The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 602 Live Chess

Chapter 602 Live Chess
At sunrise, the spring fog disappears.

The main hall of the government office of Jixian County has changed from its previous majesty, and it is full of joyful scenes.

Yan Zhong, Jia Xu, Liu Pi, Gong Du, Xu Huang, Lu Bu, Zhang Liao and other senior generals of the Yellow Turban Army gathered together.

The atmosphere in the hall was not as dull as usual for a major meeting. Everyone gathered in twos and threes, chatting with familiar people in low voices.

The Xianbei in the west was destroyed, and the tribes in the north dared not go south to graze horses. Liangzhou was stable in the tenth month, and all the Han and Qiang in the thirteen counties fell down.

The Central Plains is chaotic, but the land under the jurisdiction of Taiping Road is already stable.

When the envoys who raised objections saw Xu An sending troops, they immediately gave in and could only agree to all the conditions.

Han Sui and Ma Teng, one dead and one surrendered, one hundred thousand Xiliang cavalry were defeated in Gaopingchuan, how could they withstand the advance of the Yellow Turban Army? It is not without reason that they can survive in such an environment for a long time, at least they are not stupid, and they will not do the stupid thing of being a cart.

"A great virtuous teacher arrives!"

Following Eagle Wolf Wei Tiqi's high-pitched voice, everyone in the hall looked solemn and looked towards the screen behind the hall.

The sound of steady footsteps came.

Xu An wore a Taiqing fishtail crown on his head, a Huangjuan Taoist robe, and an exquisite belt around his waist. He came out hand in hand with Wang Yi in a straight-collar Furu skirt.

"Greetings to the great virtuous teacher, and my wife."

Everyone bowed their hands and saluted.


Xu An smiled and lowered his hands, looking radiant.

There was peace in the hall, Xu An's wife's position was confirmed, and the wedding tied the knot, which greatly inspired the hearts of all the generals and officials of the Taiping Dao.

Although Xu An is only twenty-six years old and is at the height of his spring and autumn, everyone still feels a little uneasy.

Although Xu An was already comparable to a god in the hearts of many people, Huang Tian's incarnation.

But Huang Tian's incarnation is not immortal, nor does it mean that he can live forever. Zhang Jiao, also Huang Tian's incarnation, also died of illness in Guangzong City.

Xu An has no brothers and sisters, and has always been alone. Although Xu Yu, the daughter of Lord Nanlou of Shanggu Wuhuan, entered the inner court a few years ago, Xu Yu is from Wuhuan, not Han.

If something unexpected happens to Xu An, I'm afraid that the Taipingdao, which is now in full swing, will fall apart in an instant.

But now it's different, Xu An and Wang Yi got married, which made everyone feel at ease for a while.

Once Wang Yi gave birth to an heir, if it was a male, then even if something happened, Taiping Dao would not fall apart.

A faction and a power must have legal heirs.

Xu An sat on the first seat, and Wang Yi sat on the chair slightly behind him.

Liu Pi and Yan Zhong are not sitting beside Xu An either, they are standing on both sides respectively.

Yan Zhong is on the right, and on the right are Pang Bo, Jia Xu, and a group of newly elected prefects of various counties from front to back, as well as the blessings of Taipingdao.

Liu Pi is on the left, and on the left are Gong Du, Lu Bu, Xu Huang, Ma Teng, Zhang Liao, Zhou Cang and other generals.

"In the past, you were either officials in various places, or guarding one side. It is rare to gather together today."

Xu An's eyes swept over everyone and spoke.

"Our army has stabilized Liangzhou now, but I still want to remind everyone, don't be complacent and rest on your laurels. Even if you occupy Liangzhou, we will only occupy two of the thirteen states in the world."

Everyone agreed in unison, and the atmosphere in the hall became more solemn.

Yan Zhong has now resigned from his position as the Commander of the Central Army, and is no longer in Xu An's shogunate. Pang Bo also resigned from his position as commander of the Department of Foreign Affairs, leaving Xu An's shogunate along with Yan Zhong.

Now Yan Zhong is Liangzhou Shepherd, and Pang Bo is worshiped as Liangzhou Biejia.

Now in Xu An's shogunate, only Jia Xu, Xu You, Yang Ji and Fu Qi are left.

The position of master planner naturally fell on Jia Xu. Jia Xu was Yan Zhong's half apprentice. When Xu An asked Yan Zhong to take over as Liangzhou pastor, he asked Yan Zhong to nominate someone as the new master planner. It was Jia Xu.

Although Xu You also has wisdom, but now he is not suitable to be the mastermind of the Taipingdao.

Xu You hated the Han court deeply because of the knife wound left by the embroidered envoy in pursuit.

Xu You would even find time to go to the prison where the criminals were held every once in a while, and personally execute the execution to vent the anger in his heart.

The Lord can't be angry and start a teacher, and he can't be angry and go to war.

Xu You's subjective emotions are too serious, and it is likely to be affected when he formulates a strategy, but this is absolutely impossible.

However, Jia Xu was able to remain calm most of the time, and worked out a strategy with little risk and maximum benefit.

"Now that Liangzhou is stable, things are over here, the prefects of the counties have been appointed, the Qiang and Hu have surrendered and become one, we should not continue to stagnate, we should continue to move forward."

Xu An stood up and looked down at the people in the hall.

"The Han lost its deer, but the whole world pursued it. All the heroes rose together, and the princes competed for hegemony. The strong will be strong, and the weak will perish."

"The world is undecided, please continue to walk with me."

Xu An looked solemn, and bowed solemnly.

All the people in the hall returned the gift together, and they all spoke in agreement.

"Liangzhou is located in the frontier, Xianbei in the west, and the tribes in the north have been subdued and dare not invade the border. The western region is stable and there is no war. Now the main energy should be put on defense."

Guanzhong is occupied by Dong Zhuo, and now Dong Zhuo is raising his troops, but he is now in a stalemate with Sun Jian, but Xu An's raid on Liangzhou also made Dong Zhuo react.

Now Dong Zhuo occupies the land of Guanzhong, and the Yellow Turban Army Liang, merged with Liangzhou, and occupied Hedong County, which is equivalent to encircling it from three sides. These days can be described as sleepless nights.

This is also the biggest reason why Dong Zhuo only sent [-] soldiers east out of Hangu Pass, but did not send any more troops.

Hanzhong is now occupied by Zhang Lu, and Liu Yan occupies Yizhou. He appointed Zhang Lu as the governor and Sima, and led troops with the other Sima Zhang Xiu to attack Su Gu, the former Hanzhong prefect.

After Zhang Xiu killed Su Gu, Zhang Lu killed Zhang Xiu again and captured his soldiers.

And cut off the Xiegu Road, and under the instruction of Liu Yan, killed the imperial envoy.

Now Zhang Lu is preaching in Hanzhong, and he calls himself Wu Dou Mi Dao, and he calls himself "Master".

Those who come to learn Taoism are called "ghost soldiers" at the beginning, and they are called "jiujiu" after they have believed in the way.

There are no senior officials, and local government affairs are managed with sacrificial wine.Inheriting the teaching method of his ancestors, teaching the people to be honest and not cheating, and making the patients confess their mistakes.

Forgive the offender three times, and if he commits the crime again, he will be punished again.

If it is a small fault, you should make atonement by building a hundred steps on the road.According to the "Moon Order", slaughter and alcoholism are prohibited in spring and summer when all things grow.

Zhang Lu also set up a charity house in Hanzhong County, put righteous rice and meat in it, and provided passers-by with free food, and declared that if you get too much, you will offend ghosts and gods and get sick.

The current Hanzhong County is run by Zhang Lu like an iron bucket.

"The current situation has changed, and the original division of the defense zone is no longer in line with the current situation, so I am going to change it."

Xu An clapped his hands, and Ti Qi, who had already been guarded by the Eagle Wolf, hung up a huge map.

This map shows the nine counties of Bingzhou, the two counties of Youzhou, the Hedong County of Sili, and the [-] counties of Liangzhou, a total of [-] counties.

"First of all, Shuofang's defense zone is abolished, and the western Xianbei is eliminated, so Shuo conveniently doesn't need to hoard a large number of troops."

"Secondly, change the defense area to the military area. From now on, the defense area will be called the military area. The chief officer of the military area will be called Bing Bei Dao."

"Military preparations are divided into military affairs, training guards and local civilians, arresting thieves and suppressing civil unrest, supervising local troops, managing local troops, money, food, and farming, and maintaining local law and order."

"Bing Bei Dao asks about punishments, prohibits rape and abuse, and supervises local powers. You can directly submit secret letters to me across the Central Military Office."

"Liangzhou has only one military region, tentatively named Dingbei Military Region. Zhang Yan is in charge of Dingbei Military Region, and Liu Yan in Yizhou is not the leader. He retreats to one place, only seeking self-protection, and has no ambition to dominate the world. , you only need to guard Dong Zhuo in Guanzhong."

"The scope of the Liangzhou Military Region is the southern part of Anding County and Beidi County. The fixed number of troops is [-]. During wartime, it is subject to the control of the prefecture of the state."

Xu An implemented military and political separation in Taiping Daozhong County, and the county guards and county magistrates cannot manage the army of this county or county.

However, the state herdsmen can still manage the army, and now there are as many as [-] troops directly under Yan Zhong's command. If the troops of the counties and states in Liangzhou are counted, they are approaching the [-] army mark.

In times of peace and prosperity, it is natural for the states to separate the military from the government, but now that we are in troubled times, the separation of the military from the government will actually seriously slow down the response.

Taking the Ming Dynasty as an example, during wartime, senior officials were temporarily appointed as supervisors, with greater power in hand, in order to deal with the war.

For example, Yang He is the governor of Ningxia, Yansui, and Gansu, and can be called the supervisor of the three sides; Lu Xiangsheng is the prime minister of the military affairs of Sichuan, Shaanxi, Huguang and other seven provinces, and supervises the seven provinces.Yuan Chonghuan supervised Ji Liao.

However, the power of the state pastor is too heavy, which is feasible in wartime, but it is not conducive to long-term stability.

The chaotic times at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty were largely caused by Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty following Liu Yan's advice and changing the prefecture.

The existence of the military region is also to curb the power of the state pastor.

Xu An's gaze rested on Xu Huang's body.

"The former Bingbei Road of the Shangjun Military Region was taken over by Guo Tai, and the original Bingbei Road of the Hedong Military Region was taken over by Gong Ming."

Yan Zhong looked sideways slightly, looking at Xu Huang who was on the side.

Xu Huang was considered the first general to submit to Xu An. Xu An has always entrusted Xu Huang with important tasks. Xu Huang played a pivotal role in the main battles of the Yellow Turban Army in Kuicheng, Fenshui, Shuofang, Youzhou, and Jizhou.

This time in the attack on Liangzhou, Xu Huang led an army alone to take Wuwei from the south, and drove straight all the way. In Jincheng County, he killed two generals, Ma Wan and Yang Qiu.

If one were to say who is the most general-like and most experienced commander among the current Yellow Turban Army, then there is absolutely no mistake in recommending Xu Huang.

Xu Huang is frugal and prudent, he is rigorous in running the army, he has his own style, and he is calm and unhurried in command. Even Xu An once praised Xu Huang as Zhou Yafu.

Regarding the ability to recognize people, Yan Zhong never doubted Xu An since Zhang Liao and Hao Zhao.

The reason why Yan Zhong looked sideways was not that he thought Xu Huang was incompetent, but that Xu An's arrangement made Yan Zhong think more.

Xu An was planning to use troops in Liangzhou this time. After the strategy was finalized, the first order was to set up the Shuofang defense area and let Xu Huang lead the army to guard Shuofang.

And now Xu An transferred Guo Tai, who had been guarding Hedong County for many years, to Shangjun, with Xu Huang as the supervisor of Hedong Military Region.

Xu An's actions before joining forces are somewhat thought-provoking.

Yan Zhong thought about Jia Xu who was on the side and glanced at it, and at this time Jia Xu happened to also look at Yan Zhong.

The two looked at each other, Yan Zhong saw Jia Xu's face, and knew that Jia Xu should know.

Seeing Yan Zhong's inquiring gaze, Jia Xu nodded slightly. Yan Zhong understood and looked away.

It seems that Xu An has some different thoughts about the land of Sili.

Both Zhang Yan and Guo Tai are veteran generals in the Yellow Turban Army, their ability to command the army is not bad, it is more than enough to lead an army alone.

Beidi, Anding, Shangjun, and Hedong.

Yan Zhong narrowed his eyes slightly, and the four counties were connected by him. He already had a plan in his heart, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Xiliang is famous for its bravery and bravery. Liangzhou's big horses run rampant all over the world. Liangzhou's owls, thieves and bandits are eliminated, and owls [chī tiáo] are graceful, fearful and murderous. I have sent Lingqi Chuan to the thirteen counties of Liangzhou to call The elite of the thirteen counties of Liangzhou performed martial arts in Ji County."

"[-] people were selected for the performance of martial arts, and they were named 'Xiliang', and they were listed alongside the five battalions of Xiaoqi, Wuxiang, Bingzhou, Shanggu, and Duliao."

Youzhou Tuqi and Bingzhou Bow Riders were both famous for a while, but compared to them, Xiliang Riders can both charge and shoot.

Liangzhou is close to the Western Regions, so there is no shortage of famous horses, and the breed of horses has also been improved. The elite cavalry under the command of Ma Teng and Han Sui rode much taller horses than ordinary cavalry.

After Ma Teng and Han Sui were defeated, a large number of soldiers surrendered, and tens of thousands of horses were also intercepted by Xu An.

Xu An naturally had no reason to take back the horses he got. Most of these horses were handed over to Yan Zhong by Xu An to replenish the consumption of his cavalry.

Before this, more than [-] of the best war horses among this large group of war horses had been selected to be used as war horses for the Xiliang camp.

With the addition of the Xiliang Camp, Xu An's direct cavalry would reach around [-].

This also means that in terms of cavalry, there is no one in the world who can go the other way.

After Dong Zhuo's elite Xiliang cavalry experienced several defeats, there were only more than [-] left.

However, Gongsun Zan's Baima Yicong had only a few hundred men, and the elite soldiers under his command had also been consumed in repeated battles, but it was already less than the number of ten thousand.

Equipped with new harnesses, the elite cavalry of the Yellow Turban Army will teach the Han army on the battlefield what is meant by real cavalry.

"The Liangzhou tripod has been cast, the mother tripod has been sent to Bingzhou Jinyang, and the son tripod is still in Ji County. On June [-], after offering sacrifices to Huang Tian in Liangzhou, I will set off to return to Bingzhou."

Facing Yan Zhong, Xu An spoke solemnly.

"Liangzhou, I'll leave it to Mr. Yan."

Yan Zhong bowed slightly and bowed his head in salute.

"I will live up to the entrustment of Duke Ming."

Xu An's eyes were bright.

Xiliang was pacified, and on the chessboard, the big dragon belonging to Taiping Dao had completely recovered.

 Today is two in one, and I am about to enter the next volume.

  The estimated number of words in this book is about [-] million. I have never written such a long novel. Now every chapter I write is a new record for me. Don’t criticize me if the estimate is inaccurate. Old glass heart.

(End of this chapter)

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