Han army, and the warriors all around shouted.

"There is an order for you to go out!"

"There is an order for you to go out!"

Seeing the flag waving on the watch pole cart, Han Meng and Jiao Chu, who had already been in full formation in the front line, led the troops out.

Under Lu Zhi's order, the front line of the Han army's central army launched an attack on the camp of the Yellow Turban Army without hesitation, and Zhang Nan and Jiang Qi followed closely behind with the Han army's elite soldiers.


The drums of the Han army were loud, and Xu An raised his head to look at the Han army not far away. The Han army that had been stagnant had already moved again, and the crimson wave swept towards the camp of the Yellow Turban Army like water pouring out of Yinchuan. , like leaning on the sky.

Holding a folding fan, Xu An, using the fan as a flag, sat on the watch pole cart and issued a series of military orders calmly. .

"Order the whole army to meet the enemy with a tortoise shell array! Order Cheng Lian to look for an opportunity to break the right cavalry of the Han army first."

"Assemble [-] Wuhuan Tuqi to support the right army, and go out with the Xiaoqi battalion."

"Bai forgive you to lead a thousand bows and crossbows, rush to help the front army, and shoot the horns for me!"


At this time, countless large shields stood up in the army formation, halberds protruded from the gaps, and the archers phalanx quickly assembled behind the infantry phalanx, and the entire formation wrapped itself like a giant tortoise.

The black soldiers of the Han army rushed forward slowly like a river.

The distance between the two armies is rapidly shortening, and they are rapidly approaching...two mile...half a mile...


A high-pitched and passionate horn sounded suddenly in the formation of the Han army, and just after the sound of the horn, thousands of soldiers of the Han army rushed forward like a flood that broke the embankment. surge forward.

"Archers raise their bows and prepare to throw!!!"

Holding the Yanling Saber in his hand, Bai Rao shouted angrily.

"call out--"

A strange wooden whistle sounded. This is a wooden whistle specially made by the Yellow Turban Army for long-range troops such as bow soldiers, in order to distinguish it from the whistle of ordinary infantry.


A thousand archers of the Yellow Turban Army roared in unison when they heard the whistle, pulled out their arrows together, and put them on their longbows, and the thousand longbows were straightened to the full moon.

"call out--"

The whistle didn't make the archers of the Yellow Turban Army wait any longer. Just when most of them drew their longbows, the whistle sounded.

Thousands of feathered arrows flew out almost simultaneously, and a large number of feathered arrows were stimulated. A rain of arrows like locusts swept up from the phalanx of archers of the Yellow Turban Army, towards the front line of the Han army that was charging. He shot away fiercely.


"Raise your shield!"

The horn sounded in the formation of the Han army, and countless generals shouted at the same time, reminding the soldiers in the front row to raise their shields, and they knew that they had stepped into the range of the archers of the Yellow Turban Army.

Numerous soldiers of the Han army raised their large shields and walked forward slowly. Arrows rained like locusts one after another. The sound of starting and howling sounded from the formation of the Han army, and the momentum of the Han army's charge was stopped.

But still no one stopped. They all knew that staying in place would only become a live target for bows and crossbows, and only by stepping forward and breaking through the formation of the Yellow Turban Army could they survive.

"Whoever can win Xu An's head will be made Marquis of Qianhu!"

Han Meng looked fierce and shouted angrily.

The two armies were separated by forty steps, and the archers of the Han army's front formation finally entered the range. The well-trained Han army archers immediately opened their bows and released arrows. From time to time, someone fell down.

The two armies were separated by [-] steps, at this moment Xu An's big flag on the pole-cart suddenly waved, the Yellow Turbans marched forward, and the sound of war drums suddenly became excited.

"Hoo----" "Hoo----"

The yellow turban army marched forward, and the sharp wooden whistle sounded one after another.

Leading the personal guards to charge at the front, Han Meng's eyes sharpened. He saw a gap in the shield formation of the Yellow Turban Army. The army's army array projectile.

At this time, why would the shield soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army deliberately let go of the gap? Isn't this a chance for the Han army's archers to kill?
"Lay the shield flat, top the shield!"

Han Meng stopped in his tracks, and shouted sharply, years of experience made him something very wrong.

The guards beside him immediately put down their shields when they heard Han Meng's order, and surrounded Han Meng.

And more county soldiers of the Han army continued to rush forward.

"call out----"

At this moment, behind the shield formation of the Yellow Turban Army, a large number of crossbow arrows were fired and shot forward. Countless people were on the way to charge, holding their shields, defending against the sudden attack of the Han army throwing feather arrows overhead. fell to the ground.

The wailing sounded one after another in the formation of the Han army, and the two guards in front of Han Meng were also knocked to the ground by the crossbow arrows. At such a short distance, the penetrating power of the strong crossbow is no joke.

"How brave!"

Han Meng yelled angrily, if he relaxed a little, the Yellow Turban Army's arrow rain might have shot him into a hedgehog.

"Rush forward, the first to break the formation will be rewarded with a hundred gold and promoted to three levels!"

At the same time as Han Meng shouted, the sound of loud drums suddenly sounded in the formation of the Han army.


The generals of the Han army raised their weapons high, shouting at the top of their lungs.

"Mighty!!!" Hundreds of soldiers of the Han army shouted in unison and charged towards the formation of the Yellow Turban Army, and the fiery red straight line turned into a curved line in an instant.

The soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army lined up behind the fence, about two or three meters away, and the spears in the hands of the soldiers in the front just hit the fence.

And the fence was deeply pierced into the ground by the Yellow Turban Army, probably reaching the chest and abdomen of ordinary people.

The soldiers of the Han army were undoubtedly blocked by the fence. A few brave soldiers wanted to break through the formation, but they managed to climb over the fence with their vigorous skills, but they died soon after. Under the spear in the hands of the soldiers.

However, the fence is just a fence after all, not a camp wall, and the fences and obstacles set up by the Han army against the Yellow Turban Army have long been prepared.

The fences in some places were smashed by the turbulent crowd, and the warriors of the Han army who carried the bumper rushed up and easily broke the wooden fence in front of them.

In a blink of an eye, the fiery red wave collided with the Yellow Turban Army's phalanx, and huge waves rose in response.


"What a Han Meng!"

Xu An's complexion changed slightly. Han Meng is worthy of being a famous general in history. It was only the first wave of shock. The soldiers under his command were not forbidden soldiers, but just ordinary county soldiers, but Xu An's men were well-trained and well-equipped. The Yellow Turban Army's pawn formations all felt strenuous, and gaps were even opened in several military formations.

And Jiao Chu on the other side was not to be outdone, not wanting to fall behind Han Meng, and the Yellow Turban Army soldiers on the other side were also fiercely attacked by the Han army.

Although the soldiers under Han Meng and Jiao Chu's command were county soldiers, they were trained by themselves, and they were not comparable to those with loose armaments.

However, even if they were stronger than ordinary county soldiers, and there were two generals Han Meng and Jiao Chu in command, they could only put some pressure on the Yellow Turban Army's pawn formation, and they would not be broken and defeated.

You know, even if you are as brave as Sun Jian, there is no way you can break through the Yellow Turban Army's pawn formation with your own strength.

(End of this chapter)

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