Chapter 607

"Now the disputes in the Central Plains are all tied to the two emperors of the East and the West. Yuan Shao and Dong Zhuo are mutual aids. They respect Liu Bian. Sun Jian and Yuan Shu walk hand in hand and respect Liu Xie. The two emperors compete for the throne. It is an endless situation. .”

"Yuan Shao has now defeated Gongsun Zan, conquered the five prefectures of Youzhou, three prefectures of Wuhuan have surrendered, the power has shocked Jiyou, crossed prefectures and prefectures, and has tens of thousands of men in armor."

Jia Xu frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Sun Jian's Yanshi defeated the army and entered Luo, and Dong Zhuo fully retracted his defense. I am afraid that he will not dare to go out of Hangu Pass in the short term. The dilemma in the west has been resolved."

"Yangzhou's bandit army has been defeated in a row, and the Eastern Army is sharp. Yangzhou will be pacified within a year, and the threat from the south is not enough."

Jia Xu walked slowly to the right, pointed to Xuzhou's location and continued.

"Zang Ba was in chaos in the north of Xuzhou, but he stopped in Donghai County. Although Tao Qian didn't know about military affairs, Xuzhou was very rich and had a large population. All powerful families had private soldiers, so it was difficult for Zang Ba to go south."

"As for Yanzhou, Chen Qun was seriously injured and stepped down as the governor of Yanzhou. The soldiers of Yanzhou were taken over by Cao Cao with full authority and stationed at the border to stop the defeat and block the route of Lu Sheng's army."

Jia Xu's hand moved slightly to the left, pointing in the direction of Yanzhou.

"The danger on the east side is temporarily gone."

"The east court is surrounded by east, west, north, south, and all threats are eliminated."

"Sun Jian's next strategy is not difficult to guess."

Xu An narrowed his eyes and looked at Kan Yutu, he knew what Jia Xu was talking about.

Yuan Shao tidied up Youzhou and resolved the threat from the northern border, so his eyes would inevitably shift accordingly.

Gongsundu and Taiping Dao will not be Yuan Shao's next target, and it is not a wise choice to attack either of these two forces.

Gongsun Du's strength is still strong, and it is not difficult to defeat, but it is completely unnecessary.

Gongsun Du is located in the borderland, where the border is bitter and cold, it is tasteless to eat, and it is a pity to discard it.

Fuyu, Goguryeo and other ministries are all in the land of Liaodong. When Gongsundu is defeated, most of them will not be able to catch Gongsundu. Once Gongsundu escapes into these two places, I am afraid that they will fall into another meaningless war.

Yuan Shao wasn't worried about losing the battle, but the loss outweighed the gain. There was no need to fight Fuyu, Goguryeo, and Gongsundu for that little place in Liaodong.

Taipingdao and Yuan Shao are even less provocative. Although Taipingdao is the most threatening, Xu An has not revealed too much hostility. The previous occupation of Zhongshan and other places was basically done when Han Fu was in power.

And in a sense, they are still allies now, but everyone tacitly knows that this relationship is a dead letter, or a dead letter that has not been put on the table.

Yuan Shao's next goal must be Yanzhou in the south, there is no doubt about it.

At the beginning, Sun Jian took advantage of the battle between Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan, and rushed to the East County of Yanzhou. In the first battle, he went down to Puyang City, defeated Liu Dai, the governor of Yanzhou, and shook the Central Plains.

Although Qingzhou is now captured by Gongsundu taking advantage of the chaos in Donglai County, his son Yuan Tan is in control of Qingzhou. Together with Zang Ba, who is an alliance in name, most places are still firmly in control.

What Yuan Shao has to do now is to go south and cross the Yellow River to capture Yanzhou.

Once Yanzhou is captured, the center of the Chen Du court will be exposed to Yuan Shao's troops.

And the threats from the east, west and south of the Chen Du court have been lifted, leaving only the north side.

A big battle enough to determine the direction of the whole world is already ready to go. No matter how magnificent words are used, it is difficult to fully describe the importance of this big battle.

Jia Xu raised his hand and pointed to the center of the map,

"East County will become the main battlefield where the eastern and western armies are fighting. This battle, no accident, will be a protracted and far-reaching decisive battle."

Xu An's face was serious.

In the original time and space, there were three great battles that determined the general situation of the world in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

These three battles are the Battle of Guandu, the Battle of Chibi, and the Battle of Yiling.

These three battles are all related to fire.

In the Battle of Guandu, a fire ignited in Wuchao, burning out Yuan Shao's [-] troops, making Cao Cao replace Yuan Shao and become the overlord of the north.

In a series of calculations, the Chibi was engulfed in flames, the masts and sculls were wiped out while talking and laughing, Cao Cao's army was defeated by Huarong Road, and the momentum of sweeping the world dissipated.

The fire in Yiling burned out Liu Bei's ambitions throughout his life, and his destiny was to abandon Han after all.

"Yuan Shao and Sun Jian have now eliminated all obstacles. Soon, the two sides will meet at the border between Chen Bing, Ji and Yan. This battle will determine who is the overlord of the Central Plains."

Jia Xu frowned and said in a low voice.

"Our army must not attack Hanoi County at this time. Once Hanoi is attacked, the fragile friendly relationship between our army and Yuan Shao will dissipate in an instant. At that time, Yuan Shao will definitely not dare to go south. He will mobilize troops from the two prefectures of Youji and Hebei. , targeting us, not Sun Jian."

"The situation in the Central Plains is so chaotic, our army really shouldn't get involved in the war in the Central Plains."

"So I think that when Sun Jian and Yuan Shao are fighting, our army should..."

When Jia Xu was speaking, there was a sudden pause, as if he suddenly thought of something, he suddenly turned his head to look at Xu You who was beside him, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Could it be..."


Xu You bowed slightly, stepped forward slowly, saluted indifferently, and then said loudly.

"Dong Zhuo's defeat in Luoyang, and being trapped in Guanzhong is nothing to fear. Yuan Shao and Sun Jian are fighting for the front in the Central Plains. There is no time for it to happen. I'm afraid there will be a war in Dongjun within a year."

"Two tigers eat cows, and they must fight for sweets. When they fight, the big one will be injured and the small one will die. If you stab them from the wound, you will have the name of two tigers!"

Xu You's eyes flickered, and his tone suddenly became sharp.

"In the battle of Yanshi, Sun Jian captured Luoyang, Xu Rong was defeated, and Zhou Ang, the governor of Yuzhou, retreated to Hanoi County. Zhou Ang's generals were no more than [-]. Although there seemed to be a large number of soldiers, why should weary soldiers be put in the teeth?"

"In the Central Plains War, perhaps some soldiers will be dispatched to support, and there will be fewer troops in Hanoi County."

Xu You pointed to Hedong County and Shangdang County.

"Taihang Eight Xing, our army accounts for seven out of eight, and only Zhiguan Xing, together with Hedong County and Hanoi County, is still under the control of the Jizhou Army, and it will be time to regain it."

"Duke Ming can secretly arrange the elite troops in Shangdang and Hedong counties in advance."

"Eagle Guard has a deep influence in Jizhou, and he can be ordered to monitor the battlefield situation. Once the victory or defeat is decided, our army will quickly attack and capture Hanoi County in one fell swoop."

Xu You's eyes brightened and he smiled.

"The land of Hanoi is rich in products, has a large population, and has thousands of miles of fertile land. It can be regarded as a foundation. It seems to be in the place of the Fourth World War. However, the east of the river in the west and the party in the north are all controlled by our army. Luoyang in the south has a small The Pingjin and Mengjin passes are thought to be dangerous, and we only need to beware of the enemy in the east."

(End of this chapter)

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