The World of Yellow Sky

Chapter 609 Wang Yun

Chapter 609 Wang Yun
The Eagle and Wolf Guards are divided into two guards, the Eagle Guards and the Wolf Guards. The Eagle Guards are outside and the Wolf Guards are inside.

There are guards of wolf guards all over the jurisdiction of Taipingdao. In the hearts of everyone, wolf guards are majestic, capable and decisive, loyal to guarding the way, and highly skilled.

However, Yingwei did not appear in most people's field of vision, even the officials, generals and schools in the army, prefectures and counties basically did not have much intersection with Yingwei.

Most of the places where they could see the Eagle Guard were either in the office of the Eagle Wolf Guard or in the intelligence office of the army.

The nature of the Eagle Guards already determines that the Eagle Guards will not be as superficial as the Wolf Guards, and with the gradual accumulation of experience, the Eagle Guards have learned how to hide themselves and how to ensure their own safety. Therefore, Yingwei acted more secretly.

Ordinary wolf guards wear eagle wolf guards that represent their status, and the eagle guards basically don't wear eagle wolf uniforms except when they are in the office or when they perform some special official duties, and many people even wear eagle wolf uniforms. No clothes.

However, the residents of Jinyang City can still see the Tiqi of the Eagle Guard on the first day of every ten days.

That day was the day when Yingwei sent the sacrificed robes into Taiping Temple.

At that time, the envoys of the Yingwei Guards will definitely be there, and the Yingwei guards in the entire Jinyang Yinglangwei Office will come out of the office to see off their dead robes.

The victims of the Eagle Guard basically died in the outskirts or in the enemy-occupied areas, and even the corpses were hard to find.

There is a stone tablet in an area in the Taiping Temple, which is specially used to commemorate the victims of the Eagle Wolf Guard.

There is a huge box behind the stele, and what is placed in the box is not the incense money donated by devout men and women, but the nameplates of the dead Eagle Guards one after another.

The records on the nameplate are extremely simple, name, place of origin, position, and nothing else.

Li Cheng, Jizhou Julu, Deputy Qianhu.

Li Cheng held the letter paper in his hand, and he remembered the scene when the person from the experience department took the nameplate from him.

He had been lurking in Xianbei in the west for about a year, and was promoted from a hundred households officer to a deputy thousand households because of his meritorious service in obtaining information. However, he had not held his new nameplate for ten days, and a new task was sent to him. on hand.

Then he ate and slept all the way, mixed with the refugees and entered Guanzhong. With the help of the Eagle Guards in Chang'an City, he gained a firm foothold in Chang'an as a ranger.

There are carved beams and painted buildings in front of him, but Li Cheng's heart is in the Taiping Temple thousands of miles away.

There are many tall stone tablets in the Taiping Temple. The names of one person after another are engraved on each of the tall stone tablets. Those people are all Taiping Taoists who died. Some of them are soldiers, some are policemen, and some are eagles Wei's Tiqi.

These people all have a common identity, and those people are his comrades and like-minded people.

Just yesterday, he received a message from the Yingwei of Chang'an City, a secret order from Jinyang.

The lights flickered, and the letter from Jinyang bearing Xu An's seal turned into a mass of ashes.

"Wang Yun..."

Li Cheng calmed down and began to think about how to complete the task set for him in the letter.

Now the court situation in Guanzhong is not as peaceful as imagined.

Not long ago, in June of the second year of Chuping (191), there was an earthquake in Bingxu.

Rumors spread in Guanzhong, saying that the reason for the earthquake was not that the emperor lost his virtue, but that there was treachery in the court, so the heavens used this as a warning.

Dong Zhuo was furious, and immediately dispatched Xuan Tingwei to arrest those who spread rumors.

When Xuan Tingwei arrested the rumorer, Li Ru was inspecting Huayin City in Hongnong County.

By the time Li Ru rushed back, Xuan Tingwei had already arrested [-] people in Chang'an City, and it became a difficult situation.

In the end, although the rumors stopped spreading, the dissatisfaction with Dong Zhuo in the hearts of the people was even deeper.

This rumor was not released by the Eagle Wolf Guard. Li Cheng knew very well that there are mixed forces in Chang'an City today. Before they could spread the rumor, someone had already started to spread the rumor.

Now there are many new faces among the rangers in Chang'an City, including the ghosts under Yuan Shao's command, and the embroidered emissaries of Chen Du.

During this incident, Wang Yun cooperated very well and gained Dong Zhuo's trust again.

But Li Ru had a bad quarrel with Dong Zhuo because of this matter.

Li Cheng gently tapped the desk with his index finger.

In fact, he has already caught up with Wang Yun's line, and now his identity is Wang Yun's retainer, or a relatively close retainer, as a personal guard.

Li Cheng pretended to be a ranger in Jizhou. The ranger is currently being imprisoned in the six-door prison. He rarely makes friends. The reason why he is being imprisoned is because several of his friends were killed by the Eagle Guards. Killed, so the money came to revenge, and was captured and put in prison.

His identity happened to be replaced by Li Cheng. In the six-door prison, after being tortured, the ranger told all the things about himself like beans pouring out of a bamboo tube. He didn't come here at all Bloody bravery at the time of revenge.

When Li Cheng was sent to Chang'an, the instruction given by Yingwei was to get as close to Wang Yun as possible.

Relying on his outstanding martial arts and good conversation, Li Cheng stood out from the crowd, and because of his outstanding martial arts, Li Cheng also got the opportunity to accompany him.

The information above the Chang'an court has never been a secret, and Yingwei has also obtained a lot of useful information.

In the first year of Chuping (190), Sili Xiaowei Huang Wan, Shangshu Zheng Gongye and Wang Yun walked very close
Later Qiang school lieutenant Yang Zan received Wang Yunbao's power to envoy General Zuo. At the same time, Wang Yun also recommended Sun Rui, a Jinwu warrior, as Nanyang prefect.

It is worth mentioning that Wang Yun's recommendation of scholar Sun Rui seems to have aroused Dong Zhuo's suspicion. Dong Zhuo finally rejected Wang Yun's decision and left scholar Sun Rui in Chang'an.

You must know that after Dong Zhuo entered Meiwu, he handed over most of the political affairs to Wang Yun. When Wang Yun was most favored, he even acted as Dong Zhuo's agent in the court with full power. Dong Zhuo seldom withdrew the orders that Wang Yun had issued. After all, what Wang Yun did basically made Dong Zhuo comfortable.

As a result of this incident, Wang Yun re-drawn the list, selected scholar Sun Rui as servant, and promoted Yang Zan as minister.

In the second year of Chuping (191).

Dong Zhuo enfeoffed Wang Yun as Marquis of Wen, with five thousand households in the city, and he even paid more attention to Li Ru than Li Ru.

Li Cheng occasionally traveled with Wang Yun, and what he saw was basically the powerful officials in the court, combined with other information obtained by the Eagle Guards, he also knew something about what Wang Yun was doing.

"In planning and strategizing, the decisive victory is thousands of miles away..."

Li Cheng suddenly remembered a passage he had learned in Yinglangwei's literacy class. This sentence was quite in line with the current situation.

 Cold knowledge: Wang Yun is also Wen Hou.

(End of this chapter)

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