The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 606 Hanoi?

Chapter 606 Hanoi?

Now the situation in the world is gradually becoming clearer.

The two prefectures of Yizhou and Jiaozhou are irrelevant and are in a semi-independent state. Liu Yan and Shi Xie have not yet sorted out their internal affairs.

The situation in Yizhou is complicated. In the original time and space, although Yizhou was not threatened by too many foreign aggressions, there were not many internal strife. There was an uprising of the Yellow Turban Army and Maxiang before, and then there was a rebellion by Jialong.

After Liu Yan died of illness, his son Liu Zhang took control of Yizhou, and there were rebellions by Shen Mi, Lou Fa, Gan Ning and others, and then Dongzhou soldiers rebelled, Zhao Wei rebelled, and the civil strife in Yizhou seemed to never end.

Xu An stared at the huge map in front of him. Jia Xu and Xu You stood beside Xu An.

Now Taiping Road occupies the [-] counties of Liangzhou and Bingzhou, as well as Dai County and Shanggu County of Youzhou, and Hedong County of Sili Xiaowei Department. There are also many Changshan Kingdoms and Zhongshan Kingdoms in Jizhou. The place is occupied and controlled by Taipingdao.

From the original small area in the middle of the Taihang Mountains, to Shangdang, then to Bingzhou, and then to the current cross-state and Lianjun County, Hububei, occupying [-] counties, with four million people.

Now that Liangzhou was captured, Yizhou was also exposed to the front of the Yellow Turban Army, and Dong Zhuo's place in Guanzhong was also surrounded by Xu An from the east, west, and north at the same time.

Xu An was hesitating where the Yellow Turban Army should attack after the rest.


But the current Yizhou is not the land of Bashu in later generations.

The traffic in Yizhou is difficult now, and there are natural dangers.

The road to Shu is difficult, and it is difficult to go to the blue sky. It is not a lie, but a very true portrayal.

The old saying goes:
Before the world was in chaos, Shu was in chaos first, and the world was ruled after Shu.

Although this sentence is not for the whole team, it also reflects how difficult the traffic in Shu is.

Now Yizhou Mu is still Liu Yan, and Liu Yan is not a good person.

In the original time and space, the Han Empire experienced the Yellow Turban Uprising, and after a series of changes, the regime declined and the world was in chaos.

Liu Yan put forward a major suggestion to the imperial court that would affect history, that is, use the clan and important ministers as state shepherds, override the governors and prefects in the local area, and monopolize the power to stabilize the people.

Liu Hong, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, adopted this suggestion, but the result was the formation of warlords in various regions. After taking office, the prefects including Liu Yan were basically no longer under the control of the court.

The reason why Liu Yan contributed this strategy was to lead the southernmost Jiaozhou first and seek development.

But later Liu Yan asked the imperial court to be the shepherd of Yizhou because Dong Fu said that Yizhou had the spirit of the emperor.So Liu Yan was appointed as the envoy of the supervising army and the shepherd of Yizhou, and he was granted the title of Marquis of Yangcheng, and ordered him to go to Yizhou to arrest Xi Jian and rectify the administration of officials.

Liu Yan made more chariots and chariots, all of which were made according to the emperor's specifications.

Later, Liu Biao, the shepherd of Jingzhou, spoke to the court, saying that Liu Yan "has the theory that Zixia doubted the saint in Xihe."

What Liu Yan is doing now is not too different from the original time and space.

Liu Yan is a man with ulterior motives, he has the heart of a king, and he also has good means.

Under the great chaos in the Central Plains, tens of thousands of refugees from Nanyang and Sanfu entered Yizhou. Liu Yan collected them all and called them "Dongzhou Soldiers".

Liu Yan has now occupied Yizhou for three years. Ma Xiang was killed, and Ren Qi and Jia Long were also killed by Liu Yan. It was the time when his reputation was at its peak.

To attack Yizhou at this time, I am afraid that Liu Yan will forcefully obstruct it, and even cause a fierce counterattack.

A big killer like a counterweight catapult is basically useless in the land of Bashu. The passes in the land of Bashu are very steep, and it is difficult to transport such a large war machine to many places.

And to capture those passes, it is undoubtedly to fill them with life. The Yellow Turban Army does not have that much force to fill in Yizhou, and the situation does not allow Xu An to fill them with lives.

It is not feasible to capture Yizhou now.

It is now the second year of Chuping (191). In the original time and space, Liu Yan died of gangrene in 194. His son Liu Zhang inherited the position of Yizhou Mu.

Yizhou and Jiaozhou are isolated from them, and the disputes in the Central Plains and the wars in the northern border will basically have no impact. Liu Yan will probably die of gangrene just like the original time and space.

In 194, that is, three years later, Liu Yan died of illness at that time, and when the regime changed, that was the best time to march into Yizhou.

The land of Hanzhong occupied by Zhang Lu can be considered.

"How about Hanzhong County?"

Xu An pointed to Hanzhong County on the Kanyu map and asked.

Although Hanzhong County nominally belongs to Yizhou, after Zhang Lu gained power in Hanzhong, he killed Zhang Xiu, the other Sima sent by Liu Yan, annexed Zhang Xiu's tribe, cut off traffic, and beheaded the Han envoy. From this, the Zhang family became enmity.

In the land of Hanzhong, as long as they face Zhang Lu's family, there are not many generals under Zhang Lu's command. Even if they stick to the pass, they will not cause too many casualties to the Yellow Turban Army.

"The land of Hanzhong, surrounded by mountains, is easier to capture than other places in Yizhou."

Jia Xu lowered his head slightly and looked towards Hanzhong County.

"Hanzhong County is difficult to attack and easy to defend. It borders Sili in the north, Yizhou in the south, and Nanyang County in Jingzhou in the east. It can threaten Nanyang, Jingzhou, and can also get a lot of people. Before the turmoil in the Central Plains, a large number of refugees flowed to Hanzhong. If Hanzhong can be occupied, these refugees can also be used by me in the Taipingdao."


Jia Xu frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice.

"Nanyang County in Jingzhou is under the control of Yuan Shu. Yuan Shu is now in charge of the military position of the rear general, and also has the post of prefect of Nanyang County. If our army can't take it in a short time and the persecution is too severe, I'm afraid..."

Before Jia Xu finished speaking, Xu An had already thought of a possibility.

If the Yellow Turban Army persecuted him too much, Zhang Lu would most likely turn to Dong Zhuo or Liu Biao and the court of Chen Du.

"Hanzhong County is temporarily considered as an area..."

Xu An clicked a circle on the map in Hanzhong County as a backup.

If you want to capture Hanzhong County, you must be fast, and you must come up with a perfect method, either to quickly capture Hanzhong County, or to prevent Zhang Lu from switching to his family.

"Zhang Daoling is the celestial master of Taoism. He passed away as an immortal in the second year of Yongshou (156). His son Zhang Heng practiced his way. Zhang Lu is the grandson of Zhang Daoling. He is a master of celestial masters and Taoism. He is now preaching in Hanzhong County."

After Xu An clicked Hanzhong County, Xu You on the side also spoke at this time.

"I thought it might be possible to send someone to Hanzhong County to check on Zhang Lu's words."

"First, although my Taiping Dao and Tianshi Dao have different ideas, they also have something in common. Maybe we can have common words. Second, Zhang Lu is now in an awkward position. Nan and Liu Yan are at odds, and because of my Taiping Dao, there is an incident. The reason is that the Han court can't tolerate preaching, if our army proposes reconciliation, maybe it also has the heart to join."

"It makes sense..."

Xu An didn't think about this, Xu You mentioned it, and Xu An thought of it.

"You are temporarily taking over the Department of Foreign Affairs, so I will leave this matter to you. In the next few days, I will select an eloquent foreign envoy from the Department of Foreign Affairs to go to Hanzhong to visit Zhang Lu. Mouth."

Xu You nodded in agreement, and then stood quietly aside.

Jia Xu glanced at Xu You slightly sideways, but didn't say anything. He and Xu You were not familiar with each other, and they didn't have much contact with each other, but it seemed that Xu An also relied heavily on Xu You.

"Jizhou and Youzhou are not easy to attack now. Yuan Shao is now strong and strong. He has just won and his morale is high. It is unwise to provoke Yuan Shao at this time, and we also need Yuan Shao to consume the strength of Hanting in Chendu. Youzhou cannot move for the time being."

"The only thing left is the land of Sili and the grassland in the northern part of Youzhou."

"Instead, we can take advantage of the changes in Youzhou to capture all the grasslands in the northern border of Youzhou, advance all the way to the western territory of Fuyu, and open up communication with Gongsundu."

Xu An's gaze stayed on the land of Sili.

As long as Xu An wants to do it, he can now let Yan Zhong, Zhang Yan, Guo Tai, and Xu Huang lead troops from Wudu County, Anding County, Shang County, and Hedong County to attack Guanzhong at the same time.

Although there are natural barriers in Guanzhong as barriers, for the Yellow Turban Army who owns counterweight catapults at this stage, these passes are actually not much different from being in vain.

Even the general brick-clad city walls of later generations could not withstand the day-to-day bombardment of counterweight trebuchets.

In order to guard against the possible invasion of the Yellow Turban Army, Dong Zhuo ordered the repairs of the passes and cities bordering the territory of the Yellow Turban Army.

Now there are more than [-] counterweight trebuchets produced in the Taihang workshop. With the maturity of the production process, the originally somewhat crude counterweight trebuchets are becoming more and more perfect. Time is much stronger.

The Taihang Mountains can provide the Yellow Turban Army with not only rich mineral resources, but also a large amount of high-quality timber

Moreover, the dedicated horse teams are now used to drag these behemoths. In addition, these behemoths can be disassembled in many places and transported by four-wheeled carriages specially designed to transport goods to achieve the effect of rapid transfer.

The land in Guanzhong is actually already in Xu An's pocket.

However, it is still too early to seize the land in Guanzhong.

In the Battle of Yanshi, Dong Zhuo's army was defeated, and only [-] people returned to Luoyang.

Then Xu Rong chose to give up the two passes of Taigu and Yique that he had already occupied, and returned to Hangu Pass with more than [-] remnants.

In the current land of Guanzhong, there are still [-] troops under Dong Zhuo's command, not including Xu Rong's.

However, [-] of them were newly recruited soldiers. During the battle with the Kwantung Allied Forces and the fierce battle with Sun Jian, a large number of veterans died in the battle. In the battle of Taigu Pass, Xiliang cavalry suffered heavy losses.

In the battle of Yanshi not long ago, another [-] Xiliang cavalry died with Hua Xiong, and only [-] remained with Xu Rong to return to the west. Now Dong Zhuo's total number of Xiliang cavalry is only [-]. Two thousand people brought back by Xu Rong.

Dong Zhuo was furious and wanted to kill Xu Rong. In the end, it was Li Ru and Dong Min who interceded and spared Xu Rong's life. However, Xu Rong was demoted from Zhonglang General to Captain. Niu Fu, who was defeated in Hedong County, was treated very differently.

Although Dong Zhuo was reinvigorated by Li Ru's influence, he didn't change his inner nature.

Zhang Yang was instigated by Jia Xu because of Dong Zhuo's prejudice, and he went north to seek refuge in Taipingdao.

With an army of [-], Dong Zhuo has many new recruits, but most of them are the forbidden troops from the Sanhe and Five Schools and the bravery of the Xiliang Army. Much better than the other princes.

The Yellow Turban Army under Xu An's command was indeed elite, but the [-] army under Dong Zhuo's command was not a waste of food, and if they entered Guanzhong, a bloody battle would be inevitable.

The Yellow Turban Army is not yet ready to face such a powerful enemy.

Xu Rong withdrew from Luoyang to Hangu Pass, and Sun Jian did not continue to advance westward. He just ordered people to clean up Luoyang and began to repair the city wall in Luoyang.

Yanshi was defeated in the first battle, and Zhou Ang, the governor of Yuzhou appointed by Yuan Shao, was also forced to withdraw from Luoyang and retreat to Hanoi County.

The Revolving Gate Pass was recaptured by Sun Jian, and only the Xiaopingjin Pass and Mengjin Pass remained in the hands of Zhou Ang from the eight Luoyang Passes.

The land in the Eight Passes is now completely occupied by Sun Jian. Sun Jian wants to rely on Luoyang City to control the entire Henan area.

Hangu Pass City Gaochigu, if you want to conquer it, I am afraid it will take the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers, and there is even a risk of defeat, and it is not just that the Yellow Turban Army is not ready to face Dong Zhuo in Guanzhong, Even Sun Jian, who had the court of Chendu as his backer, was not ready to deal with the [-] troops in the Guanzhong area.

In fact, the reason why Sun Jian won the victory in Yanshi was also due to the help of Xu An. If Xu An, who was entrenched in the northern border, threatened the safety of Guanzhong all the time and restrained most of Dong Zhuo's energy, Dong Zhuo would have dispatched him a long time ago. The army marched eastward and sent troops to Yuzhou.

Because of Xu An's presence, Dong Zhuo could not fight Sun Jian wholeheartedly.

Before Jia Xu and Xu You could speak, Sili was also expelled by Xu's arrangement.

Then there is only one place left, and that is the northern grassland of Youzhou.

Xu An's eyes moved up to the northern border of Youzhou.

"If Duke Ming is considering capturing the northern grasslands, he might as well consider this place."

While Xu An was observing the situation in Youzhou, Xu You who was at the side interrupted Xu An's thoughts.

Xu An's gaze left Youzhou, and looked at the place Xu You was pointing at.


The place Xu You was referring to was Hanoi County.

Hanoi County has a wide terrain. Although there are thousands of miles of fertile fields and rich people, it is not a good place for the Yellow Turban Army.

The current Hanoi County is almost considered the place of the Fourth World War.

Now Hanoi County is occupied by Yuan Shao. After the Battle of Yanshi, Zhou Ang, the governor of Yuzhou, led his troops back to Hanoi.

Sun Jian now occupies Luoyang, and his soldiers have already threatened Hanoi County.

In other words, once Hanoi County is captured, the Yellow Turban Army will be exposed to the front of the two major forces of the Chen Du court and the Chang'an court at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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