Chapter 601
In a long drought, every sweet and rainy day, a stranger in another country.

The bridal chamber is full of candles, when the golden list is titled.

It is the four great joys in life.

The city of Ji County was decorated with lanterns and festoons, a famous soldier stood with a sword in his hand, and a famous guest walked into the mansion.

The fame continued, and the embroidered emissary in the eagle wolf costume recorded box after box of congratulatory gifts into the gift list, and then loaded them into a four-wheeled carriage and transported them to the treasury in the city.

Wang Xin was wearing a deep crimson dress, and stood at the gate of the mansion in good spirits to welcome the guests.

There are two protagonists in today's wedding, one is Xu An, the great virtuous teacher of Taiping Dao, and the other is his sister Wang Yi.

All the things that are happening today prove one thing.

There was no mistake or omission in Wang's past choices.

The Wang family of Beidi put everything on Xu An as they said at the beginning.

The Wang family of Beidi fulfilled their previous promise and captured Beidi County for Xu An. As a pioneer, they also made great contributions in the battle of Gaopingchuan. The Qianghu tribe in Beidi County surrendered under his persuasion.

It can be said that the Wang family of Beidi really put in a lot of effort to capture Liangzhou.

The situation in Liangzhou is complicated, the powerful families all have considerable armed forces, and even the Qiang and Hu are connected. Under normal circumstances, even the officials of Liangzhou would not dare to provoke the powerful families in Liangzhou.

The reason why Liangzhou was able to occupy Liangzhou so quickly this time was not only because of the correct strategy arranged by Xu An and the elite of the Yellow Turban Army, but also to a large extent because of the fact that Liangzhou's local powerful family had invested in the Taipingdao side.

Yan Zhong, Yang Ji, Pang Bo, and Fu Qi represent the four families respectively, Wuwei Yan, Wuwei Yang, Hanyang Pang, and Beidi Fu.

And Jia Xu and Wang Xin are the spokesmen elected by the Wuwei Jia family and the Beidi Wang family.

These six families played a significant role in the Yellow Turban Army's strategy and the stabilization of Liangzhou.

After Ma Teng chose to join, Ma Shi of Longxi also naturally joined the sequence of Taiping Dao.

Except for these seven surnames, all the powerful families in Liangzhou are now in a state of trepidation and fear all day long.

Once law enforcement and Xu An's orders are involved, Liu Pi will become stern and selfless.

The public trial was carried out by the Eagle Wolf Guard, that is, Liu Pi was in charge.

Joining the Taipingdao is just equivalent to getting a gold medal for avoiding death, but there is no risk of family punishment and family destruction.

During the public trial in Bingzhou, even the families of Zhang Liao and Hao Zhao, there were also many overbearing clansmen who were directly imprisoned by Tiqi of the Eagle Wolf Guards with driving stickers from their family residences.

The original Taiping Road occupied [-] counties, and there were countless people who broke their homes.

In the past, the rich and powerful family, the furniture of hundreds or even hundreds of years were all confiscated, and they had to go through a series of labor reforms before they could see the light of day and return to society.

Wang Xin returned the gift with a smile. Although his sister got married today, he smiled a hundred times happier than when he got married in the past.

Finally, the Wang family can no longer just live in the bitter cold of Beidi County. With the help of the shareholder wind of Taiping Road, the Wang family will surely rise.

The noise outside the mansion became louder and louder, and Wang Xin's eyes moved slightly.

I saw that the crowd of onlookers on the street all avoided to the sides one after another. The first to catch the eye was a group of people with knives and horses, and the eagle wolf Wei Tiqi in the ivory white eagle wolf suit.

The ivory eagle wolf uniform is only eligible to be worn by officials of the Hundred Households of the Eagle Wolf Guard. The hundreds of households in the Eagle Wolf Guard may manage a city at least, and a county at most, but now they are only opening the way.

A dozen or so Yinglangwei Baihu commanded the battalion of Yinglangwei Tiqi to separate the crowd, and the street became spacious in an instant.

There was the sound of hooves, and a horse with deep red hair and white eyes came slowly.

Xu An rode on it, wearing a Taiqing fishtail crown on his head, and a black Taoist robe, followed by a group of generals of the Yellow Turban Army in uniform.

A gorgeously decorated carriage that was taller than an ordinary four-wheeled carriage was drawn by eight fine horses.

Wang Xin was slightly taken aback when he saw Xu An coming to meet the bride in person on horseback. He did not expect that Xu An would come in person. Xu An is a great teacher with a noble status. came.

But after a short period of panic, Wang Xin regained his composure, and immediately asked the female officer to pick Wang Yi out of the pavilion.

"I didn't know that Mr. Ming was here, but I couldn't meet him from afar. Please ask Mr. Ming to make amends."

Wang Xin walked down the steps, bowed and saluted, and said respectfully to Xu An.

"It's okay."

Xu An waved his hand, he didn't care much about these side details.

Wang Xin stepped aside, feeling a little excited.

Xu An looked at the noisy crowd, and the inexplicable emotion in his heart dissipated a little.

Although Xu Yu entered the inner court, they had never held a wedding. This wedding was the first wedding in his life.

Xu An held the rein, suddenly feeling a little dazed.

In the blink of an eye, it has been seven years.

At that time, he was only nineteen years old, but now he is twenty-six, even in later generations, he has reached the age of starting a family.

How many seven years can there be in life.

Xu An turned his head to look at Yan Zhong who was holding a silk book beside him.

When he first met Yan Zhong, there were only a few white hairs on Yan Zhong's head, and he was confident in every gesture.

But now Yan Zhong is already gray-haired, and his twilight is getting heavier.

Xu An raised his head again and looked around.

There was a lot of noise around him, and in seven years, he had grown from an unknown person to a powerful lord capable of influencing the world.

Taipingdao now occupies thirteen counties in Liangzhou, there are eleven counties in Youbin, and one county in Sili, with a total of twenty-five counties, and the number of people under its rule has exceeded four million.

Most of the main horse-producing areas in the Han Empire were located in Liangzhou, Bingzhou, and Youzhou.

And now he has controlled Liangzhou and Bingzhou, only Youzhou is not under his control, but it doesn't matter much anymore.

In the Battle of the Northern Territory, Zhang Liao beheaded Wuyan, the King of Khan and Lu of the Wuhuan Tribe of Beiping. The Wuhuan of the three counties could only retreat to the territory of Youzhou, occupying only a small amount of pastures outside the Great Wall, and their war horses were extremely limited.

Even if the new style of harness becomes popular, the Yellow Turban Army can guarantee its own advantage.

The music brought back Xu An's thoughts of flying to the sky.

Xu An also returned to reality, regarding his future wife Wang Yi.

Although he had already learned a lot about his future wife from other people, he had never met Wang Yi in fact.

Now Xu An can finally understand the state of mind of the newlyweds who got married under the order of their parents and the words of the matchmaker in the old days.

Whether it is beautiful or ugly, virtuous or ugly, he is completely ignorant.

Xu An glanced at Wang Xin, and couldn't help but lower his brows a little.

Wang Xin's appearance, no matter what, is not ugly, but ordinary, ordinary is a bit too much.

Probably it is completely incompatible with the status of a powerful heir of the Wang family of the Northland for hundreds of years.

Compared with Zhang Liao, Hao Zhao, Xu Huang, Lu Bu and others who are usually by Xu An's side, they pale in comparison.

In fact, the more important thing is that in the comments of Wang Xin in Beidi County, one of the sentences is handsome.

This also made Xu An suspicious of the comment about Wang Yi in the document, "the appearance is beautiful".

The voices of people became loud again, but this time it was not from the street, but from between the mansions.

Xu An followed the reputation.

Silk shoes on the feet, tortoiseshell light on the head.

The waist is like flowing silk, and the ears are listening to the bright moon.

The finger is like cutting the root of onion, and the mouth is like containing Zhu Dan.

Slender and small steps are unparalleled in the world.

Xu An's heart moved slightly.

For some reason, the first time he saw Wang Yi, he felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

The first sentence that came to his mind was the sentence in "The Peacock Flies Southeast".

Then, "Luo Shen Fu" written by Cao Zhi appeared in Xu An's mind.

Rong Yao Qiu Ju, Hua Mao Chun Song.

It seems as if [fǎng fú] the moon is covered by light clouds, and the snow flutters like the flowing wind.

The radiance of draped clothes, the splendor of Yaobi.

Wear gold and emerald jewelry, with bright pearls to dazzle the body.

Practice the literary shoes of long-distance travel, and the light train that drags the fog and gauze.

When Wang Xin sent the female officer to inform Wang Yi, Wang Yi had already learned that Xu An had come to pick her up in person, which also made Wang Yi feel good about this beloved man whom she had never masked before, but who was to be with her all her life. .

Wang Yi tilted his head to look at Xu An, smiled slightly, and saluted respectfully.

Xu An's mind moved slightly, and he nodded slightly.

Yan Zhong narrowed his eyes and unfolded the silk book in his hand with a smile.

The guards guarding the car frame opened the car door by name, Yan Zhong asked the car driver, Wang Yi walked down the steps, and then boarded the car car under the guidance of the female officer.

The carriage moved slowly, and passed the streets of Ji County amidst congratulations.

Without the curfew, on the day of Xu An's wedding, the entire Ji County fell into a carnival.

Cows and sheep were sent to the barracks, and altars of fine wine were opened and distributed to the people. There was a large banquet in Jixian County, and even the soldiers in charge of guarding each got a share of the leftover meals.

The spring night is worth a thousand dollars, and the flowers are fragrant and the moon is cloudy.

During the banquet, Xu An drank a lot of wine, but his eyes were still clear.

The lights outside the mansion were brightly lit, and there was a lot of voices.

The fire inside the mansion is bright and quiet.

The spring breeze blew past, and also blew away some of the alcohol smell from Xu An's body.

The moonlight is bright and the stars are shining, just like the night when the horse galloped through Mobei last October.

The bright moon is the lamp, and the stars are the guide.

In the courtyard, the lanterns swayed gently under the breeze.

In the house, the dim candlelight tried hard to emit light.

Xu An was suddenly a little nervous, but then he burst out laughing.

He hasn't felt this way for a long time, not facing thousands of Xianbei cavalry, still not facing one hundred thousand Liangzhou troops, he has already beaten his heart hard in one battle after another Such as iron.

"Xu Yu, I have met my beloved."

Occasionally, the girl who makes people feel happy when she smiles will tug at his heartstrings.

But Xu Yu was from Wuhuan after all, even if she changed her Han surname, she was still from Wuhuan, and she would never be able to become the wife of the wife.

Xu An stood in front of the door, but he didn't immediately open the door and enter the house.

The reason why he froze was actually very simple, he and Wang Yi had only met once in total.

Under Yan Zhong's arrangement, the complicated etiquette of the wedding went through, and the two of them separated again without even saying a word.

He didn't know what to say later.

I don't know if the wine he drank was a bit intoxicating, or because of other reasons, Xu An still didn't think of anything to say after a while.

"I would have drunk more wine if I had known."

Xu An held his forehead. Now that he is three points drunk, his consciousness is still very clear, but his thoughts are not moving fast enough.

"I wonder how long the general will stand outside the door?"

Just when Xu An was hesitating, Wang Yi's Qingyue voice came from the house.

Wang Yi obviously found himself standing outside the bedroom for a long time, so naturally Xu An couldn't continue to stand where he was.


Xu An gently pushed open the wooden door of the bedroom.

The light flickered because of the breeze caused by Xu An opening the door, and the dim candlelight reflected on Wang Yi's face.

"Could it be that I was ugly and failed to satisfy the general, so I hesitated in the courtyard?"

Wang Yifeng's eyes were clear, and he said with a smile.

Xu An walked into the bedroom, and for some reason, the tension in his heart disappeared with the breeze.

"The two of us hadn't met yesterday, but now we are married and don't know how to get along, so we hesitated in the courtyard."

"The general is a little different from what I imagined."

Wang Yi picked up the kettle on the desk, filled the glass on the desk, and handed it to Xu An.

"What do you imagine me to be like?"

"People around me say that the general is not a mortal, but the incarnation of Huang Tian, ​​the reincarnation of a fairy god. I thought the general would be difficult to get close to, powerful and difficult to offend."

Xu An picked up the water glass that Wang Yi handed over, and said with a smile.

"The rumors also say that I am transformed by a flood dragon. I can call wind and rain, spread beans into soldiers, and travel thousands of miles a day. I am a true land immortal."

Those rumors, after being superfluous, became more outrageous one by one.

According to the latest rumors received, Xu An learned that he already knows how to summon wind and rain and summon meteorites. Taiping Road not only has Taoist soldiers, but also Vulcan to help, and there are also heavenly soldiers and generals to help in the battle.

It is also said that all the monsters in Taihang Mountain have now been recovered by him, Xu An, and a total of eighty-one monster kings have been sealed, with [-] monster soldiers.

The most outrageous thing is that the eighty-one demon kings all have names and surnames, and the conscience of heaven and earth, Xu An just asked Yingwei to arrange the news that can drive the demons into soldiers. As for the demon kings, it was completely rumored.

"I hope it's true. There are hundreds of millions of beans in Bingzhou's grain depot. If I turn all of them into Taoist soldiers, the world will already be mine. If I can travel thousands of miles a day, I will be a real fairy on land. Go directly to the Central Plains and capture Dong Zhuo, Yuan Shao, Sun Jian and others alive."

Xu An smiled helplessly.

Wang Yi covered his mouth and laughed.

"Now I know that the great virtuous teacher is also a person of flesh and blood, and can joke."

The lights were dim, but Xu An could see clearly.

Hands are like catkins, skin is like creamy fat, collar is like grub, teeth are like gourd rhinoceros, gnat's head is moth eyebrows, smile is charming, and eyes are beautiful.

The verses in the Book of Songs are not empty words.

The breeze blew into the house along the crack of the door, and the candle on the desk flickered and turned into a wisp of green smoke.

The light disappeared, and the house fell into darkness.

Xu An leaned over slightly, and hugged the beauty in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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