The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 397 The Power of Heavy Cavalry

Chapter 397 The Power of Heavy Cavalry (4K)




The sound of the war drums of the two armies rushed back and forth over the Zhangshui Plain, intertwined together, like two wrestling wrestlers, deadlocked, and neither could make the other retreat even half a step.

In front of the battle between the two armies, Zhang Kai leaned on the ground with the spear in his hand, his chest heaving up and down, panting heavily, Zhang Kai felt a little exhausted after fighting for a long time.

In the fierce battle of more than an hour, even with a body made of iron, it is difficult to persevere, let alone a mortal body with naked eyes.

Although Zhang Kai was a little physically exhausted, the front line of the Yellow Turban Army was still rotating soldiers, so most of the soldiers still maintained good combat effectiveness and continued to march.

The offensive of the Yellow Turban Army did not slow down because of this, but although the Han army was fighting and retreating, it was still orderly.

Seeing that Zhang Kai had just beheaded the two men, a head of the Han army showed fatigue on his face, he weighed it in his heart, and stepped out of the army formation in one step.

He knew that Zhang Kai was the leader of the Yellow Turban Army. If he could take the opportunity to kill Zhang Kai, the Yellow Turban Army would have no way to organize a new attack here, and the pressure on their side would definitely be greatly reduced.

And beheading the general of the Yellow Turban Army is also a great achievement. As long as the head of the general of the Yellow Turban Army is removed, promotion and fortune are naturally indispensable.

The commander of the Han army stepped out of the army formation, and everyone's attention was fixed on Zhang Kaidu. He stepped on his feet and walked away quickly with a knife, like a beast that smelled the scent of prey, showing its ferocious fangs.

The sound of a clash of swords and swords suddenly sounded, and Zhang Kai yelled violently, raising the spear in his hand to support the Han army chief who quickly slashed at him.


Zhang Kai sneered, dropped the gun with his left hand, the barrel of the spear slid to the ground, and the ring head knife in the hand of the Han army commander also slid towards the ground at high speed.

The head of the Han army had exhausted all his strength in a blow, leaving no energy left. At this time, Zhang Kai suddenly dropped the gun with his left hand, but he didn't react at all, and his body was turned away by him.

Zhang Kai's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, he leaned forward, took advantage of the Han army commander's approach, bent his elbow, and hit the Han army commander's heart.


The head of the Han army's complexion turned purple, and he was almost stunned by Zhang Kai's elbow.


The sound of a sharp weapon being picked up suddenly sounded, and the ring head knife in the hand of the commander of the Han army had already fallen to the side. He tightly grasped Zhang Kai's sleeve with both hands, his eyes were full of astonishment.


The head of the Han army suddenly fell to his knees, his body weighing more than one hundred catties and armor weighing tens of catties, knelt on the ground.

There was a short spear stuck in his neck, and this was the real fatal wound.

The hot and foul-smelling blood sprayed all over Zhang Kai's face. Zhang Kai reached out to hold the spear, but the expression on his face didn't change a bit.

Zhang Kai grabbed the spear that had pierced the neck of the head of the Han army, then raised his foot and lifted the head of the Han army who had already knelt on the ground and lost all the spirit in his eyes. on the ground.


Blood flowed from the neck of the head of the Han army. Zhang Kai held a spear in his hand and looked coldly at the panic-stricken Han soldiers in front of him. He grinned and smiled wildly with slightly yellowed teeth. stand up.

"call out--------"

The sharp whistle continued for a long time, echoing in Zhang Kai's ears.

The smile on Zhang Kai's face also slowly froze on his face. He knew the meaning of the whistle. When the war started, Xu An specially sent people to popularize the simple whistle with them, the generals of the Yellow Turban Army of the Four States. And what the drums represent.

The whistle was so long that no other whistle was so loud except that last, long, dreadful one.

There is no advance but no retreat, there is death but no life, and the sound of the long whistle proves that it is a critical moment.

"what is that?"

The soldiers beside him stepped forward and inserted Zhang Kai into the army formation. At this moment, a sharp-eyed guard beside Zhang Kai suddenly realized that something was wrong. Many bright red banners appeared behind.

However, the previous step by step hindered their advance, and the slowly retreating soldiers of the Han army also uncharacteristically began to move quickly, retreating to both sides, instead of retreating directly backward.


A screaming horse neighing suddenly came from the rear of the Han army.

Zhang Kai's heart tightened, and he knew something was wrong. Amid the clamor of killing in front of the two armies, the sound of horseshoes like a tide seemed extremely harsh.

The bright red banner danced in the low sky like fire from the sky. The flames reflected in Zhang Kai's eyes, but it didn't make Zhang Kai feel warm at all.

Zhang Kai just felt chills all over his body now, as if he had fallen into the profound ice that would not melt for ten thousand years.

"Stop array!!!"

Because he was too anxious, Zhang Kai's face looked extremely ferocious, and he eagerly ordered the soldiers around him to form an army formation. He knew that something terrible was about to happen.

"Raise the shield, mount the gun!"

Zhang Kai held the spear tightly in his hand and shouted anxiously.

"Set up the gun! Set up the long gun!!"

The sound of the tide in his ear became louder and louder. Zhang Kai stared fixedly at the jumping red flag, and slowly moved his footsteps backwards. There was still a distance between them, but Zhang Kai felt that the earth seemed to be moving. Shaking is average, and there is even the illusion of standing unsteadily.

Zhang Kai was even more flustered, but he knew that the leader of his formation must not panic.

"Don't step forward, line up!!!"

The soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army didn't notice the change in the atmosphere on the battlefield. They were still chasing the scattered Han army, and they didn't stop until they heard Zhang Kai's order and the urgent whistle.

"call out-----"

The guards beside Zhang Kai blew the wooden whistle hanging around his neck, and the sharp sound of the whistle spread throughout the entire formation in an instant.


An even louder sound came, overpowering the sharp wooden whistle, it was the roar caused by the trampling of horseshoes on the ground!
A bone-piercing chill permeated the air, and the rumbling horseshoes seemed to be hitting the chest directly with the hooves of a war horse, making people feel extremely suffocated.


The desolate horn sounded again, and all the soldiers of the Han army in front of the Yellow Turban army had been evacuated.
Zhang Kai's eyes suddenly brightened, and countless red banners appeared in front of him. This time, the bright red banners had changed in Zhang Kai's eyes, and the dancing red banners were no longer flames.

But... blood...


Zhang Kai roared hysterically, but all of this...was in vain...

Xu An also had armored cavalry and heavy cavalry under his command, but only the Yellow Turban Army from Bingzhou knew about it, and Zhang Kai's subordinates were all Yellow Turban Army from the four states. They had never seen such a terrifying scene.

In their eyes, these coming straight are not war horses or cavalry.

How could there be such cavalry in the world?
They are clearly the elves in the mountains, the monsters in the caves, ghosts that only appear in myths and nightmares!
Fear spread among the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army, which was hard to stop like a poisonous mist.


The long wind blew past, rolled up the banner of the Yellow Turban Army, and also rolled up the bright red blood flag of the Han Army's heavy banner.

The smoke and dust cleared away, completely revealing the face of the heavy cavalry of the Han army.

Whether it is a knight on horseback or a war horse carrying a knight, they are all covered with thick and cold iron armor.

The horse's head and chest, the knight's arms and chest are all tightly wrapped in it.

Zhang Kai was stunned in place, not only had he never seen ordinary soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army, he had never seen armored riding gear, and he had never seen those monsters wrapped in armor.


The formation of the Yellow Turban Army had become criss-crossed because of chasing the Han army. Even though Zhang Kai was alert in advance and tried his best to command, he wanted to rearrange the formation.

However, the speed of the heavy cavalry of the Han army was a bit faster after all. At this time, the Yellow Turban Army was in a panic and had just formed an army formation, but the shields were not erected, and the spears were only set up for a few shots. The front lines are still like canine teeth, and the participation is uneven.

Jiang Yiqu was holding a lance in his hand, and the leaping horse was in front of him. Several heavily armored knights behind him drew their bows almost at the same time.

The bow opened to the full moon, and the arrow shot away like a shooting star chasing the moon, hitting those soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army with long spears.

Jiang Yiqu put on his saddle and jumped on his horse with a serious face, and violently grabbed the horse's belly.


The steed neighed, and the millet horse under Jiang Yiqu's seat spewed out a puff of white air. His pace quickened a little, and he buried his head and galloped forward without hesitation.

Behind Jiang Yiqu, all the heavy cavalry of the Han army urged their horses one after another, and followed Jiang Yiqu closely!
The banners held by the heavy cavalry of the Han army gradually unfolded as the horses accelerated and galloped, making hunting sounds in the air and stretching straight.

Countless red banners fluttered in the strong wind, and where the messy horseshoes trampled, the grass became a mess.


Jiang Yiqu waved his horse, and the guard knight beside him had already rushed in front of him.

More than [-] heavy armored cavalry of the Han army are arranged in a tight cavalry formation, like a huge wave that overwhelms the sea, rushing down the chaos head-on.

Including Zhang Kai, all the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army were pale and trembling. Even the spears in their hands were already beginning to lose their grip, so there was no point in resisting.

The heavy cavalry of the Han army had pushed the speed of their horses to the limit. In his eyes, the panic-stricken Yellow Turban army was no different from a corpse. The end was already doomed, and they had no doubts about their strength.

More than [-] heavy armored cavalry swept in like a tide and collided with the Yellow Turban Army. It was like a truck full of heavy objects hit the protective fence of the road. The Yellow Turban Army's formation instantly became fragmented.

The heavy cavalry of the Han army are all knights with superb equestrian skills in the army. They control the horses under their seats. Before the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army can react, they take the lead in stabbing the lance in their hands and stabbing the spear directly. .


The muffled sound of a sharp weapon breaking through flesh and blood resounded in the crowd, and the cavalry spear easily pierced through the chest cavity of a Yellow Turban soldier, and the sharp spear head directly penetrated the Yellow Turban soldier's chest, protruding from his back .

Even if the knight on the horse had already let go of his hand the moment the lance pierced the body, the inertia brought about by the huge impact force made the lance castrate.

After the spear of the Han army knight pierced the chest of the first Yellow Turban soldier, he threw the body of the Yellow Turban soldier backwards and killed a Yellow Turban soldier behind him.

The incomparable impact brought by a war horse in horse armor is simply unmatched by light cavalry, and it is also unimaginable for ordinary people.

A group of Han army knights who abandoned their lances skillfully pulled out the ring-shoudao from their waists. They waved the ring-shoudao and slashed mercilessly at the panicked and desperate Yellow Turban soldiers beside them.

Remnants of limbs and arms appeared on the battlefield, and blood spurted out. Countless soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army lay down on the grass, and the verdant grass was stained red by blood.

The unpleasant smell of blood filled the mouths and noses of every Han army knight, and the stench of blood had permeated everywhere the moment the Han army's heavy cavalry broke through.

The charge of the heavy armored cavalry of the Han army caused an almost devastating blow to the formation of the Yellow Turban Army. However, the actual damage caused by the heavy armored cavalry of the Han army was far less severe and shocking than the mental damage.

More than [-] heavy cavalry of the Han army cut into the Yellow Turban Army's formation like sharp knives, cutting the Yellow Turban Army's formation into a large number of bloody and bloody pieces in an instant.

The hooves of the horses rolled wildly, and the galloping horses trampled the corpses and the half-breathed people into a pulp.

Zhang Kai was furious, but he was helpless. He could only watch the heavy cavalry of the Han army rush into the formation, and watched him follow him from Xuzhou, traveled thousands of miles, and came to Jizhou after countless hardships. Pao Ze died in pain under the horseshoe of the Han cavalry.

Under such circumstances, personal power seems so insignificant, without the cover of the army formation, without the barrier of the gun forest.

Even if King Xiang was alive, he might not be able to repel the five hundred heavy armored cavalry with his own strength.

"Follow the sky and follow the righteousness——"

Zhang Kai's eyes were red, and holding the spear in his hand, he roared and greeted more than [-] heavy cavalry of the Han army who broke into the army formation.

The howls, the neighing of war horses, the sound of swords piercing flesh, and the dull sound of blunt objects piercing flesh were all intertwined. After all, flesh and blood can hardly resist the sharpness of heavy armored cavalry.

The heavy cavalry of the Han army attacked row after row, and the horses wearing horse armor galloped forward. Some soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army did not have the courage to stab the heavy cavalry of the Han army with spears in their hands. Their resistance was in vain, the spears in their hands could not even pierce the armor of their horses.

The formation of the Yellow Turban Army has been completely fragmented. The heavy cavalry of the Han army destroyed all the enemies who dared to stand in front of them. No one could resist the charge of the heavy cavalry head-on.

The unparalleled impact and invincible majesty of the Han army's armor and riding equipment made the Yellow Turban army lose the last ounce of determination to resist.

All resistance seemed futile.

 I don’t know if I’ve changed the location in the past few days. The efficiency of the code words is really strange. It may also be that the writing is not very smooth at a critical moment, and I want to write better.

  There is only one update today, I can only break my promise and get fat, alas.

  Sorry fellow readers.

(End of this chapter)

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