Chapter 398
The heavy cavalry of the Han army had broken through many old soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army in four states one after another. Zhang Kai, commander of the capital of Taiping Road in Xuzhou, had died in battle during the first wave of impact, and the banner fell to the ground.

"Go! Go!"

Wang Qi shouted eagerly, commanding the trilogy in the village to move forward quickly.

The sound of chaotic footsteps on the battlefield was not surprising. Wang Qi held the ring head knife tightly in his hand and stared at the heavy cavalry of the Han army who were moving rapidly not far away.

The heavy cavalry of the Han army were still rushing forward, and one army formation after another that had just assembled was defeated by it in an instant.

Wang Qi's heart sank slightly, he would be lying if he said he would not be afraid of such a monster with armored horses and horses.

Even if it is the charge of light cavalry, ordinary soldiers who have not received much training may even be defeated before the battle, not to mention the heavy armored cavalry with stronger impact.

But even if they were afraid, even if they were afraid, they still didn't stop and walked quickly towards the established position according to the military order.

"Keep distance, trot in unison, don't mess up the formation!"

Wang Qi shouted loudly, whenever the formation was about to be scattered, he would order to slow down and regroup.

Years of training by the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army finally paid off. They moved quickly, but they were able to ensure that the army formation was not too scattered.

Wang Qi and the others are not alone, they are not fighting alone.

The veteran phalanx of the Yellow Turban Army in Sizhou has been disintegrated, but the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army have not yet disintegrated. Xu An's order was issued very timely. Immediately issued a military order to mobilize the soldiers in the Yellow Turban Army and rush to the veteran phalanx of the Yellow Turban Army in the four states.

Lu Zhi's intentions were guessed by Xu An. The Yellow Angels of the Yellow Turban Army and their soldiers are well-trained. The armored riding gear of the Han army in the formation was too well equipped.

Therefore, Lu Zhi has only one choice, that is, compared with the relatively weak old soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army of the Four States. It cannot be found through observation and testing that the veterans of the Yellow Turban Army in the four states are a breakthrough point that can be used.

Looking at the Zhangshui plain from the sky, the red and yellow tides rushed back and forth. The Han army regrouped and began to counterattack under Lu Zhi's command. There is no retreat, every general and school of the Yellow Turban Army is advancing bravely, every soldier of the Yellow Turban Army is fighting desperately, even the Fu Zhu of the Yellow Turban Army has taken up arms and joined the battle group, which is undoubtedly extremely Greatly encouraged the morale of the Yellow Turban Army.

Lu Zhi pressed the armrest tightly and leaned forward slightly. He stood by the fence of the telescopic vehicle, scanning every move on the battlefield.

The expression on his face didn't change much, but the fact that the joints of his hand pressing the armrest turned white due to the force revealed his nervousness.

These more than five hundred armored riding gear are Jian Shuo's masterpiece.

At that time, Jian Shuo saw the combat effectiveness of the main force of the Yellow Turban Army under Xu An's command, and also learned about the number of Yellow Turban Army in the four states.

Therefore, it can be said that Jian Shuo really did everything possible to expand the strength of the army and enhance the combat effectiveness of his subordinates.

Many arsenals in Jizhou, including the arsenal of Hanoi County, were dispatched by him. Even Jian Shuo found five hundred collars of horse armor from the arsenal. He secretly selected craftsmen, repaired the horse armor, and then selected elite soldiers to form He chose Jiang Yiqu, a well-known cavalry, to train this terrifying heavy cavalry.

Jian Shuo may not be a qualified military commander, but he is definitely a qualified embroidered clothes messenger commander.

Because of the cover of the embroidered messengers, the Eagle Wolf Guards in Jizhou had no way to figure out the specific number and deployment of the main force of the Han army in Jizhou, and even the number of infantry. Until the eve of the Battle of Zhangshui, the scouts of the two armies It was only when the large-scale battle began that Xu An had a rough idea of ​​the number of Han troops.

The embroidered emissary was so concealed that the news of the armored cavalry outfits of the Han army was naturally unknown to the Eagle and Wolf Guards, and not even a trace of wind leaked out. This also allowed Lu Zhi to hide the more than five hundred armored cavalry outfits and give the yellow scarf The reason for the sudden attack by the army.

The heavy cavalry did show amazing damage, and it did cause the main force of the Yellow Turban Army led by Xu An to suffer a big loss.

However, the counterattack of the rest of the Han army did not achieve the desired results. On the contrary, the offensive and defensive transition was somewhat unresponsive for a while, and several army formations were defeated by the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army, and they advanced a certain distance again. .

The Yellow Turban Army didn't have the slightest feeling of stopping their march until now, they were still advancing, and the attack whistle and drum horns couldn't help but give Lu Zhi a headache.

Xu An's method of using troops was really beyond Lu Zhi's expectations. Under such circumstances, a general commander would definitely order to retreat and defend, but Xu An ordered to continue to advance and continue to attack.

Lu Zhi looked ahead gloomyly. In his vision, the heavy cavalry of the Han army led by Jiang Yiqu smashed into the formation of the Yellow Turban Army like a heavy hammer, smashing it to pieces.

But the Yellow Turban Army did not sit still. Just as the Han Army's heavy cavalry assaulted, the follow-up Yellow Turban Army was moving at an astonishing speed. They had already formed a tight army formation in front of the Han Army's heavy cavalry. Almost all of them were in place, faintly forming a pocket to surround the heavy cavalry of the Han army led by Jiang Yiqu.

"What a... lunatic!"

Lu Zhi gritted his teeth, the words almost came out of his throat, he really didn't know how to describe Xu An's method of using troops.

Xu An's big flag had already left the commanding pole cart, and now, surrounded by a field of khaki-colored flags, it was moving rapidly towards the heavy cavalry of the Han army led by Jiang Yiqu.

"Raise the yellow flag and let Jiang Yiqu charge to the left."

Lu Zhi's face was gloomy, and his brain was working rapidly. The Yellow Turban Army had not yet completed the encirclement, and the heavy cavalry of the Han Army could continue to attack.

The yellow turban soldiers on the left have a big gap, although a lot of cavalry must be killed or injured to break through the formation of the yellow turban soldiers, but it's all worth it.

The Xiaoqi Battalion of the Yellow Turban Army was fighting fiercely with the cavalry led by Meng Dai. At this time, the right formation of the Yellow Turban Army was disrupted by the heavy cavalry of the Han Army led by Jiang Yiqu. Lu Zhi wanted Jiang Yiqu to take advantage of the situation and kill through the right formation of the Yellow Turban Army. The Yellow Turban Army crossed the right formation, and then rushed to support the cavalry trilogy led by Meng Dai, and then defeated the right wing cavalry of the Yellow Turban Army in one fell swoop.

So grasp the initiative of this battle, if the Yellow Turban Army's right formation collapses, the Han army's strength will already be superior, and winning this battle will naturally be within reach.

Jiang Yiqu waved his horse, and drove the horses into a temporarily assembled Yellow Turban Army formation. These Yellow Turban Army seemed to be inexhaustible, no matter how many formations the Han Army's heavy cavalry broke through. , Not far from them, there is always an army formation that may have already assembled, or may be gathering.

Now he had just killed the army formation in front of him, and at a distance of about seventy steps not far away, Jiang Yiqu saw another army formation of yellow scarf soldiers that had almost assembled.

"Raise the gun!!!"

Among the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army, a military lord with a sallow complexion who seemed to be somewhat sick was riding on a horse and shouting orders loudly.

The well-trained soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army set up tower shields one after another, and forest-like spears protruded from them.

Jiang Yiqu's eyes were slightly cold. Although the formation of the Yellow Turban Army in front of him was not completely assembled, and there were only three or four rows, if he forced his way into the formation of the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army, the heavy cavalry under his command would definitely have some troubles. Small casualties.

The heavy armored cavalry is only wearing strong armor and sharp weapons, but they are not invincible. Although the heavy cavalry of the Han army has achieved remarkable results, the heavy cavalry of the Han army has also suffered a lot of damage. Almost thirty knights died on the way to the charge.

The horses that these cavalry ride on cost a lot of money and food. To maintain this armored cavalry outfit, Jian Shuo even used a lot of funds for the embroidered clothes envoys.

"Sima, yellow flag! Yellow flag!"

Just as Jiang Yiqu was choosing where to charge, the eager voice of an armored cavalry came to his ears.

"Yellow flag?"

Jiang Yiqu turned his head to look at the cart where Lu Zhi was sitting. As expected, a yellow flag was constantly dancing on the cart.

"Blow the horn!"

Jiang Yiqu's horizontal lance suppressed the forward pace of the group of heavy cavalry of the Han army behind him, slowing them down slightly.


The low horn sounded from the cavalry formation of the Han army's heavy cavalry.

Jiang Yiqu pulled the reins, and the millet horse under the seat snorted heavily, exhaled a puff of white air, turned the horse's head and ran to the left in small steps.

The more than [-] heavy cavalry of the Han army behind them all retreated like a retreat, manipulating the horses under their seats, and galloped to the left with Jiang Yiqu. The more than [-] cavalry were in front of the yellow scarf army who was waiting in full force. Turned in one direction and charged in the left direction.

The soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army shot a burst of crossbow arrows at the heavy cavalry of the Han army who turned around, but after all, the distance was too far. Even if the crossbow arrows hit, they were already castrated.

At the end of the crossbow, it is impossible to penetrate Lu Jin, so how can it penetrate the solid armor of the cavalry of the Han army.

"Stabilize the army!"

Seeing the heavy cavalry of the Han army turning left, and the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army in the formation, the yellow-faced military marquis couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief. He resisted the torrent of steel with his flesh and blood, and he knew the result without imagination. Willing to die.


There was a sudden sound of breaking through the air, which seemed inaudible on the noisy battlefield, but this slight sound was caught by the yellow-faced military officer of the Yellow Turban Army.

A cold light suddenly appeared, and the yellow-faced Junhou suddenly lowered his head without hesitation.

The moment he bowed his head, a feathered arrow pierced through the air and hit the helmet tassel on his head.

Not far away, Xia Mou was riding on a war horse. His eyes passed through the scattered yellow turban army scattered in front of him.

The arrow was shot from the longbow in Xia Mou's hand. At this time, Xia Mou was still maintaining the posture of opening the bow and releasing the arrow, and the longbow string in his left hand was still trembling slightly.

It is an excellent opportunity for the heavy cavalry of the Han army to open a gap, and Lu Zhi naturally will not let go of such an opportunity.

A large number of Han infantry poured into the gap. Xia Mou felt extremely aggrieved by the catapults of the Yellow Turban Army before. When Jiang Yiqu led the heavy cavalry to open the gap, Xia Mou naturally poured out all his anger. Along the formation broken by the heavy cavalry, the Xiyuan Forbidden Army entered the sequence of the Yellow Turban Army, and advanced frantically, taking advantage of the situation to open up a new battlefield.

"Kill the past!"

Xia Mou raised the long bow in his hand forward and shouted angrily.

"Catch me the banner of the enemy general!"


Amidst the deafening shouts of killing, the heavily armed Xiyuan Forbidden Army, holding gun shields and wearing solid armor, rushed fiercely at the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army.


On the Zhangshui Plain, everyone is fighting and fighting desperately. Everyone wants to defeat the enemy in front of them and defeat their own opponents.

The bright red banner of the Han army was getting closer and closer, and Xu An was galloping forward on the bay red horse, and more than two hundred knights closely followed Xu An.

The first yellow angels have joined the formation of the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army, and the sharp soldiers of the Han Army have broken through the formation of the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army many times, not to mention the better equipped and more powerful Xiyuan Forbidden Army Yes, the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army were caught off guard by the left barracks of the Xiyuan Forbidden Army led by Xia Mou and were broken into two consecutive formations. It was not until the Yellow Angels joined that they stabilized their line and stopped the momentum of the Xiyuan Forbidden Army's assault .

Xu An's expression was gloomy, he never imagined that the Han army in Jizhou still hid a cavalry outfit of [-] men.

You must know that even the most valiant Sanhe knights only possessed a total of more than a thousand horse armor and a thousand-man heavy cavalry. But now in the battle of Zhangshui, Lu Zhi unexpectedly took out the equivalent of Half the number of Sanhe cavalry.

The background of the Han Empire once again made Xu An's heart sink for a few minutes. After this behemoth fell apart and the heroes came together, the war potential of the Han Empire was also fully stimulated. From the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the century-long war of the Three Kingdoms Conquest is the best proof.

Even though the current Yellow Turban Army has embarked on a completely different path under the leadership of Xu An, occupying more than one state, but sometimes they still feel powerless.

Xu An led the bay red horse under his seat towards the right formation of the Yellow Turban Army, and galloped rapidly in the direction of the charge of the Han army's heavy cavalry.


Lu Zhi saw the movement of Xu An's big flag, but his eyes only stayed on Xu An's big flag for a while, and then shifted to the right side, which was where the right army of the Han army was. Jun Zhao Rui and Sui Yuanjin also left a dark hand there.

The war is fierce and dangerous, and Lu Zhi has never had the habit of putting all his eggs in one basket.

 Power outage today????, only now
(End of this chapter)

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