Chapter 603
In the second year of Chuping (191), July.

The situation of the confrontation in the Central Plains appeared in January this year, and it has been five months since then.
Six months, just half a year, this time is not too long.

But in six months, the situation in the Central Plains has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Just when Xu An appeased the Qiang and Hu tribes in Dingding, Liangzhou, and soon after he arrived in Jinyang, the fighting among the heroes of the Central Plains has also entered a fever pitch.

In the past six months, the disputes in the Central Plains have not stopped for almost a moment.

In the second year of Chuping, March [-]th.

The Yanzhou army, which had experienced defeat in the first battle, was assembled again.

Under the leadership of Chen Qun, the governor of Yanzhou, the [-] Yanzhou Army launched another attack on the Taishan Yellow Turban Army that besieged Lu County, the Jibei National Government.

Tens of thousands of Chen soldiers of the Taishan Yellow Turban Army were in the south of Lu County, and Chen Qun led the Yanzhou Army in the west. The two sides lined up on the field and fought.

The two armies fought fiercely for many days, and the Taishan Yellow Turban Army suffered repeated defeats.

Many of the Yanzhou soldiers under Chen Qun were elites from Yuzhou left behind by Sun Jian, who had followed Sun Jian all the way to the north and south.

Sun Jian left these soldiers to Chen Qun, initially to guard against Yuan Shao in the north, but unexpectedly, Yuan Shao did not attack first, but the Yellow Turban Army entrenched in Mount Tai attacked first.

The composition of Taishan Yellow Turbans is complicated, and it is composed of Yellow Turbans from the four prefectures of Yan, Qing, Xu, and Henan who did not keep up with the migration of large troops.

Xu An had no way to control the Taishan Yellow Turban Army. In order to cover the Yellow Turban uprising in the four states, they moved thousands of miles. Almost all the Eagle Wolf Guards in the Taiping Road of the four states came to the front of the stage. This also led to the unprecedented weakness of the Eagle Wolf Guard in the four states. .

In Taishan County, there is only one guard belonging to the Eagle Wolf Guard, and there are only seven people in the entire Taishan Eagle Guard.

Xu An's current contact with the Taishan Yellow Turban Army is almost zero due to the distance of the road and the blockade of the princes from all over the country.

The current leader of the Taishan Yellow Turban Army is named Lu Sheng, who used to be the Sima of the Yellow Turban Army in Gepi, Yuzhou, and followed Ji Ang.

However, when heading to Pingyuan County in Qingzhou, he was intercepted by the Yuzhou Army. Although he won in the end, Lu Sheng was seriously injured.

The medical conditions in the Yellow Turban Army were extremely poor. In the end, there was nothing to do. Lu Sheng, the rest of the wounded soldiers, and more than ten soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army were left in the mountains.

No one knew how many days had passed, the wounds on Lu Sheng's body had scabbed over, and he was pulled back from the brink of death.

But at this time, the large force has gone.

After several long journeys, they were farther and farther away from the main force, and officers and soldiers from all counties were chasing and intercepting them.

Lu Sheng led dozens of soldiers under his command, all the way north from Lu State to Taishan County.

There were more and more Yellow Turban soldiers who did not keep up with the large forces along the road, and they all stayed behind for various reasons.

Hundreds of thousands of people have been transferred, it is really difficult to cover everything.

Lu Sheng collected these Yellow Turbans, and the troops gradually expanded.

At this time, news came that the main force of the Yellow Turban Army from the Four States had crossed the Yellow River, and Lu Sheng also understood that they had no hope of keeping up with the large army.

However, Lu Sheng did not give up, because at that time, there were more than [-] people following him. These [-] people were old and weak, old and young, and he could not give up.

So Lu Sheng settled down at the junction of Taishan County and Langya Country.

The main force of the Yellow Turban Army in Sizhou left, and at this time the Han army in Sizhou also launched a suppression campaign.

Lu Sheng's reputation has also become more and more loud under the encirclement and suppression again and again. Most of the top Yellow Turban Army leaders in the four states have almost joined the transfer team of the Yellow Turban Army in the four states. The Yellow Turban Army stranded in various places has no leader. Gave them a meager hope.

Then, more and more people defected to Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng also gathered more than [-] people under his command.

Lu Sheng was entrenched in the mountainous area, and the Han army was difficult to destroy. After several failures, Zang Ba was unwilling to lose his strength at that time, so he commanded the Xuzhou army to stand still, and the Yanzhou army saw that the Xuzhou army did not move, and did not want to be that early bird .

In this way, the remnants of the Yellow Turban Army of the Four States were preserved logically, and even continued to grow and develop.

Everything that happened after that was very simple. When Sun Jian made a northern expedition to Yanzhou, the Tiqi of the Eagle Guard sent news at the right time, which also gave Lu Sheng an opportunity.

Lu Sheng took the opportunity to lead the Yellow Turban Army to attack Taishan County. There were only [-] Han troops stationed in Taishan County. Lu Sheng had been active in the Taishan Mountain area for a long time. The previous large-scale attacks were also aimed at Xuzhou, not Yanzhou. , so they are somewhat slack.

Because of laziness and lack of military strength, Taishan County was captured by Lu Sheng without any suspense.

At this time, Yanzhou was in chaos, and Taishan County was easily occupied by Lu Sheng under such circumstances.

Afterwards, Lu Sheng arranged the defense calmly, and then Dong Zhuo sent a large army out of Hangu Pass to attack the eight passes of Luoyang. Sun Jian could only lead his troops back, and he had no energy to manage the Yellow Turban Army entrenched in Taishan County.

As a result, the Taishan Yellow Turban Army grew stronger and stronger, and Lu Sheng's methods were much more radical than Xu An's.

For the sake of military resources and food and grass, the powerful families in Taishan County were almost killed by Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng distributed a large amount of land to the poor farmers, as well as those who worked hard for liberation, and then told the government of Taishan County to open a warehouse to release grain, which gained the hearts of the people, and a large number of Taishan County residents joined the Yellow Turban Army. among.

This time to attack Jibei Kingdom, Lu Sheng assembled a huge team of more than [-] people.

After the defeat of the Yanzhou Army, almost all the cities and towns of Jibei Kingdom were occupied by Lu Sheng, only Lu County, the governing place, remained.

Jinbei Prime Minister Bao Xin led the last [-] Han soldiers to defend the city.

However, Chen Qun didn't know that the reason why Lu County survived was not because of Bao Xin's perseverance, but because of Lu Sheng's sharp fangs.

March fourteenth.

Under the leadership of Chen Qun, the Yanzhou Army defeated the Taishan Yellow Turban Army led by Lu Sheng again.

This time, Lu Sheng failed to gather generals, and the Taishan Yellow Turban Army fell into collapse, and the army formation disintegrated.

Chen Qun naturally didn't want to let go of such an opportunity, and immediately ordered his generals to pursue the victory.

In Chen Qun's view, the Taishan Yellow Turban Army was just relying on its large number of people. The repeated defeats in the past few days had made the Taishan Yellow Turban Army frightened, and the defeat of the Taishan Yellow Turban Army was a matter of course.

Taking advantage of the victory to pursue is the opportunity to defeat the Taishan Yellow Turban Army in one fell swoop and recover Taishan County.

However, Cao Cao discovered a clue and persuaded Chen Qun to withdraw his troops. He discovered that the Taishan Yellow Turban did not seem to be using his troops with all his strength in the past few days.

Although Chen Qun was suspicious because of this, the Taishan Yellow Turban Army did not seem to be a feint. After hesitating, he still sent troops to pursue, but left behind Cao Cao's subordinates.

After chasing for less than ten miles, scouts reported that a large group of enemy troops suddenly appeared on their flank in the south of Lu County.

The Han army that was soon pursuing was also attacked by a new force. This new force was completely different from the yellow scarf army, and they were very brave. They were all wearing the standard armor of the Han army.

Attacked from both sides, the Yanzhou army was defeated, and the army formation was dispersed by surprise.

Chen Qun, the governor of Yanzhou, was in deep siege and was shot by Liu Ya. Cao Cao led his generals to rescue Chen Qun, but the defeat was irreversible.

In the end, only more than [-] Yanzhou troops returned to the rich city of Dongping.

March [-]th.

The Taishan Yellow Turban Army broke through the Jibei Kingdom.

Chen Qun also learned where the strange reinforcements came from.

The reinforcements of the Taishan Yellow Turban Army are Zang Ba who is now entrenched in the northern border of Xuzhou and attached to Yuan Shao.

Attacked from both sides, the Yanzhou army was defeated, and the army formation was dispersed by surprise.

Chen Qun, the governor of Yanzhou, was in deep siege and was shot by Liu Ya. Cao Cao led his generals to rescue Chen Qun, but the defeat was irreversible.

In the end, only more than [-] Yanzhou troops returned to the rich city of Dongping.

March [-]th.

The Taishan Yellow Turban Army occupied the entire territory of Jibei State.

The arrow wound on Chen Qun's body festered, and his high fever persisted. Cao Cao could only be ordered to lead the Yanzhou army to defend the city in the face of danger.

March [-]rd.

The Yellow Turban Army on Mount Tai failed to attack for three days in a row. When reinforcements from the Yanzhou Army arrived, Lu Sheng led his troops back.

The war in Yanzhou came to an end, but the wars in Qingzhou, Yangzhou, Youzhou, and Yuzhou did not subside.

The Yanzhou War involving hundreds of thousands of people was only the prelude to the chaos in the second year of Chuping.

May [-]th.

Less than [-] days after the end of the Yanzhou War, a great war also broke out in Youzhou.

In the previous February, Chen Du sent envoys to Youzhou.

Gongsun Zan had captured Liu Yu at that time, and when the envoy arrived, he falsely accused Liu Yu of wanting to claim the title of honor with Yuan Shao and intending to rebel, and when he fought Yuan Shao before, he cut off food and refused to help.

Gongsun Zan coerced the envoy sent by Chen Du to behead Liu Yu.

Therefore, Sun Jin, Zhang Yi, Zhang Zan and others in Changshan were loyal and indignant. They met each other and cursed Gongsun Zan. Gongsun Zan beheaded them together. This action also angered all the powerful families in Youzhou.

Gongsun Zan detained the envoy, and demanded that he be named a former general and Marquis of Yi, and send a ship to deliver military aid.

It was not until the envoy agreed, that the envoy was released and returned to Chendu.

Liu Yu's generosity and benevolence won the hearts of the people. Whether it is the people of Youzhou or the barbarians in the north, they all mourn.

After Gongsun Zan occupied Youzhou, he became more and more arrogant. He didn't care about the common people.

Liu Yu was killed, shaking the Northern Territory.

In April, Liu Yu's subordinates, Yuyang Xianyufu, Qi Zhou, Qi Duwei Xianyuyin and others raised troops in the northern part of Yuyang County, vowing to avenge Liu Yu.

After Xianyufu raised his troops, he immediately got the response from Xianbei and Wuhuan ministries, and the army under his command expanded rapidly. When he arrived at Luhe, there were already tens of thousands of Han soldiers and Hu soldiers under his command.

Gongsun Zan's Yuyang prefect Zou Dan led the resistance, and the two sides fought north of the Lu River. Xianyufu defeated Gongsun Zan's army and Yuyang prefect Zou Dan died in battle.

Gongsun Zan was unpopular, and Wuhuan of the three prefectures had long been dissatisfied with him. Yuyang County's beacon fire suddenly broke out, and King Wuhuan Qiao also led his tribe and more than [-] Xianbei cavalry to rebel.
King Qiao of Wuhuan joined forces with Xianyu Fu and went south to attack Zhuojun.

Gongsun Zan then led the army to the north, intending to wipe out the rebels in Youzhou first, and then attack Yuan Shao.

But at this time Yuan Shao had reached a consensus with Wuhuan Qiaowang and Xianyufu through his intelligence agency, Qimei, in order to lure Gongsun Zan to go north to rescue Zhuojun.

Yuan Shao handed over all the elite under his command to Qu Yi, and ordered Qu Yi to march from Bohai County.

The armies of Gongsun Zan and King Huanqiao and Xian Yufu met in Baoqiu, and a great battle broke out between the two sides.

At the time of the fierce battle, Qu Yi led the army to arrive, and Gongsun Zan's army was defeated and defeated. In the battle of Baoqiu, Yuan Shao's army beheaded more than [-] ranks.

Guangyang and You Beiping each killed Gongsun Zan's chief, and joined forces with Xian Yufu.

Gongsun Zan was defeated repeatedly in battles, but his trilogy fell apart, unable to fight against him at all, so he had to lead the remnants back to Yi County to hold on.

Gongsun Zan suffered repeated defeats and felt that he had no hope of fighting for hegemony. He could not hold out in Yi County and set up farms to protect himself.

In the same month, on the [-]th.

Sun Jian's troops left Zhiyuan Pass and fought with Xu Rong's two armies at Yin, Henan.

Xu Rong's army was [-], and Sun Jian's army was [-]. The two sides competed endlessly around Yanshi, Gongxian, and Gou's.

Zhou Ang, the governor of Yuzhou under Yuan Shao's command, also led eight thousand troops to help.

May [-]th.

After a long battle to no avail, the soldiers on both sides showed fatigue, but neither side wanted to retreat easily.

The ownership of the three cities determines the ownership of Luoyang.

These three cities are very important to both Sun Jian and Dong Zhuo.

Xu Rong finally made up his mind at this time, and showed his last hole card.

Chen Bing, south of Yanshi, confronted Sun Jian.

Sun Jian also mobilized heavy troops, and a big battle broke out between the two sides in Yanshi.

Xu Rong commanded the Xiliang army to march forward step by step. Although there were many newly recruited soldiers in the Xiliang army, Dong Zhuo occupied the rich land of Sili, and the military equipment under his command was better than that of Yuzhou soldiers under Sun Jian's command. There are many recruits, and there are also many newly recruited soldiers under Sun Jian's command.

The scale of the battlefield slowly tilted towards the side of the Xiliang army.

The Nanyang soldiers under Yuan Shu's command were the first to collapse. Nanyang County is rich and has a large population, but it is also because of this that the soldiers from Nanyang County have a little weak willpower. Most of them are soldiers who have not experienced many battles.

Xu Rong did not give up the opportunity, and immediately dispatched Hua Xiong to lead the elite Xiliang cavalry to attack Yuan Shu's Nanyang soldiers.

The news of the new harness had leaked out at this time. It had been six or seven months since the Battle of Liangzhou, and there was no impenetrable wall in the world.

Although the Xiliang cavalry led by Hua Xiong were not equipped with a complete set of new-style harness like the main cavalry of the Yellow Turban Army, they were basically equipped with double-footed stirrups.

The elite Xiliang cavalry defeated the Nanyang army formation in an instant. The stirrups on both feet made it easier for the knights to manipulate the horses and exert better force, which also greatly increased the impact of the cavalry.

The Nanyang army collapsed, and Sun Jian's heart was ashamed.

Once the Nanyang soldiers are completely defeated, then everything will stop, and the Luoyang area will fall into Dong Zhuo's hands again.

But at this time, Yuan Shu's performance was beyond Sun Jian's expectation.

At the critical moment, Yuan Shu did not retreat, but commanded his personal guards to fight back.

The Xiliang cavalry dispersed the front line of the Nanyang soldiers, and the charge had already slowed down.

Yuan Shu commanded his personal guards to shoot with powerful crossbows, and the Xiliang cavalry's charge was hindered. For the personal guards under his command, Yuan Shu did not spare any money.

All the personal guards under his command are wearing heavy armor, carrying strong shields, and equipped with sharp halberds. They are all selected strong and brave men.

Even if the rest of the army collapsed, Yuan Shu's personal guards did not collapse.

Xiliang rode in front of Yuan Shu's army of guards and got hit with a bloody head.

Yuan Shu put on his helmet and smashed his armor, and went into battle with his long halberd to kill the enemy. Finally, he awakened the courage of the remaining Nanyang soldiers, and the battle situation was stabilized again.

But Sun Jian seized this fleeting opportunity and blocked Hua Xiong's way.

Hua Xiong was caught off guard and was beheaded by Sun Jian in the formation, and the Xiliang Cavalry collapsed as a result.

The Zhonglang general Zhang Ji who came to the rescue was captured alive by an unknown Han general on the way.

At that time Zhang Ji was surrounded by dozens of armored cavalry, but none of them could stop the Han general.

The general Nahan rushed into the formation, and immediately dragged Zhang Ji off his horse. Zhang Ji's personal guards and his subordinates were also scattered by the Yuzhou soldiers who came later.

In the blink of an eye, the offensive and defensive momentum has changed.

Fortunately, the leader of the Xiliang Army is Xu Rong.

Xu Rong made a decisive decision, the strong man broke his wrist, and immediately ordered the abandonment of Yanshi City, commanded the army to leave the battlefield, and then took every step to stop the defeat, and finally led more than [-] remnant soldiers back to Luoyang City.

 The Yellow Turban is an important branch line, and the envoys sent to Gongsundu before are from the same branch line.

  The Han general who appeared at the end, everyone can guess who it is. Tip: In history, this person once shocked Huairu and served Cao Cao.

(End of this chapter)

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